Selasa, 25 Mei 2010





1. What does your heart pump? blood
2. Which is the nearest star? the sun
3. Which is heavier, gold or silver? gold
4. How many sides does a triangle have? three
5. What is H20? water
6. How many legs does a butterfly have? six


1. Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean? an ocean
2. Which country has the most people? China
3. What is the capital city of indonesia? jakarta
4. What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.? Alaska
5. Which country has the biggest land area? Russia
6. In which ocean is Hawaii? the Pacific Ocean


1. What sport is played by six persons? Volley ball
2. In which country were the 2008 Olympic Games held? China
3. What country does the football player Ronaldino come from? Portugal
4. What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.? basketball
5. In which sport was Kris john to be the champion? Boxing
6. Which famous sports do the Indonesian like most? Foot ball


1. How many strings does a violin have? four
2. Where was Michael Jackson born? A S
3. What pop group is fool again? West life
4. Which singer usually sings pujahan hati? Kangen band
5. who is the singer of Cumpring

6. What nationality is cinta laura? jerman


1. At the next intersection, go (straight / directly) _ ahead. (8 letters)
2. Can you think (of) _ _ the missing word in this sentence? (2 letters)
3. A manager has to (make) _ _ _ _ _ many decisions. (4 letters)
4. Our boss was sick, so we (had) _ _ _ to cancel the meeting. (3 letters)
5. It's cold outside. You should put (on) _ _ your coat. (2 letters)
6. There was no room on the bus. It was _ _ (full) (4 letters)
7. Yesterday I _ (bought) _ _ _ the tickets for the train. (6 letters)


1. A person from another country. __foreigner____
2. What do you taste food with? _tongue______
3. Rude. _impolite,_insolent_____
4. The joint connecting the foot and the leg. _ancle______
5. A tool for digging. Scoop, spade
6. A large area of dry land. desert_______
7. A note used in business. memo _______


1. If today is Wednesday, Friday is
a) the next two days b) the next tomorrow c) the day after tomorrow
2. If you lose something, you must
a) look after it b) look it over c) look for it
3. Which is invisible?
a) oxygen b) glass c) smoke
4. Meteorology is the study of
a) meteors b) planets c) the weather
5. A doctor's job is to
a) repair people b) cure people c) charge people
6. Which word is the opposite of 'eat'?
a) drink b) buy c) take a leak
7. If you are not asleep, you are
a) wake up b) awake c) awoke


1. What (is)_ _ your name? (2 letters)
2. My sister works (in,at) _ _ a bank. (2 letters)
3. Can you (tell, give, show) _ _ _ _ me the time, please? (4 letters)
4. I'm going to (see,buy)_ _ _ a movie tonight. (3 letters)
5. The time is ten minutes _(to) _ seven. (2 letters)
6. Do you like eating Chinese _(food) _ _ _ ? (4 letters)
7. Would you like tea _(or) _ coffee? (2 letters)


1. The opposite of 'new'. old _______
2. What can you do with a pen? write _______
3. The early part of the day. morning_______
4. A place for learning. school _______
5. What do you bite food with? Tooth,teeth _______
6. A type of fruit. aple _______
7. The brother of your mother or father. uncle _______


1. What can you see at a zoo?
a) movies b) doctors c) animals
2. Which country has the most people?
a) India b) China c) Japan
3. "Do you like
a) reading books?" b) looking books?" c) watching books?"
4. Which is the tallest animal?
a) a horse b) an elephant c) a giraffe
5. Where are your lips?
a) under your arms b) above your eyes c) around your mouth
6.beef is meat from
a) a cow b) buffalo c) a hamster
7. West is the opposite direction to
a) east b) north c) south

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

direct speech

Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech
simple present
He said, “I go to school every day.” Þ simple past
He said (that) he went to school every day.
simple past
He said, “I went to school every day.” Þ past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
present perfect
He said, “I have gone to school every day.” Þ past perfect
He said (that) he had gone to school every day.
present progressive
He said, “I am going to school every day.” Þ past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day.
past progressive
He said, “I was going to school every day.” Þ perfect progressive
He said (that) he had been going to school every day,
future (will)
He said, “I will go to school every day.” Þ would + verb name
He said (that) he would go to school every day.
future (going to)
He said, “I am going to school every day.” Þ present progressive
He said (that) he is going to school every day.
past progressive
He said (that) he was going to school every day
Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech
auxiliary + verb name
He said, “Do you go to school every day?”
He said, “Where do you go to school?” Þ simple past
He asked me if I went to school every day.*
He asked me where I went to school.
He said, “Go to school every day.” Þ infinitive
He said to go to school every day.

*Note than when a Yes/No question is being asked in direct speech, then a construction with if or whether is used. If a WH question is being asked, then use the WH to introduce the clause. Also note that with indirect speech, these are examples of embedded questions.
The situation changes if instead of the common said another part of the very to say is used. In that case the verb tenses usually remain the same. Some examples of this situation are given below.

Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech
simple present + simple present
He says, “I go to school every day.” Þ simple present + simple present
He says (that) he goes to school every day.
present perfect + simple present
He has said, “I go to school every day.” Þ present perfect + simple present
He has said (that) he goes to school every day.
past progressive + simple past
He was saying, “I went to school every day.” Þ past progressive + simple past
He was saying (that) he went to school every day.
past progressive + past perfect
He was saying (that) he had gone to school every day.
future + simple present
He will say, “I go to school every day.” Þ future + simple present
He will say (that) he goes to school every day.

Another situation is the one in which modal constructions are used. If the verb said is used, then the form of the modal, or another modal that has a past meaning is used.

Direct Speech Þ Indirect Speech
He said, “I can go to school every day.” Þ could
He said (that) he could go to school every day.
He said, “I may go to school every day.” Þ might
He said (that) he might go to school every day.
He said, “I might go to school every day.”
He said, “I must go to school every day.” Þ had to
He said (that) he had to go to school every day.
have to
He said, “I have to go to school every day.”
He said, “I should go to school every day.” Þ should
He said (that) he should go to school every day.
ought to
He said, “I ought to go to school every day.” Þ ought to
He said (that) he ought to go to school every day.

Direct Speech
this = ini
these = ini
come = datang
here = di sini, ke sini
hence = dari sini
hither = ke tempat ini
ago = yang lalu
now = sekarang
today = hari ini
tomorrow = besok
yesterday = kemarin
last night = tadi malam
next week = minggu depan
thus = begini
contoh :
He said, “I will come here”.
Indirect Speech
that = itu
those = itu
go = pergi
there = di sana, ke sana
thence = dari sana
thither = ke tempat itu
before = lebih dahulu
then = pada waktu itu
that day = hari itu
next day = hari berikutnya
the previous day = sehari sebelumnya
the previous night = semalam sebelumnya
the following week = minggu berikutnya
so = begitu
He said that he would go there

amerikan pronunciation

Session 1

Phonetic Symbols
The perfect pronunciation is not to take your personality out of your speech indeed, mannerism that give hints of your origin are charming in English. The goal is rather to speak so that people listen to
What You Say, not How You Say It.

The first session – Phonetic Symbols – is designed to help you pronounce English words, phrases, and sentences correctly, so that the meaning you intend is clear and the sounds are pleasing. Now we go to session 1, phonetic symbols.

Kinds of Phonetic Symbol
Vowel Sound (Suara vokal)
1. Monophthong : satu suara (single sound)
2. Diphthong : Dua suara (double sound)

Consonant Sound (Suara Konsonan)
1. Stop : _____________________________
2. Fricative : _____________________________
3. Nasal : _____________________________
4. Glide : _____________________________
5. Liquid : _____________________________
6. Affricates : _____________________________

Understanding the Alphabet
Before stepping further more, it’s necessary to understand every letter names in alphabet.
Vowel Sound

1. Monophthong : satu suara (single sound)

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 i seat tempat duduk
2 I sit duduk
3 ε send mengirim
4 æ sand pasir
5 Λ mother ibu
6 α father ayah
7 ɔ dog anjing
8 ә about membuka
9 ʊ good bagus
10 u you kamu
11 αr car mobil
12 ɪr tear air mata
13 ʊr tour tamasya
14 εr care peduli
15 ɔr door pintu
16 ɚ sir pak

2. Diphthong : Dua suara (double sound)

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 aɪ cry menangis
2 aʊ cow sapi
3 еI stay tinggal
4 ɔɪ coy malu2 kucing
5 oʊ so jadi

Consonant Sound

1. Stop

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 p stop berhenti
2 b tub bak mandi
3 t cut memotong
4 d good bagus
5 k take mengambil
6 g dog anjing

2. Fricative

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 f puff isapan
2 v move pindah
3 θ bath mandi
4 ð bathe memandikan
5 s bus bis
6 z size ukuran
7 ∫ bush semak-semak
8 ჳ television televisi

3. Nasal

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 m some beberapa
2 n ten sepuluh
3 ŋ sing bernyanyi

4. Glide

No Symbol Example Example
Consonant Meaning Vowel Meaning
1 h how bagaimana hour jam
2 w why kenapa who siapa
3 y you kamu university universitas

5. Liquid

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 l let membiarkan
2 r read membaca

6. Affricates

No Symbol Example Meaning
1 ʧ touch menyentuh
2 ʤ jugde pengadilan

Session 2

Names of Symbols
The symbol is not only memorized but also written however it is. Because knowing the names of it will make us easier to identify within writing. The destination of giving names is

How to Dictate Every Symbol to Your Friend

In this Pronunciation class – particularly in this session –
we should transfer the most different thing which is never found in other courses. Now we go with the strange names of symbol.

