1 Asking and giving direction
2 How do I get to …?
3 What's the best way to …?
4 Where is …?
5 Go straight on/ a head : Lurus
6 Turn back./Go back. : Kembali
7 Turn left/go left/take left/ : Belok kiri/kanan
8 Turn right/go right/take right : Belok kanan
9 Go around … : Mengelilingi
10 Roundabout/ rotary : Bundaran
11 Cross … : Melintasi
12 Opposite : Berhadapan
13 Near : Dekat
14 Next to : Disamping
15 Between : Diantara
16 At the end of the road : di Akhir jalan
17 At the corner of the road : Dipojok jalan
18 Behind : Dibelakang
19 In front of : Didepan
20 High way : Jalan besar antara propinsi
21 Road : Jalan biasa
22 Street : Jalan yang ada trotoar sebelahnya
23 Boulevard : Jalan besar/ jalan yang ditengah ada taman pembatas
24 Avenue : Jalan yang ada pepohonan yang kedua sisinya rindang
25 Dead end/ blind road : Jalan buntu
26 Short way/ cut way : Jalan pintas
27 Cross roads : Perempatan
28 Three junction/T junction : Pertigaan
29 Traffic lights : Lampu lalulintas
30 Traffic sign : Rambu-rambu lalu lintas
31 Traffic bump : Polisi tidur
32 Upward road : Jalan menanjak
33 Down ward road : Jalan turun
34 Signpost : Papan penunjuk jalan
Practice the Following Directions
1. You are on Broadway Street and Avenue C. Go straight ahead on Broadway Street for three blocks, turn right and go one block. Turn left and go one-half a block. What is on your left?
2. You are at the railroad station. Go along Station Road to the first stop light. Turn left and go three blocks. Turn right and go two blocks. What is on your right?
3. You are at the Greyhound Bus Station Road on State Street. Go up State Street to Center Street. Turn right and go two blocks. Turn left and go four blocks. What is on your left?
Practice Giving Directions
1. I am on Station Road and Avenue C. How can I get to the Post office?
I am on Avenue B and Broadway Street. Is there a drugstore near here?
3. I am at the Elementary School on Broadway Street. How can I get to the fire station?
4. Excuse me, could you tell me where…is?
5. Can you tell me the way to…?
6. I’m looking for this address. Can you direct me..?
7. What’s the best way to…?
Asking for Instructions
How do I …?
What is the best way to…?
How do I go about it..?
What do I suggest …?
How do I suggest I proceed…?
What is the firs step…?
