Don’t Speak Word By Word
Aturan – aturannya :
1. U + Vowel = W
- You are - To open
- Go a way - Go anywhere
- Do it - Do I
- You and I are - Don’t you do it
2. I + Vowel = Y
- The end - She isn’t
- The only - They are
- She ever - She always
- I understand - I also need the other one
3. T + Vowel = R / D
- Get out - But I get one
- Out of - Give it a try
- But I’m here - Take it away
4. T + Y = t∫ ( ch / c )
- Don’t you - Can I get you a drink ?
- Won’t you - Can’t you do it ?
- Not yet - Don’t you like it ?
- What your name - I’ll let you know
5. D + Y = d3 ( j )
- Did you - How did you like it
- Would you - Did you find it
- Had your - Did you see it
- Could you tell - Would you like it
6. S + Y = ∫
- I miss you
- Yes you are
- Bless you
- I’ll you try to guess you age
7. Z + Y = 3 ( zh )
- How’s your family - Who does your hair
- Where’s your mom - When’s your birthday
- How was your class today - Who’s your friend
8. Consonant + Vowel
- Come on - Come in
- Feel ok - LA ( Los Angeles )
- Hold on - Read only
- Turn over - Follow up on
- Take out - My name is
- Pick up on the American Intonation
9. θ / ð + Consonant = Blend to
- With lemon
- Both day
- With zeal
- With juice
- Both sizes
10. H + Preceded by verb or Aux are usually silent
- Did he
- Tell her
- Keep her
- Ask him
- Kill her
The Pronouncing ‘ OF / OFF ‘
- Of = ə
Apabila setelah of berbunyi Consonant.
For example :
- Get out of my face
- What a lot of rot you talk
- I’m kind of better
- I’m sick of you
- I’m kind of sick of you
- It’s none of your business
- I think that you decision is of sound mind
- Of = ə
Apabila setelah of berbunyi Vowel
For example :
- I’m sick of Ana - All of them
- Get out of here - First of all
- To a lot of Americans - Some of them
- I’m sure this letter is of account for himself
- Off =
For example :
- Just knock it off
- Switch off the lamp
- Is the off his head
I think he is not off his nut
The Pronunciation ‘ Have ‘
- Di awal kalimat
- Di akhir kalimat
- Menjadi verb ordinary
For example :
- Di awal kalimat :
o Have you ever been here ?
o Have you taken shower ?
o Have you had meal ?
- Di akhir kalimat :
o Yes I have
o No I have
- Menjadi verb ordinary
o I don’t have girl friend
o I have a lot of money
o I have boy friend
Consist noun stress in changing verb tenses
(‘ CD 2 Track 7 ‘ )
Eat 1. The dogs eat the bones
Ate 2. The dogs ate the bones
Are eating 3. The dogs’ re eating the bones
Will eat 4. The dogs’ ll eat the bones ( if …….. )
Would eat 5. The dogs’ d eat the bones ( if ……. )
Would have eaten 6. The dogs’ d’ ve eaten the bones ( if ……. )
That have eaten 7. The dogs’ that’ ve eaten the bones
Have eaten 8. The dogs’ ve eaten the bones
Had eaten 9. The dogs’ d eaten the bones
Will have eaten 10. The dogs’ ll’ ve eaten the bones
Ought to eat 11. The dogs ought to eat the bones
Should eat 12. The dogs should eat the bones
Should not eat 13. The dogs shouldn’t eat the bones
Should have eaten 14. The dogs should’ ve eaten the bones
Should not have 15. The dogs shouldn’t ve eaten the bones
Could eat 16. The dogs could eat the bones
Could not eat 17. The dogs couldn’t eat the bones
Could have eaten 18. The dogs could’ ve eaten the bones
Could not have 19. The dogs could’ t’ ve eaten the bones
Might eat 20. The dogs might eat the bones
Might have eaten 21. The dogs might’ ve eaten the bones
Must eat 22. The dogs must eat the bones
Must have eaten 23. The dogs must’ ve eaten the bones
Can eat 24. The dogs can eat the bones
Can’t eat 25. The dogs can’t eat the bones
Spelling and Number
( ‘ CD 1 Track 28 ‘ )
Acronym Pronunciation
IBM Eye Bee Em
MIT Em Eye Tee
Ph. D Pee Aitch Dee
MBA Em Bee εi
LA Eh lay
IQ Aye kyu
RSVP Are ess Vee Pee
TV Tee Vee
USA You Ess εi
ASAP ei Ess εi Pee
CIA See Aye εi
FBI Eff Bee Aye
USMC You Ess Em See
COD See Oh Dee
SOS Ess Oh ess
X. Y. Z Ex. Why. Zee
Spelling Pronunciation
Box Bee Oh Ex
Cook See Oh Oh kay
Wilson Dubba You Eye El Ess Oh En
Number Pronunciation
Area code 213
Zip code 94708
Date 9 / 6 / 62
Phone number 555 – 9132
Don’t Speak Word By Word
Word connections
( ‘ CD 2 Track 45 ‘ )
Exercise : T, D, S or Z + Y Liaisons.