No Symbol Special name
of symbol Pronunciation
1 I capital i
2 ε epsilon
3 æ letter ae
4 Λ turned V
5 α alpha
6 ɔ open o
7 ә schwa
8 ʊ upsilon
9 αr alpha + letter r
10 ɪr capital i + letter r
11 ʊr upsilon + letter r
12 εr epsilon + letter r
13 ɔr open o + letter r
14 ɚ schwa with hook
15 aI letter a + capital i
16 aʊ letter a + upsilon
17 еI letter e + capital i
18 ɔɪ open o + capital i
19 oʊ letter o + upsilon
20 θ theta
21 ð eth
22 ∫ integral
23 ჳ georgian letter we
24 ŋ letter eng
25 ʧ tesh digraph
26 ʤ dezh digraph
27 i letter i
28 u letter u
29 p letter p
30 b letter b
31 t letter t
32 d letter d
33 k letter k
34 g letter g
35 f letter f
36 v letter v
37 s letter s
38 z letter z
39 m letter m
40 n letter n
41 h letter h
42 w letter w
43 y letter y
44 l letter l
45 r letter r
Session 3

English words can be divided into syllables. Each spoken vowel sound makes one syllable. A syllable can be a vowel sound alone, a vowel before a consonant, a vowel after a consonant, or a vowel between consonants. But this session can be simply organized into one, two, three, four, five, or even six syllables.

Are you ready to know what the syllable is?
Here we go

No Word Syllable Meaning
2 3 4 5 6
1 landlord 2 bapak kos
2 weekly 2 mingguan
3 language 2 bahasa

4 landlady 3 ibu kos
5 position 3 posisi
6 example 3 contoh

7 dormitory 4 asrama
8 conversation 4 percakapan
9 information 4 keterangan

10 organization 5 organisasi
11 communication 5 komunikasi
12 examination 5 ujian

13 impossibility 6 ketidak mungkinan
14 practicability 6 kepraktisan
15 improbability 6 hal gk masuk akal
Practice for Mastery
Identify how many syllables in every word below!

No Word Separate each syllable Meaning
1 rapid
2 real
3 reality
4 roar
5 laughter
6 evening
7 hostility
8 hospital
9 ancient
10 opinion
11 hedge
12 hedgehog
13 vegetable
14 delicious
15 antihistamine
16 imitate
17 imitation
18 hungry
19 wolves
20 onion

Session 4

Each syllable in a word has a degree of emphasis, called by stress. There are three stress levels in English; primary, secondary, and unstressed. The destination of stress is

How you indicate the difference between nouns and verbs
Distinguish the “teen” numbers from the “tens”
And compound words from other modified nouns

So, still “ting tong”, just open your eyes and follow me.

Kinds of stress
1. Primary stress :
tekanan yang didalam kamus ditandai dengan simbol single high quotation mark (tanda kutip satu diatas) atau / ‛ /.

2. Secondary stress :
tekanan yang didalam kamus ditandai dengan simbol single lowcquotation mark (tanda kutip satu dibawah) atau / ‚ /.

3. Unstressed :
tekanan yang ditandai dengan tidak adanya baik tanda kutip satu diatas maupun dibawah / _ / .

Every stress has the specific explanation, including
How to write its symbol in a word
How is the usage?
What’s the function?
And what’s the example?

Wanna know? It’s time for you to learn the pronunciation.

Practice for Mastery
Assignment - Find out the pronunciation in Longman dictionary!
- Separate each syllable with its stress!
- Decide where the primary stress position is!
(Is it in first syllable or other?)

No Word Pronunciation Position Mean
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 magic
2 magical
3 idiot
4 idiotic
5 economy
6 economic
7 diplomat
8 diplomatic
9 phonetic
10 catholic
11 curious
12 curiosity
13 common
14 community
15 electric
16 electricity
17 hospital
18 hospitality
19 animosity
20 fruity

Session 5

Strong and Weak Form
A number of words that are in very frequent use have a weakened pronunciation if they are not stressed, and it is important for the students to learn these pronunciations and use them, in order to acquire a correct rhythm in speaking. What for do we study this?

Don’t Let Your Mouth Just “cuap-cuap”
But No One Understands.

What kind of word has weak form? Well, most of the words having weak forms belong to definite grammatical categories. They are in:
1. Personal Pronoun : 2 words
2. Possessive Adjective : 4 words
3. Articles : 3 words
4. Auxiliary Verbs (helping verbs) : 16 words
5. Prepositions : 5 words
6. Conjunctions : 5 words

The following special cases of weak forms should be noted.

That is pronounced “ðәt” when it is conjunction or a relative pronoun, but as a demonstrative it has no weak form and it is pronounced “ðæt”.

