Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan Ba Cooperativa No Fila Liman
1. Sejarah Singkat
Nama : Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan Ba Cooperatva No Fila Liman
Tanggal Berdiri : 1 Juni 2000
Pendiri : Abel da Costa Freitas Ximenes
Alamat : Rua Praia dos Coqueiro Dili, telp +670 73 728 72
E-mail :
Kepengurusan :
Ketua : Abel da Costa Freitas Ximenes
Sekretaris :
1. João Alves Coreia., S.E., M.M.
2. Domingos Ximens., L.Ed.
Bendahara : Augusto da C. Soares., S.E., M.M.
Pengawas :
1. Mateus Ximenes., S.E., M.M.
2. Guilhermino P. Barreto., S.E.
Cikal bakal berdirinya Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan Ba Cooperativa no Fila liman yang lebih dikenal sebagai Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan, adalah sebagai respon positif terhadap perkembangan pembangunan Timor Leste, khususnya pembangunan di bidang Ekonomi (Ekonomi Kerakyatan) dan bidang pendidikan (SDM) sehingga pada tanggal 1 Juni 2000 atas inisiatif dan prakarsa bapak Abel da Costa F. Ximenes, maka lahirlah Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman.
Kepedulian dan perhatian Klibur lebih terfokus pada bidang Ekonomi dan Pendidikan (baik pendidikan formal maupun non formal) sebab kedua bidang tersebut sebagai langkah awal memajukan pembangunan Negara Timor Leste yang sedang berkembang. Oleh karena itu Klibur akan terus berupaya seoptimal mungkin dengan komitmen yang tinggi untuk terus mengembangkan segenap potensi, kemampuan dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam mengisi pembangunan Timor Leste.
Dalam melaksanakan programnya, Klibur menjalin kemitraan dengan Nacional Cooperative and Business Association (NCBA) dan Unites States Agency for International Development (USAID), dari kedua organisasi tersebut Klibur mendapat support.
Klibur berobsesi untuk menempatkan diri sebagai organisasi yang strategis, dinamis, kooperatif, adaptif, inovatif dan proaktif guna membangun kemamdirian SDM Timor – Leste melalui pendidikan formal, non-formal dan ekonomi kerakyatan / koperasi dalam pembangunan nasional.
Visi Fundação Klibur yaitu meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia Timor Leste agar menjadi terampil, professional dan berbudaya di segala aspek serta ikut aktif membangun tatanan kehidupan ekonomi menuju kesejakteraan dan kemakmuran rakyat dalam alam kemerdekaan di Era Globalisasi.
Fundação Klibur mempunyai misi mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat Timor Leste baik melalui penyelenggaraan pendidikan formal, non formal maupun pembinaan koperasi, pengusaha kecil atau fila liman sehingga diharapkan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap pem bangunan ekonomi masyarakat Timor Leste.
Fundação Klibur selalu membuka diri untuk mengikuti setiap perkembangan yang ada di Timor Leste baik di bidang ekonomi maupun bidang politik/pemerintahan. Sebab Klibur berprinsip bahwa setiap perubahan dan dinamika yang relevan dengan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara merupakan tuntutan kebutuhan yang hrus diketahui.
2. Program dan Aktifitas
Semenjak berdirinya hingga sekarang, Fundacao Klibur menjalankan Program-progran sebagai berikut:
1. Pelaksanaan administrasi dan manajemen perkantoran yang merupakan kegiatan rutinitas.
2. Melakukan pendidikan / pelatihan, pembinaan dan pemdampingan terhadap para pengusaha kecil dan menengah di 13 ( tiga belas distrik )
3. Melakukan pendidkan / pelatihan, pembinaan dan pendampingan kepada koperasi 13 ( tiga belas Distrik).
4. Mendidrikan dan menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi yaitu East Timor Institute of Bussinees ( IOB).
5. Mendirikan dan menyelenggarakan pendidikan Escola Tecnica Informatica (ETI).
6. Mendirikan dan menyelenggarakan Radio Klibur FM 102 Mhz
3. Sarana dan Fasilitas Pendukung
Dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya, Fundasaun Klibur di dukung oleh beberapa sarana dan fasilitas pendukungnya, yaitu ;
1. Sarana Fisik
a. Memiliki 3 ( tiga ) Gedung
Kampus A memiliki 2 gedung terletak di rua Rua 6 Setembro no. 8 Bidau Akadiruhun, Dili, :
Gedung 1 memilik 3 Ruang kelas dilengkapi dengan meja kursi kuliah dan peralatan lainnya
Gedung 2 Memiliki 3 Ruang kelas dilengkapi dengan meja kursi kuliah dan peralatan lainnya
- Kampus B berlantai dua yang terletak di rua pertamina – praia dos coqueiros ( pantai kelapa ) dengan;
• 10 ruangan kelas yang dilengkapi oleh meja dan peralatan penunjang lainnya.