1. T + Y = CH
- What your name
- Can’t you do it
- Actually
- Don’t you like it
- Wouldn’t you
- Haven’t you ? No, Not yet
- I’ll let you know
- Can I get you a drink
- We thought you weren’t coming
- I’ll bet you ten bucks he forgot
- Is that your final answer
- Natural
- Perpetual
- Virtual
2. D + Y = J
- Did you see it
- How did you like it
- Could you tell
- Where did you send your check
- What did your family think
- Did you find your keys
- We followed your instruction
- Congratulations
- Education
- Individual
- Graduation
- Gradual
3. S + Y = SH
- Yes, you are
- Insurance
- Bless you
- Press your hands together
- Can you dress yourself
- You can pass your exams this year
- I’ll try to guess your age
- Let him gas your car for you
4. Z + Y = ZH
- How’s your family
- How was your trip
- Who’s your friend
- Where’s your mom
- When’s your birthday
- She says you’re OK
- Who does your hair
- Casual
- Visual
- Usual
- Version
- Vision
Penyambungan Consonat / Vowel
( ‘ CD 2 Track 39 ‘ )
Hold on ( hol don )
Turn over ( turn over )
Tell her I miss her ( tellerai misser )
1. Red only ____________
2. Fall of ____________
3. Follow up on ____________
4. Come in ____________
5. Call him ____________
6. Take out ____________
7. Fade away ____________
8. 6 – 0 ____________
9. MA ____________
Penyambungan Consonant / Consonant
( ‘ CD 2 Track 43 ‘ )
Hard times ( hardtimes )
With luck ( withluck )
1. Business deal ______________
2. Credit check ______________
3. The top file ______________
4. Sell nine new cars ______________
5. Sit down ______________
6. Some plans need luck ______________
7. Check cashing ______________
8. Let them make conditions ______________
9. Had the ______________
10. Both days ______________
Penyambungan Vowel / Vowel
( ‘ CD 2 Track 44 ‘ )
She isn’t ( She(y)sn’t )
Who is ( Who(w)iz )
1. Go anywhere _______________
2. So honest _______________
3. Through our _______________
4. You are _______________
5. He is _______________
6. Do I _______________
7. I asked _______________
8. To open _______________
9. She always _______________
10. Too often _______________
W, H And Yes No Question
1. W. H
Intonasinya sering naik turun di akhir kalimat.
For example :
o What are you doing ?
o How are you ?
o Where have you been ?
2. Yes. No
Intonasinya naik terus di akhir kalimat.
For example :
o Are you OK ?
o Is this yours ?
Contraction By American
( ‘ CD 3 Track 3 ‘ )
- I have got to go
- I have got a book
- Do you want to dance ?
- Do you want to banana ?
- Let me in
- Let me go
- I’ll let you know
- Did you do it ?
- Not yet
- I’ll meet you later
- What do you think ?
- What did you do with it ?
- How did you like it ?
- When did you get it ?
- Why did you take it ?
- Why don’t you try it ?
- What are you waiting for ?
- What are you doing ?
- How is it going ?
- Where’s the what you may call it ?
- Where’s what is his name ?
- How about it ?
- He has got to hurry because he is late
- I could’ve been a contender
- Could you speed it up, please ?
- Would you mind if I tried it ?
- Aren’t you Bob Barker ?
- Can’t you see it my way for a change ?
- Don’t you get it ?
- I should have told you
- Tell her ( that ) I miss her
- Tell him ( that ) I miss him
The American ‘ T ‘
1. T is T
- At the beginning of word
Eg : Tomy takes ten times to try
- In the middle of word ‘ Primary stress ‘
Eg : I’talian, Pho’tography
- Replace ‘ d ‘ in past tenses preceded by ‘ VLC ‘
Eg : Stopped, Stressed, Helped
2. T is Soft ‘ d ‘ / Japanese R /
- In the middle of word / weak stress
Eg : Italy, Photograph, Atom
- In Kirana’s T – Connections < T + Vowel = d >
Eg : Get out ! Get up ! Shut up ! Get in !
3. T is Held / di tahan /
- At the end of word
Eg : Hot, Not, Got, Get
- In < T + Consonant except / j / >
Eg : Mountain, Sentence, Written, Bitten, Forgotten
- In Syllabic ‘ N ‘
Eg : Student, Garden
4. T is Mute / Silent /
- After ‘ N ‘ With Lax vowel
Eg : Interview, Internet, Twenty, Printer, Advantage, International, Enter, Printout.