Giving instruction
1 First, (you)…
2 Then, (you)…
3 Next, (you)…
4 Lastly, (you)…
Starting out
1 Before you begin, (you should)…
2 The first thing you do is…
3 I would start by…
4 The best place to begin is…
5 To begin with,
1 After that,
2 The next thing you do is…
3 Once you have done that, then…
1 The last step is…
2 The last thing you do is…
3 In the end,
4 When you have finished,
5 When you have completed all the steps
This is one clue for you
How to make fried noodles
1 First, put the noodles in the boiling water,
2 Then, put the seasoning and oil while being cooked
3 Next, take out of water, and drain it
4 After that, mix the noodles well, and put some chili sauces if needed
5 Lastly, serve it in a plate with fried onion
A. do you know who is Jamal
B. Yeah, he is the!!!
A. who is your favorite (singer, movie star, football player…)
A. what does he/she look like…?
a. Slant eyes : sipit a. Bald : gundul
b. Round : bulat b. Egg head : botak
c. Wide : lebar c. Long hair : rambut panjang
d. Blind : buta d. Medium hair : sebahu
e. Cross eyes : juling e. Short hair : rambut pendek
f. Single eye : mata Satu f. Straight : lurus
g. Curve : lentik g. Curly : keriting
h. Brown : coklat h. Wavy : ikal
i. Black : hitam i. Frizzy : kribo
j. Blue : biru j. Black : hitam
k. Brown : coklat
l. Blonde : pirang
a. Sharp/ Long nose : mancung a. Sensual : sensual
b. Flat nose : pesek b. Hare lip : sumbing
c. Small nose : kecil c. Thick : tebal
d. Big nose : besar d. Wide : lebar
e. Medium : sedang e. Small : small
a. White : putih f. Rough : kasar
b. Black/dark : hitam g. Pale : pucat
c. Black sweet : itam manis
d. Brown : coklat
e. Smooth : halus
a. Tall : tinggi a. Oval : oval
b. Short : pendek b. Round : bundar
c. Medium : sedang c. Long : lonjong
d. Well built : tegap
e. Deaf : tuli d. Square : persegi
f. Hunch backet : bungkuk e. Cute : imut
g. Fat : gemuk f. Pretty : cantik
h. Thin/skinny : kurus g. Ugly : jelek
i. Hairy : berambut i. Handsome : tampan
j. Birth mark : tand lahir
k. Mole : tahi lalat
l. Lame : lumpuh
m. Dimple in cheek : lesun pipih
Diligent : rajin Lazy/ Dull : malas
Kind : baik hati Arrogant : sombong
Clever : pintar Unfair : curang
Smart : cerdas Careless : cembrono
Intelligent : cerdik Stingy : pelit
Honest : jujur Impolite : tidak sopan
Polite : sopan Bad temperature : pemarah
Impolite : tidak sopan Cruel : kejam
Humble : rendah hati Rude : kasar
Careful : berhati-hati Spite : bandel
Helpful : dermawan Naughty : nakal
Brave : berani Greedy : rakus
Calm : pendiam Fussy : cerewet
Innocent : lugu Cowardly : penakut
Funny : lucu Extravagant : boros
Wise : bijaksana Silly : dungu
Discipline : disiplin Foolish : tolol
Courtesy : sopan santun Stupid : bodoh
The Easier Ways How to Describe Someone
Middle age
Fifties Well built
Medium built
Skinny Tall
Medium height
Long Face
Round small narrow Eyes
Long Straight Black
Medium length Curly Blond
Short Brown
He/she looks/is Clever
Cheerful Kind
Modest simple
decisive Talk active
1 Expression opinion and agreement
a. What do you think of your camp? It is beautiful, Clean, good?
b. Well… I think it is good, but it may good clean it everyday
c. I agree with you and everyday must be responsible for keeping it clean.
d. What about the other opinion? Do you absolutely agree with this statement?
e. I agree with you, but…
Asking opinion Giving opinion
Do you think…? I think…
What do you think…? I guess…
What is your opinion about…? In my opinion...
What about…? In my case
How about…? As far as I’m concerned
For me personally
For my point of view
I agree with you
I agree with your opinion
I approved that
I think so
You are right
That’s true
Yes, I know what you mean
So do I
Me too I disagree
I agree with you, but…
I don’t think so
I don’t believe it
It is not true
You are kidding
Yes, but don’t you think…?