• 2 ruangan kantor untuk pelaksanaan administrasi dan Dosen
• 1 gedung serbaguna
• 2 Laboratorium komputer dengan ruangan berpendingin ( AC ) dengan jumlah komputer 40 unit.
• Ruangan perpustakaan dengan koleksi buku yang memadai
b. 4 (Empat) kendaraan roda 4
c. 1 (Satu) Kendaraan Roda 6 (Angguna)
d. 3 (tiga) Unit sepeda Motor
e. mes berkapasitas enam kamar dan 24 tempat tidur untuk tempat beristirahat para peserta kursus atau pelatihan. (jika di perlukan)
f. radio klibur FM 102 Mhz, yang di lengkapi dengan:
- 1. Ruang studio
- 1 Ruangan Transmisi Radio
- 1 Ruangan Produksi dan Berita Iklan
2. Tenaga Pendidik
Fundacao Klibur sangat mengedepankan arti kualitas dan profesionalisme para tenaga pengajar dan pendidik, oleh karena itu Fundacao Klibur memiliki Individu-individu dengan kualitas pendidikan dan ketrampilan yang unggul di bidangnya, di antaranya:
1. Pedro Ximenes,ST.MM : Sarjana Teknik (S-1) pada Institute Teknologi Nasional (ITN) Malang dengan Jurusan Elektronika, Magister Managemen (S-2) pada Universitas Katholik Parayangan (Unpar) bandung dengan konsentrasi pada bidang keuangan dan pasar Modal.
2. Mateus Ximenes,SE.MM : Sarjana Ekonomi (S-1) Pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Karta Negara Malang Dengan Jurursan Keuangan, Magister Managemen (S-2) Pada Universitas Merdeka Malang Dengan Konsentrasi Keungan.
3. Agustu Soares., S.E., M.M. : Sarjana Ekonomi ( S-1) Pada Sekola Tingi Ilmu Ekonomi (Stie) Kartanegara Malang Dengan Jurusan Keuangan, Mahasiswa Magister Menajemen Pada Institut Koperasi Indonesia ( Ikopin ) Bandung, Dengan Konsentrasi Keuangan.
4. Augusto de Jesus., S.E., M.S.A.: Sarjana Ekonomi, (S1) Pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Kertanegara Malang Indonesia Jurusan Akuntansi, Magister Sains Akuntansi (MSA) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan Sektor Publik.
5. Guilhermino Paul dos Santos Barreto, SE: sarjana ekonomi ( S-1) pada Universitas Gajayana ( Uniga ) Malang Dengan Jurusan Akuntansi. Program Magister Manajemen (Kandidat MM) Uniga Malang., Konsentrasi Manajemen Keuangan.
6. Antonio Cunha, S.T., M.M. Konsentrasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia.
7. Lucio Ximenes., L.Ec., M.M. (Universitas Dili) jurusan Manajemen Keuangan, Magister Manajemen Konsentrasi Manajemen Keuangan.
8. Jose vilanova, SE : Manajer Koperasi Kredit Fini Sorumutu Dili, Profesional di Bidang Akuntansi Koperasi Kredit.
9. Nurhuda da Costa., S.E., MM. Magister Manajemen (MM) Universitas Gajayana Malang, Konsentrasi Manajemen Keuangan.
10. Maria da Costa., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
11. Julmira Maria Cofitalan., Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Manajemen Keuangan, Konsentrasi Manejemen Keuangan
12. Rosario T. Carceres., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
13. Luciana Pacheco., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
14. Ramiro dos Santos., B.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan
15. Agostinha Maria Fernandes., Pada Universitas Budi Utomo (UNITOMO) Jurusan Manajemen Keuangan, Konsentrasi Manajemen Keuangan.
16. Deonisio Fraga., S.T. M.T. Pada Universitas Brawijaya (Unibraw)) Jurusan Teknik Produksi, Konsentrasi Manajemen teknik Produksi.
17. Bernardetha Turi. S.Kom., Pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Bali (STIKOM) Jurusan Teknik Komputer, Konsentrasi Teknik Informatika
18. Gabriel Neves., S.Kom., pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Oelindo Kupang (STIKOM) Jurusan Teknik Komputer, Konsentrasi Teknik Informatika.
19. Vasio S. Soares., S.Kom. pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Oelindo Kupang (STIKOM) Jurusan Teknik Komputer, Konsentrasi Teknik Informatika.
