Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

amerikan pronunciation

Session 1

Phonetic Symbols
The perfect pronunciation is not to take your personality out of your speech indeed, mannerism that give hints of your origin are charming in English. The goal is rather to speak so that people listen to
What You Say, not How You Say It.

The first session – Phonetic Symbols – is designed to help you pronounce English words, phrases, and sentences correctly, so that the meaning you intend is clear and the sounds are pleasing. Now we go to session 1, phonetic symbols.

Kinds of Phonetic Symbol
Vowel Sound (Suara vokal)
1. Monophthong : satu suara (single sound)
2. Diphthong : Dua suara (double sound)

Consonant Sound (Suara Konsonan)
1. Stop : _____________________________
2. Fricative : _____________________________
3. Nasal : _____________________________
4. Glide : _____________________________
5. Liquid : _____________________________
6. Affricates : _____________________________

Understanding the Alphabet
Before stepping further more, it’s necessary to understand every letter names in alphabet.
Vowel Sound

1. Monophthong : satu suara (single sound)

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 i seat tempat duduk
2 I sit duduk
3 ε send mengirim
4 æ sand pasir
5 Λ mother ibu
6 α father ayah
7 ɔ dog anjing
8 ә about membuka
9 ʊ good bagus
10 u you kamu
11 αr car mobil
12 ɪr tear air mata
13 ʊr tour tamasya
14 εr care peduli
15 ɔr door pintu
16 ɚ sir pak

2. Diphthong : Dua suara (double sound)

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 aɪ cry menangis
2 aʊ cow sapi
3 еI stay tinggal
4 ɔɪ coy malu2 kucing
5 oʊ so jadi

Consonant Sound

1. Stop

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 p stop berhenti
2 b tub bak mandi
3 t cut memotong
4 d good bagus
5 k take mengambil
6 g dog anjing

2. Fricative

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 f puff isapan
2 v move pindah
3 θ bath mandi
4 ð bathe memandikan
5 s bus bis
6 z size ukuran
7 ∫ bush semak-semak
8 ჳ television televisi

3. Nasal

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 m some beberapa
2 n ten sepuluh
3 ŋ sing bernyanyi

4. Glide

No Symbol Example Example
Consonant Meaning Vowel Meaning
1 h how bagaimana hour jam
2 w why kenapa who siapa
3 y you kamu university universitas

5. Liquid

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 l let membiarkan
2 r read membaca

6. Affricates

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 ʧ touch menyentuh
2 ʤ jugde pengadilan

Session 2

Names of Symbols
The symbol is not only memorized but also written however it is. Because knowing the names of it will make us easier to identify within writing. The destination of giving names is

How to Dictate Every Symbol to Your Friend

In this Pronunciation class – particularly in this session –
we should transfer the most different thing which is never found in other courses. Now we go with the strange names of symbol.

No Symbol Special name
of symbol Pronunciation
1 I capital i
2 ε epsilon
3 æ letter ae
4 Λ turned V
5 α alpha
6 ɔ open o
7 ә schwa
8 ʊ upsilon
9 αr alpha + letter r
10 ɪr capital i + letter r
11 ʊr upsilon + letter r
12 εr epsilon + letter r
13 ɔr open o + letter r
14 ɚ schwa with hook
15 aI letter a + capital i
16 aʊ letter a + upsilon
17 еI letter e + capital i
18 ɔɪ open o + capital i
19 oʊ letter o + upsilon
20 θ theta
21 ð eth
22 ∫ integral
23 ჳ georgian letter we
24 ŋ letter eng
25 ʧ tesh digraph
26 ʤ dezh digraph
27 i letter i
28 u letter u
29 p letter p
30 b letter b
31 t letter t
32 d letter d
33 k letter k
34 g letter g
35 f letter f
36 v letter v
37 s letter s
38 z letter z
39 m letter m
40 n letter n
41 h letter h
42 w letter w
43 y letter y
44 l letter l
45 r letter r
Session 3

English words can be divided into syllables. Each spoken vowel sound makes one syllable. A syllable can be a vowel sound alone, a vowel before a consonant, a vowel after a consonant, or a vowel between consonants. But this session can be simply organized into one, two, three, four, five, or even six syllables.

Are you ready to know what the syllable is?
Here we go

No Word Syllable Meaning
2 3 4 5 6
1 landlord 2 bapak kos
2 weekly 2 mingguan
3 language 2 bahasa

4 landlady 3 ibu kos
5 position 3 posisi
6 example 3 contoh

7 dormitory 4 asrama
8 conversation 4 percakapan
9 information 4 keterangan

10 organization 5 organisasi
11 communication 5 komunikasi
12 examination 5 ujian

13 impossibility 6 ketidak mungkinan
14 practicability 6 kepraktisan
15 improbability 6 hal gk masuk akal
Practice for Mastery
Identify how many syllables in every word below!