There is pronounced “ðәr” when it is used as a subject of the verb “to be”, but “ðεr” when it is an adverb of place.

The Prepositions (at, for, from, of, to) are pronounced with their strong forms when they are at the end of the sentence.

Are you still in powerful attention buddy?
I’ll tell you how to apply the weak forms in the sentences.
Practice for Mastery
Assignment : - Underline the words that are possibly weakened.
- Write down the weak form under that word.

1. You’ll need a lot more than you’ve got.

2. Where are you going for your holiday?

3. They’ve taken the same road as the others.

4. Could you tell them the best way to get there?

5. I should like a glass of milk and an apple.

6. She said she’d call for me at ten, but it’s past that.

7. We shall have to find some better excuses than that.

8. You can see for miles from the top of the hill.

9. I’m sure I saw him with her yesterday.

10. He’d already told me that he must meet his son.

11. You’ve brought me more than I can do with.

12. What do they want us to do for them?

13. Does it take as long as that to cook them?

14. What’ll you have to drink with your meal?

15. He’s brought me the one that I was waiting for.

Session 6

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Sleep Slip
Feel Fill
Heel Hill
Sheep Ship
Green Grin

Let’s drill the sentences
1. You can’t sleep on the floor.
You can’t slip on the floor.

2. Oh dear! I can’t feel the bath.
Oh dear! I can’t fill the bath.

3. She’s walking on a high heel.
She’s walking on a high hill.

4. There’s a sheep in the bay.
There’s a ship in the bay.

5. Take that green off your face.
Take that grin off your face.
Session 7

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Bend Band
Lead Lad
Pen Pan
Set Sat
Guess Gas

Let’s drill the sentences
1. Drive slowly! There’s a bend.
Drive slowly! There’s a band.

2. He put the lead on the roof.
He put the lad on the roof.

3. If I were you, I’d use a pen.
If I were you, I’d use a pan.

4. She set the basket on the table.
She sat the basket on the table.

5. He wants me to make a guess.
He wants me to make a gas.
Session 8

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Hat Hut
Lamp Lump
Cat Cut
Cap Cup
Rag Rug

Let’s drill the sentences
1. What do you think of my hat?
What do you think of my hut?

2. He’s got a lamp on his head.
He’s got a lump on his head.

3. He’d never seen such a cat.
He’d never seen such a cut.

4. He bought another cap.
He bought another cup.

5. She had a rag to keep her warm.
She had a rug to keep her warm.
Session 9

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Bus Boss
Color Collar
Cuff Cough
Duck Dock
Shut Shot

Let’s drill the sentences
1. I’m afraid the bus will be late.
I’m afraid the boss will be late.

2. His color was blue.
His collar was blue.

3. I could tell him by his cuff.
I could tell him by his cough.

4. They looked for the ducks.
They looked for the docks.

5. The policeman shut the door.
The policeman shot the door.
Session 10

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Dark Dock
Calf Cough
Cart Cot
Clerk Clock
Card Cod

Let’s drill the sentences
1. The tourists got lost in the dark.
The tourists got lost in the dock.

2. He thought he heard a calf.
He thought he heard a cough.

3. She put the baby in the cart.
She put the baby in the cot.

4. He knocked over the clerk.
He knocked over the clock.

5. He showed the card to the man.
He showed the cod to the man.
Session 11

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Arthur Author
Far Four
Star Store
Cart Court
Shah Shore

Let’s drill the sentences
1. This is not the Arthur you mean.
This is not the author you mean.

2. He’s been to far countries.
He’s been to four countries.

3. I’ve lost the name of the star.
I’ve lost the name of the store.

4. He hit the ball in side the cart.
He hit the ball in side the court.

5. I’m invited to visit the Shah.
I’m invited to visit the shore.
Session 12

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Sell Sail
Debt Date
Let Late
Red Raid
Pen Pain

Let’s drill the sentences
1. You won’t sell this boat.
You won’t sail this boat.

2. Don’t forget your debts.
Don’t forget your date.

3. The land lady said it was let.
The land lady said it was late.

4. He moved away from the red.
He moved away from the raid.

5. He forgot where the pen was.
He forgot where the pain was.
Session 13

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Bud Bed
Duck Deck
Ton Ten
Trouble Treble
Money Many

Let’s drill the sentences
1. The buds were rather pretty.
The beds were rather pretty.

2. Please keep your ducks clean.
Please keep your decks clean.

3. The cigars were sold in tons.
The cigars were sold in tens.

4. The singer was a trouble.
The singer was a treble.

5. He’s got money troubles.
He’s got many troubles.
Session 14

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
Beer Bear
Cheer Chair
Weary Wary
Peer Pair

Let’s drill the sentences
1. He kept watching the two beers.
He kept watching the two bears.