20. Tomas G. Ferreira., L.Ed. Pada Universitas Nasional Timor Loro Sae (UNTL) Jurusan Pendidikan.
21. Emilia da Silva., L.Ed. Pada Universitas Nasional Timor Loro Sae (UNTL) Jurusan Pendidikan.
22. Maria Magdalena., Spd. Pada Universitas Negeri Malang (UNM)) Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Asin.
23. Joaninha C. Marcal., B.Ec., Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Manajemen Keuangan, Konsentrasi Manejemen Keuangan
24. Stanislau Bana., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan
25. Abilio Batista., S.E., (Candidat MM) Magister Manajemen (MM) Universitas Gajayana Malang, Konsentrasi Manajemen Keuangan.
26. Alsino J. Barreto., L.Ed. (Candidat MM) Magister Manajemen (MM) Universitas Gajayana Malang, Konsentrasi Manajemen Keuangan.
27. Marquita da costa Machado., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
28. Alda da Conceicao., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
29. Eusebio Gusmao., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
30. Azina Rodrigues., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
31. Aurelio dos Santos., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
32. Alexandre Lay., L.Ec. Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing.
33. Apolonia de Fatima da Costa., B.Ed. Institute Coamoes
34. Jose Fuca., Pada Institute of Business (IOB) Jurusan Akuntansi, Konsentrasi Akuntansi Keuangan dan Auditing
35. Isabel Ximenes., S.E., (Candidat AK. Dan Msi) Pada Universitas Brawijaya Malang (Unibraw) Malang Indonesia.
36. Natalino Ximenes., S.Kom, Pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Bali (STIKOM) Jurusan Teknik Komputer, Konsentrasi Teknik Informatika.
37. Delio S. F. Dos Santos., S.T. Pada Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang (ITN) Jurusan Teknik Arsitek, Konsentrasi Teknik Arsitek
Selain para tenaga di atas yang merupakan tenaga tetap pada fundação klibur,terdapat banyak tenaga tetap yang berkualitas dan professional yang membantu klibur dalam pelaksanaan event-event tertentu.
4. Kemitraan dan Kerjasama
Guna memperlancar kegiatan-kegiatannya, Fundacão klibur melakukan kerja sama yang aktif dan berkelanjutan dengan beberapa Institusi dan lembaga Seperti:
1. Nacional Cooperativa and Business Association (NCBA) – Klaten, Indonesia.
2. Unites States Agency for Internacional Development (USAID) Dili.
3. Cooperativa Cafe Timor (CCT)
4. Clinica Cafe Timor (CCT)
5. Pemerintah Finlandia
6. International Labor Organization (ILO) Timor-Leste
7. UNHCR Timor-Leste
8. Universitas Gajayana- Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.
9. Universitas Widya Mandira - Kupang, NTT, Indonesia.
10. Institute Manajemen dan Koperasi Indonesia (IKOPIN) Bandung, Indonesia.
11. Universitas Pendidikan Nasional - Denpasar, Indonesia.
12. Universitas Portucalense-Portugal
13. Universitas Merdeka (UNMER)- Malang-Indonesia.
14. Bank Mandiri Cabang Dili, Timor-Leste
15. Banco Naacional Ultramarino (CGD/BNU)-Dili Timor - Leste
16. Universitas Nasional Timor Leste (UNTL)-Dili
17. Dili Institute of Tecnology (DIT) Dili.
18. NGO Forum-Timor Leste
19. NGO INDE-Portugal
20. Timor Aid, Dili -TimorLeste
21. Institute Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial (IADE)
22. Cooperativa de Credito Fini Soru-Mutu, Dili -Timor Leste
23. Federasi Koperasi kredit hanai Malu- Dili
24. Instituto Camõens Dili
25. Dewan koperasi Indonesia (DEKOPIN)- Indonesia.
26. Lembaga Pendidikan Koperasi (LAPENKOP), Bandung Indonesia.
5. Pelatihan dan Kursus yang telah di laksanakan
Sejak Juni 2000 sampai dengan sekarang Fundacao Klibur telah melaksanakan banyak kegiatan berupa pelatihan, pembinaan, dan kursus, di antaranya :
- Melaksanakan kursus - kursus non formal (komputer, bahasa Inggris, Akuntansi) kepada masyarakat umum sejak tahun 2000 sampai dengan sekarang, dengan total jumlah peserta kursus mencapai 5000 orang.