Penyambungan dengan kombinasi TH
( ‘ CD 2 Track 42 ‘ )
TH Combination : 1. TH : Posisi lidah di depan
2. Consonant : Posisi lidah di belakang
For example :
- th + L : With lemon
- th + n : With nachos
- th + t : Both times
- th + d : With delivery
- th + s : Both sizes
- th + z : With zeal
- th + ch : Both charges
- th + j : With juice
- n + th : In the
- z + th : Was that
- d + th : Hid those
Syllable Stress
( ‘ CD 1 Track 32 ‘ )
In order to practice accurate pitch change. Each syllable will count as one musical note. Remember that words that end in a vowel or a voiced consonant will he longer than ones ending in an unvoiced consonant.
1. Syllable
pattern 1a la ! Get
Cat quick
Jump choice
Box loss
pattern 1b la–a law
Dog goes
See choose
Plan lose
2. Syllable la–la Bob Smith
Pattern 2a a dog my car
a cat some more
Destroy red tape
a pen enclose
Pretend consume
Your job my choice
Pea soup how’s work?
pattern 2b la–la wristwatch
Hot dog textbook
Icy bookshelf
Suitcase sunshine
Project placement
Sunset stapler
Get one! Modern
Do it! Modem
3. Syllable
Pattern 3a la-la-la
Bob’s hot dog
Sob won’t know
Sam’s the boss
Susie’s nice
Bill went home
Cats don’t care
Stocks can fall
School in fun
Pattern 3b la-la-la
a hot dog
I don’t know
He’s the boss
We cleaned up
In the bag
For a while
I went home
We don’t care
It’s in March
Pattern 3a la-la-la
A hot dog
I don’t know!
Jim killed it
a fruitcake
The engine
a wineglass
Pattern 3d la-la-la
Hot dog stand
I don’t know
cell structure
4. Syllables
Pattern 4a la-la-la-la
Spot’s a hot dog
Jim killed a snake
Joe doesn’t know
Nate bought a book
Al brought some ice
Pattern 4b la-la-la-la
It’s a hot dog
He killed a snake
He doesn’t know
We came back in
He bought a book
Pattern 4c la-la-la-la
Bob likes hot dogs
Ann eats pancakes
Cats eat fish bones
Bears are fuzzy
Planets rotate
Pattern 4d la-la-la-la
It’s my hot dog
We like science
My to-do list
Pattern 4e la-la-la-la
a hot dog stand
Jim killed a man
a platypus
Pattern 4f la-la-la-la
Office supplies
Reducing Sound
( ‘ CD 2 Track 26 ‘ )
Read aloud from the right-hand column. The intonation is marked for you.
To Looks Like … Sound Like …
Today ( t’day )
Tonight ( t’night )
Tomorrow ( t’marou )
To work ( t’wrk )
To school ( t’school )
To the store ( t’ th’ store )
We have to go now ( we hǽftə go nǽo )
He went to work ( he wentə work )
They hope to find it ( they houptə fine dit )
I can’t wait to find our ( ai cǽn’t wai tə fine dǽat )
We don’t know what to do ( we don’t know w’ t’ do )
Don’t jump to conclusions ( don’t j’m t’ c’ncloozh’nz )
To be or not to be … ( t’ bee (y)r nat t’ bee )
He didn’t get to go ( he din ge (t)tə gou )
He told me to help ( he told meeda help )
She told you to get it ( she tol joodə geddit )
I go to work ( ai gouda wrk )
at a quarter to two ( ǽedə kworder də two )
The only way to get it is … (thee(y)only waydə geddidiz ) You’ve got to pay to get it ( yoov gaddə paydə geddit )
We plan to do it ( we plǽn do do it )
Let’s go to lunch ( let’s goudə lunch )
The score was 4 – 6 ( th’ score w’z for də six )
It’s the only way to do it ( its thee (y)ounly weida do (w)’t )
So to speak … ( soda speak )
I don’t know how to get it (ai don know hǽwda say (y)it )
Go to page 8 ( goudə pay jate )
Show me how to get it ( show me hǽoda geddit )
You need to know when to do it ( you nee(d)də nou wendə do(w)it )
Who’s to blame ? ( hooz do blame )
At We’re at home ( wirat home )
I’ll see you at lunch (aiyəl see you(w)ət lunch )
Dinner’s at five ( d’nnerz ə(t) five )
Leave them at the door ( leevəm ə(t)thə door )
The meeting’s at one ( th’ meedig z’t w’n )
He’s at the post office ( heeə(t) the poussdaffəs )
They’re at the bank ( thεrə(t)th’ bǽnk )
I’m at school ( ǽimə(t) school )
I’ll see you at eleven ( aiyəl see you(w)ədə lεv’n )
He’s at a meeting ( heez’də meeding )
She laughed at his idea ( she lǽf dədi zy deeyə )
One at a time ( wənədə time )
We got it at an auction ( we gadidədə naksh’n )