2. Three cheers for the winners.
Three chairs for the winners.

3. Tina suddenly felt weary of him.
Tina suddenly felt wary of him.

4. She’d seen the peer before.
She’d seen the pair before.

5. He inspected all the boys here.
He inspected all the boys’ hair.
Session 15

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
θ ð

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of θ sound.
No Initial Medial Final
1 theater athlete both
2 thick author breath
3 think authority month
4 third fourthly mouth
5 thunder truthful teeth

2. Examples of ð sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 than brother bathe
2 then either breathe
3 there father doth
4 this other smooth
5 though weather with

Session 16

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of S sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 scene listen gas
2 see message glass
3 seven person horse
4 something receive princess
5 sorry sincere this

2. Examples of Z sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 zebra chosen amaze
2 zero dozen cause
3 zigzag easel jazz
4 zoo puzzle lose
5 xylophone reason please

Session 17

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
∫ ჳ

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of ∫ sound.

No Initial Medial Final
1 sheep cashier brush
2 ship dictionary finish
3 shoe rabbish shrimp
4 sugar Russia splash
5 sure washing wash

2. Examples of ჳ sound.

No Medial 's/z' Medial 'sion' Final 'ge'
1 leisure decision beige
2 measure explosion camouflag
3 pleasure illusion espionage
4 treasure occasion garage
5 seizure television massage

Session 18

Distinguishing the Two Similar Words
ʧ ʤ

Let’s drill the sentences

1. Examples of ʧ sound.

No Initial Medial Final Special
1 chair achieve attach culture
2 charm Dutchman fetch furniture
3 cheese enchant reach future
4 Chinese exchange rich nature
5 choose wretched watch question

2. Examples of ʤ sound.

No Initial Medial Initial Medial Final
'j' 'j/dj' 'g' 'g/dg' 'ge/dge'
1 jum adjust geography angel edge
2 Jamaica enjoy gentleman danger bridge
3 Japanese injury George judgement large
4 jelly pyjamas German sergeant oblige
5 June Rajah gymnasium vegetable page

الـــــــحمد لله رب العالميـــــــن

Congratulations for passing

اللهم إنا نستودعك ما علمتناه
فاردده إلينا عند حاجتنا إليه
ولا تنسناه
يارب العالمين


More than what you got in pronunciation 1, Insyallah.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


The Alphabet

ei bi: si: di: i: ef d3i:

eit∫ ai d3ei kei el em en

əụ pi: kju: a:( r ) es ti: ju:

vi: dabju: eks wai zed

My name is : ANGGA F.
It spells like : ei en d3i d3i ei ef
I’m from : PARE
pi: ei a:( r ) i:

Pronunciation adalah Suatu letupan kata yang bisa memperjelas suatu kalimat / suatu kata .

The Phonetic Symbol di bagi menjadi 4, Meliputi ;

 Vowels
 Consonant
 Final Little
 Stress

1 . Vowels / Sound / Suara
Adalah Kegemparan yang terditeksi / di dengar oleh telinga yang di timbulkan oleh getaran udara . Vowel / Sound / Suara di bagi 3, yaitu ;
 Lax / Short
 Tense / Long
 Glide / Diphthong

1. Lax / Short, meliputi ;
2. Tense / Long, meliputi ;
3. Glide / Diphthong, meliputi ;

2 . Consonant di bagi menjadi 2, meliputi ;
# Voiceless / Letupan berat atau cepat /
Bisa di sebut No buzzing Sound. Meliputi ;
P, K, F, S, ∫, T, θ, H, T∫
# Voiced / Letupan kalem atau panjang /
Bisa di sebut Buzzing Sound. Meliputi ;
B, D, G, DЗ, I, M, N, R, V, W, J, Z, З, ð, ŋ

3 . Final little
Panjang / Santai / apabila FL Voiced
Pendek / Cepat / apabila FL Voiceless

4 . Stress [ ‘ ] / Bunyi suara yang paling penting /

Vowels .
Lax / Short ;

/ ə / / e / / I / /Λ / / / / /
ago ten sit cup got put
a way pen win up god good
Support cell big Shut not look
Paper dead hit come mop could

Tense / Long ;

/ ǽ / / a: / / / /U:/ /З:/ /i:/
back car saw too bird see
plan heart wall food sir meet
cat laugh ball book birth knee
match march call moon shirt seat

Glide / Diphthong ;

/ ei / / ai / / / / / / / / /
pay bike joke town boy near
rain wine note down join hear
day nine hope now boil tear
take night know month spoil ear
fail buy no how coin beer
baby five ghost round point deer

/ / / /
care tour
dare tow
share total
pare cure
glare curious
bare pure

Consonants .
Voiceless ;

/ p / / k / / f / / s / / ∫ / / t /
park cute few sing wish town
pack milk free sun fashion two
stop can deaf pass cash time
happy cake coffee say sheep twice