- Melalui Divisi pendidikan Formal East Timor Institute Of Business (IOB) menyelenggarakan pendidikan dengan level Diploma III (D-III) dan Strata I (SI)
- Pelatihan manajemen dan koperasi serta pendampingan kepada para anggota koperasi CCO ( coperativa cafe organico di seluruh Wilayah Timor Leste)
- Kursus manajemen, komputer, Bahasa Inggris dan Akuntansi koperasi kredit kepada para anggota dari seluruh Timor Leste yang bekerja sama dengan USAID.
- Kursus komputer paket MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point kepad pemuda Dili,bekerja sama dengan UNHCR
- Pelatihan manajemen dan Bisnis kepada para anggota PNTL dan orang-orang terkait lainnya bekerjasama dengan Timor Leste Police Development Project (TLPDP).
- Pelatihan komputer dan manajemen koperasi kredit kepada para anggota Credit Union (koperasi kredit) bekejasama dengan pemerintah Finlandia, yang berlangsung setiap tahun sejak tahun 2005dan sudah dilangsungkan 3 kali.
Selasa, 10 Januari 2012
Respectable…………, Dear/ Happy brothers and Sisters,
First of all, let’s pray unto God the almighty who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can meet and gather in this place without any trouble and obstacle in this happy place and time.
Secondly, I don’t forget to say thank you very much to the Master of Ceremony for giving me time to deliver my speech in front of you all.
Dear brother and sister ladies and gentlemen, Standing in front of you, I would like to present my speech under the title…………..
As we know that science is most important in our life, so we are obligated to look for science. The wise word says, life without science is like walking in the darkness without any light. By the science we can protect ourselves if someone influences us to do the wrong thing. Don’t ever let anybody deceive you! And also we want to get happiness in this world we must have science. By the science we can recognize every thing in this world and by the science we can go around the world. But we must remember that science will useless if we never practice it. Keep spirit to look for science during living in this world until our breathing stops. Science knows no frontier and never to old to gain the science
That’s all my speech; I do hope/expect that what I have delivered will be useful in our live in this world and here after,
As human being, I realize that I cannot avoid from the mistakes, so I apologize to you all for every single mistake that I have done to you all, and I don’t forget to say thank you very much for your attention.
Just this my speech, if I made mistakes, I apologize to you and please forgive me, that’s all….
Actually, I want to continue my speech but because the time is limited so I have to stop my speech in this morning thank you
Respectable…………, Dear/ Happy brothers and Sisters,
First of all, let’s pray unto God the almighty who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can meet and gather in this place without any trouble and obstacle in this happy place and time.
Dear brother and sister ladies and gentlemen, Standing in front of you all, I am as Master of Ceremony would like to bring the agenda in this meeting.
• The first agenda is…………….
• The second agenda is………….
• The third agenda is……………….
Dear ladies and gentlemen, those are our agenda in this meeting. Now we are going to the first agenda is opening from the Mc
The second agenda is speech by some speaker. And the first speaker, I am going to call Mr./Miss……….
• Thanks a lot, may your speech be useful for us. Amen
The second Speaker is…………………time is yours
• Thanks a lot, may your speech be useful for us. Amen
Well, ladies and gentlemen, dear brother and sister we have enjoyed all agenda. Now we are going to the last agenda that is closing, before closing our meeting, I am as a Master of Ceremony if do some mistakes during holding this meeting I apologize for you all. Well, happy brothers and sisters, let’s close our meeting in this morning. Thank you.
The vocabularies of discussion
In this occasion : dalam kesempan ini
In this good opportunity : dalam kesempatan yang baik ini
I would like to express : aku akan mengemukakan
My opinion : pendapat saya
In my opinion : menurtut pendapat saya
I’m going to tell you about : saka akan menceritakan tentang
According to Mr.Alex : menurut Mr. Alex
Based on this fact : berdasarkan kenyataan ini
Actually : sebenarnya
hopefully : mudah mudahan
I agree with him : saya setuju dengan dia
Be louder : agak keras
As we know : seperti yang kita ketahui
The next : selanjutnya
The following turn : giliran, selanjutnya
It’s your turn : ini giliran mu
Don’t be silent : jangan diam saja
I admit that : saya mengakhui bahwa
Don’t be scared! : jangan takut
Don’t be doubt! : jangan ragu ragu
Don’t be hesitating! : jangan ragu
Pay attention please : silakan diperhatikan
Be quite : tenang
Don’t disturb me : jangan ganggu aku
As long as I know : sepanjang yang saya ketahui
As far as a know : sejahu yang yang ketahui
As good as possible : sebaik mungkin
As fair as possible : seadil mungkin
We have decided : kami telah memutuskan
The decision is : keputusannya adalah
At present : pada saat ini
Nowadays : sekarang ini
That all my opinion : demikianlah pendapat saya
Finally/ in the end : akhirnya
Intention : niat/ maksud
Accurate, brief,clear : singkat, tepat, jelas
Suitable/ fit : cocok/ sesuai
Have a go : selamat berusaha
Deliver : menyampaikan
Respectable…………, Dear/ Happy brothers and Sisters,
First of all, let’s pray unto God the almighty who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can meet and gather in this place without any trouble and obstacle in this happy place and time.