The show started at eight ( th’ show stardədə date )
The dog jumped out at us ( th’ dag jump dǽo dədəs )
I was at a friend’s house ( ai w’z d’ frenz hǽos )
It can you do it? ( k’niu do (w)’t )
Give it to me ( g’v ‘(t)t’ me )
Buy it tomorrow ( bai(y)ə(t) t’marrow )
It can wait ( ‘t c n’ wait )
Read it twice ( ree (t)twice )
Forget about it! ( frgedd’ bǽodit )
Give it a try ( gividə try )
Let it alone ( ledidə lone )
Take it away ( tay kida way )
I go it in London ( ai gadidin I’ndn )
What is it about? ( w’d’z’d’ bǽodit )
Let’s try it again ( lets try’d’gen )
Look! There it is ( luk fhere’d’z )
For this is for you ( th’s’z fr you )
It’s for my friend ( ts fr my friend )
A table for four, please ( ə table fr four, pleeze )
We planned it for later ( we plan dit fr layd’r )
For example, for instance ( fregg zǽmple ) ( frin st’nss )
What is this for? ( w’d’ z this for )
What did you do it for? ( w’j’ do(w)it for )
Who did you get it for? ( hoojya geddit for )
From it’s from the IRS ( tsfrm thee(y)ai(y)a ress )
I’m from Arkansas ( aim fr’m ark’nsa )
There’s a call from Bob ( therzə call fr’m Bab )
This letter’s from Alaska ! ( this ledderz frama laeska )
Who’s it from ( hoozit frəm )
Where are you from ? ( wher’r you frəm )
In it’s in the bag ( tsin tha bǽg )
What’s in it ( w’ts’n’t )
I’ll be back in a minute ( aiyəl be bǽk’nə m’n’t )
This movie? Who’s in it? ( this movie … hooz’n’t )
Come in ( c’min )
He’s in America ( heez’nə mεrəkə )
An He’s an American ( heez’nə mεrəkə )
I got an A in English ( ai gaddə nay ih ninglish )
He got an F in Algebra ( he gaddə neffinǽl jəbrə )
Re had an accident ( he hǽdə nǽksəd’nt )
We want an orange ( we want’n nornj )
He didn’t have an excuse ( he didn’t hǽvə neks kyooss )
I’ll be there in an instant (ai(y)l be there ina ninstnt )
It’s an easy mistake to make ( itsə neezee m’stake t’ make )
And ham and eggs ( hǽma neggz )
Bread and butter ( b’redn buddr )
Coffee? With cream and sugar? ( kaffee … with creem’n sh’g’r )
No, lemon and sugar ( nou … lem’n’n sh’g’r )
… And some more cookies? (‘n smore cukeez )
They kept going back and forth ( they kep going bǽkn forth )
We watched it again and again ( we wach didə gen’n gen )
He did it over and over ( he di di dovərə nover )
We learned by trial and error ( we lrnd by tryələnerər )
Or Soup or salad ? ( super salad )
Now or later ( nǽ(w)r laydr )
More or less ( mor’r less )
Left or right ( lefter right )
For here or to go ? ( fr hir’r d’go )
Are you going up or down ? ( are you going ừpper down )
Are what are you doing ? ( w’dr you doing )
Where are you going ? ( wer’r you going )
What’re you planning on doing ? (w’dr’yu planning an doing )
How are you ? ( hǽwr you )
Those are no good (thozer no good )
How are you doing ? ( hǽwer you doing )
The kids are still asleep (the kidzer stillə sleep )
Your How’s your family ? ( hǽzhier fǽmlee )
Where’s your keys ? ( wher’r y’r keez )
You’re American, aren’t you ? ( yrə mei’kn, arn choo )
Tell me when you’re ready ( tell me wen yr reddy )
Is this your car ? ( izzis y’r car )
You’re late again, Bob ( yer lay də gen, Bab )
Which one is yours ? ( which w’n’z bedder )
One Which one is better ?
One of them is broken
I’ll use the other one
I like the red one. Edwin
That’s the last one
The next one’ll be better
Here’s one for you
Let them go one by one
The It’s the best
What’s the matter ?
What’s the problem ?
I have to go to the bathroom
Who’s the bass around here ?
Give it to the dog
Put it in the drawer
A It’s a present
You need a break
Give him a chance
Let’s get a new pair of shoes
Can I have a Coke, please ?
Is that a computer
Where’s a public telephone
Of It’s the top of the line
It’s a state of the art printer
As a matter of fact
Get out of here
Practice all of the time
Today’s the first of May
What’s the name of that movie ?
That’s the best of all
Some of them
All of them
Most of them
None of them
Any of them
The rest of them
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