Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

ei bi: si: di: i: ef d3ei

eit∫ ai d3ei kei el em en

pi: kju: a: ( r ) es ti: ju:

vi: dabju: eks wai zed

My name is : ANGGA
It’s spells like : ei en d3ei d3ei ei
I’m from : PARE
It’s spells like : pi: ei a:(r) i:
Pronunciation ( prə’nΛnsi’ei∫n )
Suatu letupan kata yang bisa memperjelas suatu kalimat atau suatu kata.

The phonetic symbol di bagi menjadi 4 bagian, meliputi :

1. Vowels
2. Consonant
3. Final little
4. Stress ( ‘ )

1. Vowel
Adalah Kegemparan yang terditeksi atau di dengar oleh telinga yang di timbulkan oleh getaran udara. Vowel di bagi menjadi 3, yaitu :

 Lax / Short / : ə, e, I, Λ,
 Tense / Long / : ǽ, a:, i:,
 Glide / Diphthong / : ei, ai, əu, au, iə, eə, uə

2. Consonant
Consonant di bagi menjadi 2, meliputi :

 Voiceless / Letupan berat atau cepat /
Bisa disebut No buzzing sound, meliputi :
P, K, F, S, ∫, T, θ, H, T∫
 Voiced / Letupan kalem atau panjang /
Bisa disebut Buzzing sound, meliputi :
B, D, G, D3, I, M, N, R, V, W, J, Z, З, ð, ŋ

3 . Final little
Panjang / Santai / apabila FL Voiced
Pendek / Cepat / apabila FL Voiceless

4 . Stress [ ‘ ]

 Vowel : Lax, Tense, and Glide

- Lax / Short Meliputi :

ə : ago, a way, paper, abashed, ablaze, baboon, await
e : ten, pen, cell, dead, able, bale, base
I : sit, win, big, hit, devise, develop, dig
Λ : cup, up, shut, come, drum, drunk, dump
: got, not, mop, dog, doll, dominate, donkey
U : put, good, look, could, push, pussy, rook

- Tense / Long Meliputi :

ǽ : back, plan, cat, match, abacus, abbot, carat
a: : car, heart, laugh, march, card, arm, scar
: Saw, wall, ball, call, scorn, score, daunting
U: : too, moon, mood, moo, room, roof, fool, food
: Bird, sir, birth, shirt, fur, gurgle, purgatory
i: : see, meet, knee, seat, peek, peel, peak

- Glide / Diphthong Meliputi :

ai : bike, wine, nine, night, buy, five
əu : joke, note, hope, know, no, ghost
: Boy, join, boil, spoil, coin, point
iə : near, hear, tear, ear, beer, deer
eə : care, dare, share, pare, glare, bare
uə : tour, tow, total, cure, curious, pure

 Consonant : Voiceless and Voiced

- Voiceless
P : park, pack, stop, happy, pal, packet, pad
K : cute, milk, can, cake, call, callus, dark
F : few, free, deaf, coffee, for, fake, fall
S : sing, sun, pass, say, sack, suck, sad
∫ : wish, fashion, cash, sheep, shy, she
T : town, two, time, twice, tab, table, what
Θ : think, birth, thrust, thin, thanks, theft
H : hear, head, behave, who, hell, hair, hack
t∫ : cheap, cheese, teacher, rich, teach, chin

- Voiced
B : back, tub, rubber, big, ball, rabbit,
D : down, red, did, had, glad, date
G : gate, gun, got, league, gallery, game
d3 : jeep, juice, major, large, majority, majesty
l : lake, sell, look, leg, kill, little
M : mouse, mine, swim, lamp, germ, maybe
N : name, night, snow, gone, knee, nail
R : run, rain, write, draw, rail, radio
V : view, over, never, ever, value, vast
W : wet, when, one, once, why, what
J : yellow, year, use, new, used, usual
Z : zeal, size, rise, freezer, is, zero
: Television, decision, garage, garbage, vision, vestige
ð : with, that, other, that, then, thank
ŋ : king, wrong, strong, sink, kingdom, denigrate

Seat Sit
Feel Fill
Sheep Ship
Field Filled
Sleep Slip

1. < a > You can’t sleep on the floor.
< b > You can’t slip on the floor.

Bed Bad
Bend Band
Guess Gas
Head Had
Send Sand

1. < a > Drive slowly ! There’s a bend
< b > Drive slowly ! There’s a band

Bag bug
Bat but
Cat cut
Lamp lump
Hat hut

1. < a > What do you think of my hat ?
< b > What do you think of my hut ?