Secondly, I don’t forget to say thank you very much to the Master of Ceremony for giving me time to deliver my speech in front of you all.
Dear brother and sister ladies and gentlemen, Standing in front of you, I would like to present my speech under the title…………..
As we know that science is most important in our life, so we are obligated to look for science. The wise word says, life without science is like walking in the darkness without any light. By the science we can protect ourselves if someone influences us to do the wrong thing. Don’t ever let anybody deceive you! And also we want to get happiness in this world we must have science. By the science we can recognize every thing in this world and by the science we can go around the world. But we must remember that science will useless if we never practice it. Keep spirit to look for science during living in this world until our breathing stops. Science knows no frontier and never to old to gain the science
That’s all my speech; I do hope/expect that what I have delivered will be useful in our live in this world and here after,
As human being, I realize that I cannot avoid from the mistakes, so I apologize to you all for every single mistake that I have done to you all, and I don’t forget to say thank you very much for your attention.
Just this my speech, if I made mistakes, I apologize to you and please forgive me, that’s all….
Actually, I want to continue my speech but because the time is limited so I have to stop my speech in this morning thank you
Respectable…………, Dear/ Happy brothers and Sisters,
First of all, let’s pray unto God the almighty who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can meet and gather in this place without any trouble and obstacle in this happy place and time.
Dear brother and sister ladies and gentlemen, Standing in front of you all, I am as Master of Ceremony would like to bring the agenda in this meeting.
• The first agenda is…………….
• The second agenda is………….
• The third agenda is……………….
Dear ladies and gentlemen, those are our agenda in this meeting. Now we are going to the first agenda is opening from the Mc
The second agenda is speech by some speaker. And the first speaker, I am going to call Mr./Miss……….
• Thanks a lot, may your speech be useful for us. Amen
The second Speaker is…………………time is yours
• Thanks a lot, may your speech be useful for us. Amen
Well, ladies and gentlemen, dear brother and sister we have enjoyed all agenda. Now we are going to the last agenda that is closing, before closing our meeting, I am as a Master of Ceremony if do some mistakes during holding this meeting I apologize for you all. Well, happy brothers and sisters, let’s close our meeting in this morning. Thank you.
The vocabularies of discussion
In this occasion : dalam kesempan ini
In this good opportunity : dalam kesempatan yang baik ini
I would like to express : aku akan mengemukakan
My opinion : pendapat saya
In my opinion : menurtut pendapat saya
I’m going to tell you about : saka akan menceritakan tentang
According to Mr.Alex : menurut Mr. Alex
Based on this fact : berdasarkan kenyataan ini
Actually : sebenarnya
hopefully : mudah mudahan
I agree with him : saya setuju dengan dia
Be louder : agak keras
As we know : seperti yang kita ketahui
The next : selanjutnya
The following turn : giliran, selanjutnya
It’s your turn : ini giliran mu
Don’t be silent : jangan diam saja
I admit that : saya mengakhui bahwa
Don’t be scared! : jangan takut
Don’t be doubt! : jangan ragu ragu
Don’t be hesitating! : jangan ragu
Pay attention please : silakan diperhatikan
Be quite : tenang
Don’t disturb me : jangan ganggu aku
As long as I know : sepanjang yang saya ketahui
As far as a know : sejahu yang yang ketahui
As good as possible : sebaik mungkin
As fair as possible : seadil mungkin
We have decided : kami telah memutuskan
The decision is : keputusannya adalah
At present : pada saat ini
Nowadays : sekarang ini
That all my opinion : demikianlah pendapat saya
Finally/ in the end : akhirnya
Intention : niat/ maksud
Accurate, brief,clear : singkat, tepat, jelas
Suitable/ fit : cocok/ sesuai
Have a go : selamat berusaha
Deliver : menyampaikan
सूरत कोंत्रक मतेउस डा सिल्वा दी IOB
Rua Praia dos Coqueiros, Pertamina, Telefone (+670) 7344833 Dili
Web Site: e-mail: radio
No Registo Fundação : 3/DNRN-MJ/IV/2008
Nomor : /F-Klibur/VI/ 2011
Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :
Nama : Abel da Costa Freitas Ximenes
Jabatan : Ketua dan Direktur Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba
Cooperativa no Fila Liman
Alamat : Kampus IOB, Rua Praia dos Coqueiros, Aldeia Metin 03
( ex – Pertamina ), Dili.