/ θ / / h / / t∫ /
Think hear cheap
birth head cheese
thrust behave teacher
thin who rich

Voiced ;

/ b / / d / / g / / dз / / I / / m /
back down gate jeep lake mouse
tub red gun juice sell mine
rubber did got major look swim
big had league large leg lamp

/ n / / r / / v / / w / / j / / z /
name run view wet yellow zeal
night rain over when year size
snow write never one use rise
gone draw ever once new freezer

/ З / / ð / / ŋ /
television with king
decision that wrong
garage other strong
usual that sink

Exercise For i: and I

i: i:t eat
I It it

Seat sit
Feel fill
Sheep ship
Field filled
Sleep slip

1. < a > You can’t sleep on the floor .
< b > You can’t slip on the floor .

e get get
ǽ ǽt at

Bed bad
Bend band
Guess gas
Head had
Send sand

1. < a > Drive slowly ! There’s a bend
< b > Drive slowly ! There’s a band

ǽ ǽt at
Λ Λp up

Bag bug
Bat but
Cat cut
Lamp lump
Hat hut

1. < a > What do you think of my hat ?
< b > What do you think of my hut ?

ǽ ǽt at
Λ Λp up

Bus boss
Color collar
Duck dock
Shut shot
Cut cot

1. < a > His color was blue
< b > His collar was blue

e get get
ei get gay

Debt date
Get gate
Men main
Let late
Met mate

1. < a > Don’t for get your debts
< b > Don’t for get your date

now no
Nat not

Own on
Road rod
Won’t want
Coat cot
Hope hop

1. < a > The fish is at the end of the road
< b > The fish is at the end of the rod

PRONUNCING “ ED “ In Past Tense Verb
/ Regular Verb /

Ed from “ t “ : Di awali oleh “ VIc “ eg :
“ d “ : Di awali oleh “ Vc “ eg :
“ Id “ : Di awali oleh “ t or d “ eg :

‘ t ‘ Preceded by VL
Except / t / ‘ d ‘ Preceded by V
Except / d / ‘ Id ‘ Preceded t or d
P Stopped
K Parked
F Stuffed
S Kissed
∫ Washed
t / exception /
t∫ Watched
h / none / b Robbed
d / exception /
g Begged
d3 Changed
I Killed
m Climbed
n Opened
r Prepared
v Loved
w Showed
j Destroyed
z Buzzed
3 Massaged
ð Breathed
ŋ Belonged
t Tempted / waited

d Demanded

Past Tense

 Listen Listened
 Study Studied
 Help Helped
 Stop Stopped
 Ask Asked
 Live Lived
 Watch Watched
 Walk Walked
 Spend Spent
 Elect Elected
 Demand Demanded
 Need Needed
 Want Wanted
Connected Speech Makes Past Tense Clear

Watched her / Watch – ter
Planned It / Plan – did
Waited Until / Waited – duntil
Asked him / Ask – tim
Spent it / Spend – tit
Stopped at / Stop – tat
Walked away / Walk – taway
Worked until / Work – tuntil
Looked after / Look – tafter
Lived at / Live – dat

THE Pronunciation of / to /

1. Certain verbs and adjective are followed by infinitives. After most of them, the to is commonly linked to the verb and said with a little bit of voicing ( it sound like a week / d / )
Plan to live Sorry to hear Able to swim
Try to go Lucky to win Happy to come

Weren’t you planning to leave early ?
Did you decide to stay home ?

2. After verbs and adjectives ending in a voiceless sound, the to is pronounced with no breath of air. ( but it remains voiceless and sounds like / a / t / )
Hope to come Used to Lived Supposed to go
Like to see Have to leave Wants to work

Aren’t you supposed to be at work ?
How long do you expect to be ?

3. Before a verb, going to is often pronounced / /. Want to is commonly said as / /

I’m not going to go Do you want to come ?

The contraction of ‘ To ‘

- Want to :
- Going to :
- Have to :
- Has to :
- Have gotto :

In short answer and substitute Sentence, the to is pronounced / tu: /
Is he going ? Would you like to go ?


- Did he ?
- Does he ?
- Was he ?
- Has he ?
- Is he ?
- Will he ?
- Would he ?
- Can he ?
- Wouldn’t you ?
- Shouldn’t I ?
- Didn’t he ?
- Hasn’t he ?
- Wouldn’t he ?
- Isn’t he ?
- Isn’t it ?
- Doesn’t it ?
- Aren’t I ?
- Won’t you ?
- Don’t you ?
- Can’t you ?
- Could you ?
- Would you ?