No Word Separate each syllable Meaning
1 rapid
2 real
3 reality
4 roar
5 laughter
6 evening
7 hostility
8 hospital
9 ancient
10 opinion
11 hedge
12 hedgehog
13 vegetable
14 delicious
15 antihistamine
16 imitate
17 imitation
18 hungry
19 wolves
20 onion

Session 4

Each syllable in a word has a degree of emphasis, called by stress. There are three stress levels in English; primary, secondary, and unstressed. The destination of stress is

How you indicate the difference between nouns and verbs
Distinguish the “teen” numbers from the “tens”
And compound words from other modified nouns

So, still “ting tong”, just open your eyes and follow me.

Kinds of stress
1. Primary stress :
tekanan yang didalam kamus ditandai dengan simbol single high quotation mark (tanda kutip satu diatas) atau / ‛ /.

2. Secondary stress :
tekanan yang didalam kamus ditandai dengan simbol single lowcquotation mark (tanda kutip satu dibawah) atau / ‚ /.

3. Unstressed :
tekanan yang ditandai dengan tidak adanya baik tanda kutip satu diatas maupun dibawah / _ / .

Every stress has the specific explanation, including
How to write its symbol in a word
How is the usage?
What’s the function?
And what’s the example?

Wanna know? It’s time for you to learn the pronunciation.

Practice for Mastery
Assignment - Find out the pronunciation in Longman dictionary!
- Separate each syllable with its stress!
- Decide where the primary stress position is!
(Is it in first syllable or other?)

No Word Pronunciation Position Mean
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 magic
2 magical
3 idiot
4 idiotic
5 economy
6 economic
7 diplomat
8 diplomatic
9 phonetic
10 catholic
11 curious
12 curiosity
13 common
14 community
15 electric
16 electricity
17 hospital
18 hospitality
19 animosity
20 fruity

Session 5

Strong and Weak Form
A number of words that are in very frequent use have a weakened pronunciation if they are not stressed, and it is important for the students to learn these pronunciations and use them, in order to acquire a correct rhythm in speaking. What for do we study this?

Don’t Let Your Mouth Just “cuap-cuap”
But No One Understands.

What kind of word has weak form? Well, most of the words having weak forms belong to definite grammatical categories. They are in:
1. Personal Pronoun : 2 words
2. Possessive Adjective : 4 words
3. Articles : 3 words
4. Auxiliary Verbs (helping verbs) : 16 words
5. Prepositions : 5 words
6. Conjunctions : 5 words

The following special cases of weak forms should be noted.

That is pronounced “ðәt” when it is conjunction or a relative pronoun, but as a demonstrative it has no weak form and it is pronounced “ðæt”.

There is pronounced “ðәr” when it is used as a subject of the verb “to be”, but “ðεr” when it is an adverb of place.

The Prepositions (at, for, from, of, to) are pronounced with their strong forms when they are at the end of the sentence.

Are you still in powerful attention buddy?
I’ll tell you how to apply the weak forms in the sentences.
Practice for Mastery
Assignment : - Underline the words that are possibly weakened.
- Write down the weak form under that word.

1. You’ll need a lot more than you’ve got.

2. Where are you going for your holiday?

3. They’ve taken the same road as the others.

4. Could you tell them the best way to get there?

5. I should like a glass of milk and an apple.

6. She said she’d call for me at ten, but it’s past that.

7. We shall have to find some better excuses than that.

8. You can see for miles from the top of the hill.

9. I’m sure I saw him with her yesterday.

10. He’d already told me that he must meet his son.

11. You’ve brought me more than I can do with.

12. What do they want us to do for them?

13. Does it take as long as that to cook them?

14. What’ll you have to drink with your meal?

15. He’s brought me the one that I was waiting for.

Session 6

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Sleep Slip
Feel Fill
Heel Hill
Sheep Ship
Green Grin

Let’s drill the sentences
1. You can’t sleep on the floor.
You can’t slip on the floor.

2. Oh dear! I can’t feel the bath.
Oh dear! I can’t fill the bath.

3. She’s walking on a high heel.
She’s walking on a high hill.

4. There’s a sheep in the bay.
There’s a ship in the bay.

5. Take that green off your face.
Take that grin off your face.
Session 7

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Bend Band
Lead Lad
Pen Pan
Set Sat
Guess Gas

Let’s drill the sentences
1. Drive slowly! There’s a bend.
Drive slowly! There’s a band.

2. He put the lead on the roof.
He put the lad on the roof.

3. If I were you, I’d use a pen.
If I were you, I’d use a pan.

4. She set the basket on the table.
She sat the basket on the table.

5. He wants me to make a guess.
He wants me to make a gas.
Session 8

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Hat Hut
Lamp Lump
Cat Cut
Cap Cup
Rag Rug

Let’s drill the sentences
1. What do you think of my hat?
What do you think of my hut?