Selaku Pihak Pertama atau Pemberi Kontrak Kerja
Dengan ini melakukan kontrak kerja dengan :
Nama Lengkap : Mateus da Silva,Spd
Tempat, tgl lahir : Vique-que/Ossu,11 Juni 1984
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Kewarganegaraan : Timorense
Alamat : Praia dos Coqueiros,Comoro
Pekerjaan : Staf Klibur
Kartu identitas : -
Status : Bujang
Telepon/ HP : (+670) 7543669/7266917
Email :
Pendidikan : Sarjana Exsata.
Selaku Pihak Kedua atau Penerima Kontrak Kerja
Pasal 1
Dengan ini Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua secara sadar dan tanpa paksaan dari siapapun telah sepakat mengadakan perjanjian kontrak kerja, dengan ketentuan – ketentuan dan uraian tugas sebagai berikut :
1. Pihak Pertama sesuai amanat Pasal 19 AD / ART Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman setuju dan bersedia mengadakan kontrak kerja dengan Pihak Kedua sebagai karyawan kontrak/tenaga kontrak yang ditempatkan di bagian dan unit kerja oleh Pihak Pertama.
2. Pihak Kedua selaku tenaga kontrak Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman bersedia dan menerima tugas dan tanggung-jawab yang diberikan kepada Pihak Pertama dari tgl 01 Juli 2011 sampai dengan 1 Mei 2028 dengan tugas tanggung jawab sebagai berikut :
1) Bersedia menerima tugas dan tanggung-jawab sebagai tenaga Klibur dan Dosen pada IOB Pusat dan kelas paralel Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque,Maliana dan juga sebagai Guru pengajar di Escola Tecnika Informatik (ETI) Akadi-hun yang ditetapkan dengan surat keputusan Ketua/Direktur Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman.
2) Melaksanakan dengan penuh tanggung-jawab dan secara optimal kegiatan-kegiatan yang diberikan oleh Ketua/Pengurus Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman, Divisi administrasi & Keuangan, Rektor IOB dan wakil rektor IOB atau yang diangkat/ditunjuk secara resmi sesuai ketentuan AD/ART yayasan ini dan aturan AD/ART IOB.
3) Menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan, memelihara dan merawat dengan baik semua dokumen, data investasi pembangunan Kampus C Fomento 2, inventaris dan assets Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman yang diserahkan kepada Pihak Kedua baik dalam keadaan normal maupun dalam situasi krisis dan secara berkala menyajikan laporan tertulis kepada Pihak Pertama tentang keadaan dan penggunaan assets dan inventaris yang dimaksud dalam point ini.
4) Membina kerukunan dan hubungan baik dengan semua personil Divisi adm & Keuangan (Rektor, wakil rektor, ketua jurusan, dosen, tenaga administrasi dan keuangan serta mahasiswa) yang aktif disemua unit kerja Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman tanpa memandang suku/daerah, agama, pendidikan, ras, jenis kelamin, partai politik dan menghindari diri dari rencana dan perbuatan yang dapat merusak kerjasama tim, nama baik institusi, pimpinan institusi dan individu.
5) Pihak Kedua dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung-jawabnya selalu berpegang pada Program Kerja serta Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman yang sudah disetujui Pihak Pertama serta mendapat pengesahan Pengurus Fundação Klibur mata dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman pada setiap awal Desember. Setiap Akhir bulan melakukan laporan tertulis kegiatan kegiatan kepada pihak Pertama sebagai bentuk pertanggung jawabannya.
6) Bersedia meningkatkan kemampuan intelektual/profesional dengan persiapan yang lebih mantap sebagai dosen dapat mengambil program S2 dan speasilisasi di bidang keuangan.
7) Bersedia dan selalu siap melakukan analisa dan tindakan antisipatif (preventif) terhadap munculnya krisis institusional, menyelesaikan dengan baik konflik-konflik yang muncul di bidang organisasi, penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pengajaran, antara dosen, mahasiswa/siswa maupun dengan pihak IOB dan Fundação Klibur dan pihak luar.
8) Bersedia bekerja secara penuh tanggung-jawab dalam tim kerja Divisi Administrasi dan keuangan, menjaga nama baik Fundacao Klibur dan IOB sebagai institut pendidikan tinggi swasta di mata masyarakat.