No, definitely not
Strongly agreeing
• You’re perfectly right
• I quite agree with …
• I cannot but agree/I could not agree more
• I accept the idea/proposal/suggestion without reservation
• This idea deserves our endorsement/support
• Precisely
• Exactly
• Absolutely
• I am firmly/entirely/fully/completely/truly in agreement with …
A little agreeing
1 You may be right there
2 That’s true, I suppose
3 I suppose so
4 I basically agree, but …
5 I agree in principle, but …
6 I agree up too a point, but …
7 By and large I would accept your idea, but …
8 With certain reservations, I would support your ….
9 You may be right in saying that, but …
Proposing an agreement
1 It seems we have recognized common view in so far as …
2 I hope we can reach agreement along the following lines …
3 I think that you may share my opinion/view/belief that …
4 Can I take it that we all agree on ….
Mild disagreement
1 That’s not really how I see it
2 I don’t really agree
3 I can’t really go along with you there
4 I think you’re mistaken
5 I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there
6 I don’t quite share your view
7 I would hardly go so far as to say …
8 I’m not totally convinced by your argument
Strong disagreement
1 I’m sorry, that’s out of the question
2 I believe it would be a mistake to …
3 I think you’re wrong
4 Nothing I have heard so far has convinced/persuaded me that …
5 I’, afraid I (totally) have to disagree with you
6 I’m sorry I don’t agree at all
7 I simply can’t agree to this
8 Under no circumstances could I agree to …
9 Of course not
10 I’m decidedly/entirely/wholeheartedly against/opposed to this idea
Providing additional information
1 To shed more light on the situation let me add...
Matter allow me to add…
2 Please allow me to add a word about …
3 Perhaps I should be more specific
4 Without going too much into detail, I should perhaps mention …
5 I think it would be helpful to add/ point out ….
Hedging (waspada)
1 I take your point …, but …
2 I understand what you’re saying …, but …
3 I see/know what you mean, but …
4 I hear where you are coming from on this, but …
5 This interesting issue could perhaps be taken up later
6 I feel a decision at this stage would be premature
7 We should not act in haste on such a key matter
8 I believe the whole issue needs to be looked at more carefully
Do you agree or disagree with your friend’s opinion in the below questions
1. School students should not uniform
2. Smoking at schools should be allowed for students
3. Men may have more than one wife.
a. Where are going on your weekend?
b. I plan to go to Popoh beach
c. And what you going to do there?
d. I’m going to spend my weekend with my beloved girl
e. Oh, it’s will be great weekend.
Here are some expression related for asking future plan,
Are going to continue your study in University?
I am going to continue to UNP Kediri University
What are going to do on next week?
I am going to tidy up my house
Do you plan to…?
Yes, I plan to…
1 Tomorrow
2 The day after tomorrow
3 Next Sunday
4 Next month
5 Next June
6 One day
1 Requesting / Invitation/ Accepting/ Refusing
Would you past the salt, please?
Sure, here you are
Would you mind opening the window, please?
Could I see you for a minute?
By all means
Do you mind if I smoke?
Not at all. go right a head
Excuse me could you tell me the way to the station?
Yes it is not far from here
Would you like to come to the tether this evening?
Will you join us for lunch?
Could you come to my party next week?
Would you be free to come to the concert on next week? Yes, I’d be great fun
Yes, I’d love to
Thank you
Yes, with pleasure
That would be great fun
If you don’t mind
Thank you, but I’m afraid I’ve got another appointment
I’m sorry, I’ve lost of work to do
That’s very kind of you but I’m afraid I’m rather tired up
Well, my friends. In this occasion I want to express my opinion about ….Well….
Alright, my brothers and sisters. Let me express my opinion about …..I think…..
O.K. ladies and gentlemen. According to the expert of religion….why so? Because…
Well, every body, after listening my friend’s explanation about...I’ve an idea to overcome…firstly…
I'm happy to be here.
I'm glad to have this opportunity to . . .
Today, I'd like to talk (to you) about . . .
My topic today is . . .
The focus of my remarks is . . .
I'd like to share some thoughts on (topic Let me start by . . .
First, let me tell you about . . .
I've divided my topic into (three) parts: (They are . . .)
For instance,
Let me illustrate,
To illustrate,
In conclusion,
To conclude,
To summarize,
To sum up,
That’s all my opinion about …..And I say thank you very much for your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Thus ends my opinion, more or less I do hope my forgiven thank you so much, wass.wr.wb.
Actually, I want to go on my explanation but because the time is so limited so I have to stop my explanation
Thank you very much for your attention, was.wr.wb
The vocabularies of discussion
In this occasion : dalam kesempan ini
In this good opportunity : dalam kesempatan yang baik ini
I would like to express : aku akan mengemukakan
My opinion : pendapat saya
In my opinion : menurtut pendapat saya
I’m going to tell you about : saka akan menceritakan tentang
According to Mr.Alex : menurut Mr. Alex
Based on this fact : berdasarkan kenyataan ini
Actually : sebenarnya
hopefully : mudah mudahan
I agree with him : saya setuju dengan dia
Be louder : agak keras
As we know : seperti yang kita ketahui
The next : selanjutnya
The following turn : giliran, selanjutnya
It’s your turn : ini giliran mu
Don’t be silent : jangan diam saja
I admit that : saya mengakhui bahwa
Don’t be scared! : jangan takut
Don’t be doubt! : jangan ragu ragu
Don’t be hesitating! : jangan ragu
Pay attention please : silakan diperhatikan
Be quite : tenang
Don’t disturb me : jangan ganggu aku
As long as I know : sepanjang yang saya ketahui
As far as a know : sejahu yang yang ketahui
As good as possible : sebaik mungkin
As fair as possible : seadil mungkin
We have decided : kami telah memutuskan
The decision is : keputusannya adalah
Usually, when someone gives his opinion, there is someone interrupts or cut while speaking. In addition, the speaker is angry because getting interruptions, the following are the correct English interruption. lets learning it together
Menginterupsi Dengan Sopan
• Excuse me,
• Pardon me,
• Sorry to interrupt,
• May I interrupt (for a minute)?