Bus Boss
Color Collar
Duck Dock
Shut Shot
Cut Cot

1. < a > His color was blue
< b > His collar was blue

Debt Date
Get Gate
Let Late
Met Mate
Men Main

1. < a > Don’t for get your debts
< b > Don’t for get your date

Own On
Road Rod
Won’t Want
Coat Cot
Hope Hop

1. < a > The fish is at the end of the road
< b > The fish is at the end of the roa

/ Regular Verb /
“ Ed “ from “ t “ : Di awali oleh “ VLc “ eg : Stopped : t
“ d “ : Di awali oleh “ Vc “ eg : Called : d
“ Id “ : Di awali oleh “ t or d ? eg : Needed : Id

‘ t ‘ Preceded by VL
Except / t / ‘ d ‘ Preceded by V
Except / d / ‘ Id ‘ precede t or d
P Stopped
K Parked
F Stuffed
S Kissed
∫ Washed
t / Exception /
t∫ Watched
H / None / b Robbed
d / Exception /
g Begged
d3 Changed
l Killed
m Climbed
n Opened
r Prepared
v Loved
w Showed
j Destroyed
z Buzzed
3 Massaged
Ð Breathed
Ŋ Belonged

t Tempted

d Demanded
Past Tense

 Listen Listened
 Study Studied
 Help Helped
 Stop Stopped
 Ask Asked
 Live Lived
 Watch Watched
 Walk Walked
 Spend Spent
 Elect Elected
 Demand Demanded
 Need Needed
 Want Wanted

Connected Speech Makes Past Tense Clear
Watched her / Watch – ter
Planned It / Plan – did
Waited Until / Waited – duntil
Asked him / Ask – tim
Spent it / Spend – tit
Stopped at / Stop – tat
Walked away / Walk – taway
Worked until / Work – tuntil
Looked after / Look – tafter
Lived at / Live – dat

THE Pronunciation of / to /

1. Certain verbs and adjective are followed by infinitives. After most of them, the to is commonly linked to the verb and said with a little bit of voicing ( it sound like a week / d / )
Plan to live Sorry to hear Able to swim
Try to go Lucky to win Happy to come

Weren’t you planning to leave early ?
Did you decide to stay home ?

2. After verbs and adjectives ending in a voiceless sound, the to is pronounced with no breath of air. ( but it remains voiceless and sounds like / a / t / )
Hope to come Used to Lived Supposed to go
Like to see Have to leave Wants to work

Aren’t you supposed to be at work ?
How long do you expect to be ?

3. Before a verb, going to is often pronounced / /. Want to is commonly said as / /
I’m not going to go Do you want to come ?

The contraction of ‘ To ‘

- Want to :
- Going to :
- Have to :
- Has to :
- Have got to :

In short answer and substitute Sentence, the to is pronounced / tu: /

Is he going ? Would you like to go ?


 Did he ? Didee ?
 Does he ? Duzzy ?
 Was he ? Wuzzy ?
 Has he ? Hazzy ?
 Is he ? Izzy ?
 Will he ? Willy ?
 Would he ? Woody ?
 Can he ? Canny ?
 Wouldn’t you ? Wooden chew ?
 Shouldn’t I ? Shudn nai ?
 Didn’t he ? Didn knee ?
 Hasn’t he ? Has knee ?
 Wouldn’t he ? Wooden knee ?
 Isn’t he ? Is a knee ?
 Isn’t it ? Is a nit ?
 Doesn’t it ? Duzza nit ?
 Aren’t I ? Are nai ?
 Won’t you ? Wone chew ?
 Don’t you ? Done chew ?

Pronouncing “ S “

“ S “ Proceeded by voiceless consonant = “ S “

Eg : Lips / lips /, Hats / hǽts /, Jokes / d3əuks /

Eg : Mops / /, Kicks / kiks /, Beats / bi:ts /

Eg : Robert’s / /, Afif’s / afIfs /, a Cat’s eye / ə cǽts ai /

Eg : It’s / its /,What’s / /,That’s / ðǽts /

“ Z “ Proceeded by voiced and vowel = “ Z “

Eg : Caves / keivz /,Labs / lǽbz /,Clothes / kləuðz /

Eg : Needs /ni:dz /,Brings / briŋz /,Seems / si:mz /

Eg : Tom’s / /,Dani’s / dǽniz /, Tom’s computer / /

Eg : There’s / ðeərz /,He’s / hi:z /, She’s / ∫i:z /
My name is / ma neim iz

Pronouncing “ of / off “

Of ; ə / əv
Bisa di baca ( əv ) apabila setelah of huruf vocal, dan di baca ( ə ) apabila setelah off huruf consonant.