2. He’s got a lamp on his head.
He’s got a lump on his head.

3. He’d never seen such a cat.
He’d never seen such a cut.

4. He bought another cap.
He bought another cup.

5. She had a rag to keep her warm.
She had a rug to keep her warm.
Session 9

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Bus Boss
Color Collar
Cuff Cough
Duck Dock
Shut Shot

Let’s drill the sentences
1. I’m afraid the bus will be late.
I’m afraid the boss will be late.

2. His color was blue.
His collar was blue.

3. I could tell him by his cuff.
I could tell him by his cough.

4. They looked for the ducks.
They looked for the docks.

5. The policeman shut the door.
The policeman shot the door.
Session 10

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Dark Dock
Calf Cough
Cart Cot
Clerk Clock
Card Cod

Let’s drill the sentences
1. The tourists got lost in the dark.
The tourists got lost in the dock.

2. He thought he heard a calf.
He thought he heard a cough.

3. She put the baby in the cart.
She put the baby in the cot.

4. He knocked over the clerk.
He knocked over the clock.

5. He showed the card to the man.
He showed the cod to the man.
Session 11

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Arthur Author
Far Four
Star Store
Cart Court
Shah Shore

Let’s drill the sentences
1. This is not the Arthur you mean.
This is not the author you mean.

2. He’s been to far countries.
He’s been to four countries.

3. I’ve lost the name of the star.
I’ve lost the name of the store.

4. He hit the ball in side the cart.
He hit the ball in side the court.

5. I’m invited to visit the Shah.
I’m invited to visit the shore.
Session 12

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Sell Sail
Debt Date
Let Late
Red Raid
Pen Pain

Let’s drill the sentences
1. You won’t sell this boat.
You won’t sail this boat.

2. Don’t forget your debts.
Don’t forget your date.

3. The land lady said it was let.
The land lady said it was late.

4. He moved away from the red.
He moved away from the raid.

5. He forgot where the pen was.
He forgot where the pain was.
Session 13

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Bud Bed
Duck Deck
Ton Ten
Trouble Treble
Money Many

Let’s drill the sentences
1. The buds were rather pretty.
The beds were rather pretty.

2. Please keep your ducks clean.
Please keep your decks clean.

3. The cigars were sold in tons.
The cigars were sold in tens.

4. The singer was a trouble.
The singer was a treble.

5. He’s got money troubles.
He’s got many troubles.
Session 14

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Beer Bear
Cheer Chair
Weary Wary
Peer Pair

Let’s drill the sentences
1. He kept watching the two beers.
He kept watching the two bears.

2. Three cheers for the winners.
Three chairs for the winners.

3. Tina suddenly felt weary of him.
Tina suddenly felt wary of him.

4. She’d seen the peer before.
She’d seen the pair before.

5. He inspected all the boys here.
He inspected all the boys’ hair.
Session 15

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
θ ð

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of θ sound.
No Initial Medial Final
1 theater athlete both
2 thick author breath
3 think authority month
4 third fourthly mouth
5 thunder truthful teeth

2. Examples of ð sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 than brother bathe
2 then either breathe
3 there father doth
4 this other smooth
5 though weather with

Session 16

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of S sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 scene listen gas
2 see message glass
3 seven person horse
4 something receive princess
5 sorry sincere this

2. Examples of Z sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 zebra chosen amaze
2 zero dozen cause
3 zigzag easel jazz
4 zoo puzzle lose
5 xylophone reason please

Session 17

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
∫ ჳ

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of ∫ sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 sheep cashier brush
2 ship dictionary finish
3 shoe rabbish shrimp
4 sugar Russia splash
5 sure washing wash

2. Examples of ჳ sound.

No Medial 's/z' Medial 'sion' Final 'ge'
1 leisure decision beige
2 measure explosion camouflag
3 pleasure illusion espionage
4 treasure occasion garage
5 seizure television massage

Session 18

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
ʧ ʤ

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of ʧ sound.

No Initial Medial Final Special
1 chair achieve attach culture
2 charm Dutchman fetch furniture
3 cheese enchant reach future
4 Chinese exchange rich nature
5 choose wretched watch question

2. Examples of ʤ sound.

No Initial Medial Initial Medial Final
'j' 'j/dj' 'g' 'g/dg' 'ge/dge'
1 jum adjust geography angel edge
2 Jamaica enjoy gentleman danger bridge
3 Japanese injury George judgement large
4 jelly pyjamas German sergeant oblige
5 June Rajah gymnasium vegetable page

الـــــــحمد لله رب العالميـــــــن

Congratulations for passing

اللهم إنا نستودعك ما علمتناه
فاردده إلينا عند حاجتنا إليه
ولا تنسناه
يارب العالمين


More than what you got in pronunciation 1, Insyallah.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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