• Can I add something here?
• I don't mean to intrude, but …
• Could I inject something here?
• Do you mind if I jump in here?
Kembali Pada Topik Pembicaraan
• Anyway, - You were saying…
• Now, where was I? - To get back to…
• Where were we? - What we are saying…
A: Do you think everybody should be trained to use computers?
B: That's an interesting question, because in a sense most of us are already using them.
A: That's the technology which is popular at present, but it's difficult to predict what we'll be using in five or ten years' time.
1 How do you think about this statement? Please give your comments.
2 Which invention would you most like to have invented?
3 . Do you think Science will (a) end the world (b) save the world or (c) do neither?
1 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Internet.
Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had a contact with computers. A great part of them has been using international computer’s net known as Internet.
I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages. First of all, Internet provides access to a lot of information. Some of them are very useful in your job other helps in your hobby. Searching the net with Google, you can find everything you want. Next advantage of internet is email. Internet mails get in a few seconds in their destinations. It is very important when you want to send something for example to East Timor. Of course you can send not only texts. You can Email, Face book, whatever you want, Movies, Photos, Songs, computer programs etc. Costs are very important advantage of emails. Sending an email is much cheaper then phoning, or sending normal letters. Other advantages are giving information, communication, entertainment, services. The disadvantages are pornography, virus threat, etc...
4 Let’s discuss about these two statements
• Cultural differences
5 What do you know about the advantage and disadvantage of Indonesia culture...?
6 What are the similar and differences with Eastern and Western culture…?
Popular expression
1 Once in awhile : sesekali
2 Oh, give me break : jangan begitu dong!
3 It was stuck in the traffic jam : lalulintasnya macet
4 Making excuses : mencari cari alas an
5 Please make yourself at home : anggaplah seperti dirumahmu sendiri
6 Small talk/lips service : basa basi
7 Bravo! : bagus/ baik sekali
8 dammit : persetan
9 what a shame : memalukan
10 not fair/ unjust/ partial : tidak adil
11 what a mess : aduh, berantakan bangat
12 fantastic/great : hebat
13 call girl :pelacur
14 baby doll : gadis cantik
15 you’re too much : kamu keterlaluan
16 how satisfying : sangat memuaskan
17 horrible : mengerikan
18 terrible : sangat sulit
19 how peaceful : sungguh damai
20 how daring : berani benar
21 what a blessing : berkat tuhan
22 this is not my custom ; ini bukan kebiasaan
23 on my treat : aku traktir
24 tell it frankly : ceritalah terus terang
25 don’t bother : jangan repot repot
26 please have some more : tambah lagi
27 I change my mind : tidak jadi
28 Don’t fuck with me : jangan main main dengan aku
29 suit yourself : tersera
30 drop in /call at /come over : mampir/ singgah
31 rack off : tidak usah
32 mind your self business : jangan ikut campur
33 stop butting me : jangan ikut campur
34 sticky beak : ingin tahu saja
35 busy body : mau tahu saja
36 have a go : selamat berusaha
37 I’ll steak by you : aku akan mendukungmu
38 I’m steak on you : aku mendukungmu
39 You can count on me : andalkan aku
40 Make up yourself : berusaha lagi
41 I get the air : aku dipecat
42 I’m retired ; aku di PHK
43 Hoddy doddy : orang bodoh/ tidak berarti
44 Body and soul : dua sejoli/ jiwa raga
45 Coward : pengecut
46 Cheeky : kurang ajar
47 Puppy love : cinta monyet
48 Lay a fart : kentut
49 Humble : rendah hati
50 Make me mad : sebel deh
51 Rubbish : gombal
52 Bullshit : buset
53 Little brat : anak nakal
54 You are banana : Bodoh
55 Show off : sok gaya/ sok pintar
56 Hurry up/ will you : cepat dong!
57 Watch out : hati hati
58 Mind your step : awas ! hati hati
59 Trust me : percayalah padaku
60 You’re really something : kamu ada ada sa
61 Top dog : ketua/ director
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