Eg :
Get out of my face
I’m sick of you
I’m kind of sick of you
What a lot of rot you talk

Off ;
Eg :
Just knock it off
You must be out off your mind
Pronouncing “ Have “

Have ; Jelas
- Diakhir kalimat
- Diawal kalimat
- Menjadi Verb Ordinary

Eg ; - Yes I have
- I have a lot of money
- Have you taken Shower


Don’t Speak Word by Word.

Eg : You – are, Go – a way

Do – it , You – and I

Eg : The – end , The – only

She – ever, I – Understand

Eg : Get – out, Out – of

Eg : What was, That was

Eg ; Don’t – you, Won’t – you, Not – yet

Can I get you a drink, What your name ?

Eg ; Did – you, Would – you

Did – you see it, Would – you like it

Eg ; I miss – you

Yes – you are, Bless – you

Eg : How’s – your family

Who does – your hair

Eg : Come – on, Hold – on,Feel – ok

The American “ T “

1. T is “ T “

- At the beginning of word ;
Eg ; Time takes ten times to try
- In the middle of word “ Primary stress “
Eg ; I’talian, Photography
- Replace “ d “ in past tense preceded by “ Vic “
Eg ; Stopped, Stressed, Helped
- In “ CT, TR, TS, FT, PT, Sometime NT Combination
Eg ; Contract, Lift, First, Tempt, Elect

2. T is Soft “ d “ / Japanese R /

- In the middle of word / weak stress
Eg ; Italy, Photograph, Atom
- In Karina’s T- connections < T + Vowel = d >
Eg ; Get out ! Get up ! Shut up ! Get in !

3. T is Held / ditahan /

- At the end of word
Eg ; Hot, Not, Got
- In < T + Consonant except / j / >
Eg ; Mountain, Sentence, Written
- In Syllabic “ N “
Eg ; Student, Garden

4. T is Mute / Silent /
- After “ N “ With Lax vowel
Eg ; Internet, Interview, Twenty, Printer, Advantage, Enter


Intonation adalah Suara yang bisa mengatur nada tinggi rendahnya suatu kalimat.
For example ;

o Here is my bike
o Good morning
o Hallo Sir
o But I hope

1. Here is my bike

2. Good morning

3. Hallo Sir

4. But I hope

Common Contractions Used by American

o a bunch of ; a buncha
o did you ; didja
o a couple of ; a coupla
o don’t know ; dunno
o kind of ; kinda
o give me ; gimme
o lost of ; lotsa
o going to ; gonna
o most of ; mosta
o got to ; gotta
o sick of ; sicka
o leave me ; lee me
o rid of ; ridda
o let me ; lemme
o sort of ; sorta
o must have ; musta
o had better ; better
o out of ; outta
o come on ; C’ mon
o want to ; wanna
o could have ; coulda
o what do you ; whaddya
o could not have ; couldna
o don’t you ; donchew
o should have ; shoulda
o should not have ; shouldna
o would have ; woulda
o would not ha ; wouldna


Hello, My name is ………………… I’m talking American accent training. There’s a lot to learn but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible I should pick up on the American Intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time. I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, Intonation more than I used to I’ve been paying attention to pitch. Too, It’s like walking down a staircase I’ve been talking to a lot of American lately and they tell me that I’m easier to Understand. Anyway, I could go on and on, but the important thing is to listen well and Sound good. Well, What d’you think ? Do I ?

Hello, Ma nei miz …………………… I’m takingə merica naeccent (t ) raining. There zə latte learn bə dai həup t’ ma ki desen joyablez passible. I shud pi kəpan the (y) əmirica nintənash’n pǽddern pridy (y) ezil (y) although thee (y) only waydə geddidiz t’ prǽkti salləv th’ taim. I (y) use thee (y) up’n down or peak s’n valley zintənashən more thə nai used to. Ivbn payingə tenshən t’ pitch tu: . itzlai kwalking dow nə staircase. Ivbn talking to (w) ə laddəvə merican zla (l) ely n’ the tell me the daimeezier to (w) understand. Anyway I could go (w) a nə nan bu (t) thee (y) important thingiz t’ lisənwəllən soun (d) good. Well, Whaddyu think ? Do (w) ai ?

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