Pronouncing “ S “

“ S “ Proceeded by voiceless consonant = “ S “

Eg : Lips

Eg : Mops

Eg : Robert’s
a Cat’s eye

Eg : It’s

“ Z “ Proceeded by voiced and vowel = “ Z “

Eg : Caves Labs Clothes

Eg : Needs

Eg : Tom’s
Tom’s computer

Eg : There’s
My name is / /

Pronouncing “ of / off “

Of ; ə / əv
Bisa di baca ( əv ) apabila setelah of huruf vocal, dan di baca ( ə ) apabila setelah off huruf consonant.

Eg : Get out of my face
I’m sick of you
I’m kind of sick of you
What a lot of rot you talk

Off ;
Eg : Just knock it off
You must be out off your mind

Pronouncing “ Have “

Have ; Jelas
- Diakhir kalimat
- Diawal kalimat
- Menjadi Verb Ordinary
Jelas .
Eg ; Yes I have
Have you taken Shower ?
I have a lot of money


Word Connection

Don’t Speak Word by Word.

Eg : You – are, Go – a way

Do – it , You – and I

Eg : The – end , The – only

She – ever, I – Understand

Eg : Get – out, Out – of

Eg : What was, That was

Eg ; Don’t – you, Won’t – you, Not – yet

Can I get you a drink, What your name ?

Eg ; Did – you, Would – you

Did – you see it, Would – you like it

Eg ; I miss – you

Yes – you are, Bless – you

Eg : How’s – your family

Who does – your hair

Eg : Come – on
Feel – ok Hold – on

The American “ T “

1. T is “ T “

- At the beginning of word ;
Eg ; Time takes ten times to try
- In the middle of word “ Primary stress “
Eg ; I’talian, Photography
- Replace “ d “ in past tense preceded by “ Vic “
Eg ; Stopped, Stressed, Helped
- In “ CT, TR, TS, FT, PT, Sometime NT Combination
Eg ; Contract, Lift, First, Tempt, Elect

2. T is Soft “ d “ / Japanese R /

- In the middle of word / weak stress
Eg ; Italy, Photograph, Atom
- In Karina’s T- connections < T + Vowel = d >
Eg ; Get out ! Get up ! Shut up ! Get in !

3. T is Held / ditahan /

- At the end of word
Eg ; Hot, Not, Got
- In < T + Consonant except / j / >
Eg ; Mountain, Sentence, Written
- In Syllabic “ N “
Eg ; Student, Garden

4. T is Mute / Silent /

- After “ N “ With Lax vowel
Eg ; Internet, Interview, Twenty, Printer, Advantage


Intonation adalah Suara yang bisa mengatur nada tinggi rendahnya suatu kalimat.

For example ;
1. Here is my bike

2. Good morning

Good ning

Common Contractions Used by American

- a bunch of did you
- a couple of don’t know
- kind of give me
- lost of going to
- most of got to
- sick of leave me
- rid of let me
- sort of must have
- had better out of
- come on want to
- could have what do you
- could not have don’t you
- should have
- should not have
- would have
- would not have



Hello, My name is …………………… I’m talking American accent training. There’s a lot to learn but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible I should pick upon the American Intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time. I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, Intonation more than I used to I’ve been paying attention to pitch. Too, It’s like walking down a staircase I’ve been talking to a lot of American lately and they tell me that I’m easier to Understand. Anyway, I could go on and on, but the important thing is to listen well and Sound good. Well, What d’you think ? Do I ?

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

job interview

Tell me a little about yourself."
When responding to this request, you should focus on both your personal and professional values. Always be honest, but talk about your best traits only, especially those that relate to the position for which you are applying. Highlight experiences and accomplishments you are most proud of. Here's an example:
"I'm an experienced communications specialist with extensive knowledge of public information tools and techniques. I've developed comprehensive communication plans for major public events, written dozens of articles accepted by worldwide publications, and created specialized educational programs for adults and students. I am always eager to learn new methods and procedures, and have implemented continuous improvement techniques in my past positions that saved money and increased productivity. I like working with people and enjoy group projects, but am also a self-starter who doesn't mind working on my own. I'm a volunteer with the local chapter of Special Olympics and enjoy participating in community events. My goals are to complete my Master's Degree and broaden my experiences with community relations."
Remember to tailor your response to the specific job. By studying the job announcement, you'll get a good idea of the skills and experience being sought. Work those into your response.
Consider this your own personal commercial. If the interview consisted of only this ONE chance to sell yourself, what would you say?
"What do you feel has been your greatest work-related accomplishment?"
Choose one example from your past that was important to you and helped the company you worked for. Give specific details about what you did, how you did it, and what the results were. Try to pick an accomplishment that relates to the position for which you are applying. Employers like to hear about accomplishments that reduced expenses, raised revenues, solved problems or enhanced a company's reputation.
"What is your greatest strength?"
This is a great chance to highlight your best skills. Don't pick just one, focus on your top three or four. Some examples are: leadership skills, team-building skills, and organizational skills. Determine which strengths would fit best with the position for which you are applying. For example, if the job announcement stresses the ability to handle multiple tasks, you could say: "I'm good at organizational skills, prioritization and time management. But my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines."
"What is your greatest weakness?"
Be careful with this one. Most interview guides will tell you to answer it with a positive trait disguised as a weakness. For example, "I tend to expect others to work as hard as I do," or "I'm a bit of a perfectionist." Interviewers have heard these "canned" answers over and over again. To stand out, be more original and state a true weakness, but then emphasize what you've done to overcome it. For example: "I've had trouble delegating duties to others because I felt I could do things better myself. This has sometimes backfired because I'd end up with more than I could handle and the quality of my work would suffer. But I've taken courses in time management and learned effective delegation techniques, and I feel I've overcome this weakness."