Pasal 2
1. Jumlah jam kerja yang ditetapkan kepada Pihak Kedua adalah 47 jam kerja selama satu minggu ( kecuali ada libur resmi yang diakui oleh pihak pertama) dan jadwal kerja dan kegiatan operasional disesuaikan dengan ketetapan resmi. Kalau adanya kegiatan harian, mingguan atau bulanan yang menuntut segera diselesaikan maka Pihak Kedua bersedia menanganinya sampai selesai/tuntas.
2. Pihak Kedua berhak atas imbalan gaji pokok $120/bulan ditambah uang transport, uang jabatan, pulsa telepon dan insentif lainnya sesuai kemampuan keuangan Pihak Pertama dan selama 12 bulan kerja aktif dan berturut-turut dengan kondukte dan prestasi kerja yang baik mendapat 12 hari kerja untuk cuti tahunan dengan kalender cuti yang disepakati tiga bulan sebelumnya dan penggunaan hak ini dilakukan pada saat musim libur IOB. Peninjauan tentang gaji dan hak-hak lain Pihak Kedua dilakukan oleh Pihak Pertama berdasarkan pada laporan bulanan, implementasi program kemandirian yayasan, penilaian Pengurus dan Pengawas Fundação Klibur serta rekomendasi/ usul pertimbangan dari Divisi administrasi dan keuangan, Rektor, wakil rektor IOB.
3. Pihak Kedua bersedia memberikan sebagian dari gaji kotornya yaitu $ 20/bulan atau 10% gaji kotornya kepada Pihak Pertama sebagai uang jaminan dan uang ini akan diambil sekaligus dari Pihak kedua kalau selesai kontrak kerja. Apabila Pihak Kedua mengudurkan diri dari tugas dan jabatan sebelum kontrak kerja ini berakhir maka uang jaminan menjadi hangus dan Pihak Kedua tidak dapat menuntut pembayarannya.
4. Pihak Kedua kalau melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan selama jam kerja resmi lain di luar Fundacção klibur/kampus dalam melaksanakan kontak dan membina hubungan baik dengan pihak-pihak lain seperti donatur, lembaga pendidikan, lembaga riset dan partner kerja Pihak Pertama, harus terlebih dahulu mendapat ijin dari Divisi administrasi dan Keuangan rektor dan wakil rektor IOB dan pimpinan yayasan dan setelah melakukannya dilaporkan sesuai aturan dan prosedur yang berlaku.
5. Pihak Kedua, 30 hari sebelum kontrak kerja berakhir, wajib menyampaikan secara tertulis kepada Pihak Pertama keinginan memperpanjang kontrak atau berhenti setelah kontrak selesai. Dalam waktu yang ditetapkan ( 30 hari sebelum kontrak kerja berakhir ), Pihak Kedua kalau tidak mengajukan permohonan tertulis maka Pihak Pertama tidak lagi terikat kontrak dengan Pihak Kedua pada saat kontrak kerja berakhir.
Pasal 3
1. Apabila terjadi perselisihan pendapat, salah interpretasi pasal-pasal kontrak kerja atau lainnya maka Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua akan selalu berpegang pada surat kontrak kerja ini sebagai dasar perikatan dan ketentuan-ketentuan resmi yang berlaku di negara Repùblica Democràtica de Timor Leste.
2. Demikianlah surat kontrak kerja ini dibuat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya, ditanda tangani olah Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua serta mengikat secara hukum kedua belah pihak.
Ditetapkan di : Dili
Pada tanggal : 01 Juli 2011.
Pihak Pertama, Pihak Kedua,
(Abel da Costa F. Ximenes) (Mateus da Silva,Spd)
Saksi-saksi :
1.Guilhermino Paulo Barreto, SE .............................................
2. Pedro M.F.G.B. Ximenes, ST.MM .......................................
3. Augusto De Jesus, S.E., M.S.A. ............................................
Rua Praia dos Coqueiros, Pertamina, Telefone (+670) 7344833 Dili
Web Site: e-mail: radio
No Registo Fundação : 3/DNRN-MJ/IV/2008
Nomor : /F-Klibur/VI/ 2011
Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :
Nama : Abel da Costa Freitas Ximenes
Jabatan : Ketua dan Direktur Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba
Cooperativa no Fila Liman
Alamat : Kampus IOB, Rua Praia dos Coqueiros, Aldeia Metin 03
( ex – Pertamina ), Dili.