IMPORTANT: Be sure the weakness you talk about is NOT a key element of the position!
"How do you handle stressful situations?"
Give some examples of stressful situations you've dealt with in the past. Tell how you use time management, problem-solving or decision-making skills to reduce stress. For example, tell them that making a "to-do" list helps. Site stress-reducing techniques such as stretching and taking a break. Don't be afaid to admit that you will ask for assistance if you are feeling overwhelmed.
If it's true, say you actually work better under pressure.
"What is the toughest problem you've had to face, and how did you overcome it?"
Try to make this about a problem that faced your company and not just you or your particular work group. The bigger the problem, the better. Give specific examples of the skills and techniques you used to resolve this problem. Emphasize the successful results. Be generous in sharing credit if it was a team effort, but be sure to highlight your specific role.
"Have you ever had to discipline a problem employee? If so, how did you handle it?"
This is a likely question if the position for which you are applying requires supervisory duties. Explain how you used problem-solving skills, listening skills, and coaching skills to help the employee. If those techniques turned the employee around, be sure to say so. If those techniques failed, tell how you followed the company's policies and what the end result was.
"Why do you want this position?"
Here's where your research about the company will help you stand out among the other candidates. Explain how you've always wanted the opportunity to work with a company that... provides a vital public service, leads the industry in innovative products, whatever... find something specific about that company that you can tie in with your answer. Explain how your qualifications and goals complement the company's mission, vision and values (use specific examples). If you are applying for a position in a company for which you already work, explain how you'll be able to apply and expand on the knowledge and experience you've gained from your current position, and will be able to increase your contributions and value to the company through your new responsibilities.

"Why are you the best person for this job?"
As with all other questions, be confident and enthusiastic when you answer this. Don't try to say you are the best qualified person, because you don't know the qualifications of the other applicants. Instead, emphasize several reasons why you should be hired. For example: "I've got extensive experience in [name the appropriate field] and have the specific skills you are looking for. I'm a fast learner who adapts quickly to change and will hit the ground running. I'm dedicated and enthusiastic about helping your company meet its goals, and will provide top-quality results with minimal oversite. I'm an outstanding performer who takes pride in my work. You won't have any regrets when you hire me."
Interview questions and answers can only be predicted and prepared for to a certain extent. There are endless variations and no way to know every question in advance. But that doesn't matter. Because you know there will be unexpected questions, you will not cringe or freak out when they pop up, as some applicants will. Instead, you will turn them into opportunities to shine even more brightly.
No one knows you better than you. Memorize a list of your best features, your best selling points. Use every opportunity and unexpected question to mention these.
Realize that sometimes what you say isn't as important as how you say it. Be confident, enthusiastic, and remember to smile often.
Often the interviewer's last question is, "Do you have any questions for me?" Candidates who do not have questions show a lack of initiative and give the impression that they have minimal interest in the position. Stand out from those lazy job seekers by asking questions!
Have your questions ready in advance. Relate them to the company or its accomplishments/challenges (your research of the company will show and further impress the interviewer). Don't ask any question that shows that you have not done your research about the company.
Do not ask questions related to you, such as "When will I be eligible for my first raise?" or "How often will I be subjected to a performance review?" Don't bring up money. (You can do that after you are offered the job.)
In addition to specific questions you develop based on what the company does, here are some sample generic questions:
What do you enjoy most about working here?
Be sure the person you ask actually works for the company. Some organizations, especially public agencies, have interview panels in which employees from other agencies participate.
Is there anything I've mentioned that makes you think I'm not the best candidate for this job?
If they do mention something that's bothering them about you, such as lack of specific experience, this gives you a last-ditch effort to change their opinion about you. If you've thought about your possible weaknesses in advance, you should have a prepared answer to those weaknesses. For example, "I know I have limited experience in this field, but what I lack in specific experience I make up for in enthusiasm and desire to excel. I'm a fast learner and I'll work harder than anyone else to be a top producer on your team."
When do you expect to make your final decision?
Be sure to ask that! Failure to do so may give the impression that you're not that interested, and you need to know when to follow up.