Selaku Pihak Pertama atau Pemberi Kontrak Kerja
Dengan ini melakukan kontrak kerja dengan :
Nama Lengkap : Mateus da Silva,Spd
Tempat, tgl lahir : Vique-que/Ossu,11 Juni 1984
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Kewarganegaraan : Timorense
Alamat : Praia dos Coqueiros,Comoro
Pekerjaan : Staf Klibur
Kartu identitas : -
Status : Bujang
Telepon/ HP : (+670) 7543669/7266917
Email :
Pendidikan : Sarjana Exsata.
Selaku Pihak Kedua atau Penerima Kontrak Kerja
Pasal 1
Dengan ini Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua secara sadar dan tanpa paksaan dari siapapun telah sepakat mengadakan perjanjian kontrak kerja, dengan ketentuan – ketentuan dan uraian tugas sebagai berikut :
1. Pihak Pertama sesuai amanat Pasal 19 AD / ART Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman setuju dan bersedia mengadakan kontrak kerja dengan Pihak Kedua sebagai karyawan kontrak/tenaga kontrak yang ditempatkan di bagian dan unit kerja oleh Pihak Pertama.
2. Pihak Kedua selaku tenaga kontrak Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman bersedia dan menerima tugas dan tanggung-jawab yang diberikan kepada Pihak Pertama dari tgl 01 Juli 2011 sampai dengan 1 Mei 2028 dengan tugas tanggung jawab sebagai berikut :
1) Bersedia menerima tugas dan tanggung-jawab sebagai tenaga Klibur dan Dosen pada IOB Pusat dan kelas paralel Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque,Maliana dan juga sebagai Guru pengajar di Escola Tecnika Informatik (ETI) Akadi-hun yang ditetapkan dengan surat keputusan Ketua/Direktur Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman.
2) Melaksanakan dengan penuh tanggung-jawab dan secara optimal kegiatan-kegiatan yang diberikan oleh Ketua/Pengurus Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman, Divisi administrasi & Keuangan, Rektor IOB dan wakil rektor IOB atau yang diangkat/ditunjuk secara resmi sesuai ketentuan AD/ART yayasan ini dan aturan AD/ART IOB.
3) Menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan, memelihara dan merawat dengan baik semua dokumen, data investasi pembangunan Kampus C Fomento 2, inventaris dan assets Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman yang diserahkan kepada Pihak Kedua baik dalam keadaan normal maupun dalam situasi krisis dan secara berkala menyajikan laporan tertulis kepada Pihak Pertama tentang keadaan dan penggunaan assets dan inventaris yang dimaksud dalam point ini.
4) Membina kerukunan dan hubungan baik dengan semua personil Divisi adm & Keuangan (Rektor, wakil rektor, ketua jurusan, dosen, tenaga administrasi dan keuangan serta mahasiswa) yang aktif disemua unit kerja Fundação Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman tanpa memandang suku/daerah, agama, pendidikan, ras, jenis kelamin, partai politik dan menghindari diri dari rencana dan perbuatan yang dapat merusak kerjasama tim, nama baik institusi, pimpinan institusi dan individu.
5) Pihak Kedua dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung-jawabnya selalu berpegang pada Program Kerja serta Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Klibur Mata Dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman yang sudah disetujui Pihak Pertama serta mendapat pengesahan Pengurus Fundação Klibur mata dalan ba Cooperativa no Fila Liman pada setiap awal Desember. Setiap Akhir bulan melakukan laporan tertulis kegiatan kegiatan kepada pihak Pertama sebagai bentuk pertanggung jawabannya.
6) Bersedia meningkatkan kemampuan intelektual/profesional dengan persiapan yang lebih mantap sebagai dosen dapat mengambil program S2 dan speasilisasi di bidang keuangan.
7) Bersedia dan selalu siap melakukan analisa dan tindakan antisipatif (preventif) terhadap munculnya krisis institusional, menyelesaikan dengan baik konflik-konflik yang muncul di bidang organisasi, penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pengajaran, antara dosen, mahasiswa/siswa maupun dengan pihak IOB dan Fundação Klibur dan pihak luar.
8) Bersedia bekerja secara penuh tanggung-jawab dalam tim kerja Divisi Administrasi dan keuangan, menjaga nama baik Fundacao Klibur dan IOB sebagai institut pendidikan tinggi swasta di mata masyarakat.
Pasal 2
1. Jumlah jam kerja yang ditetapkan kepada Pihak Kedua adalah 47 jam kerja selama satu minggu ( kecuali ada libur resmi yang diakui oleh pihak pertama) dan jadwal kerja dan kegiatan operasional disesuaikan dengan ketetapan resmi. Kalau adanya kegiatan harian, mingguan atau bulanan yang menuntut segera diselesaikan maka Pihak Kedua bersedia menanganinya sampai selesai/tuntas.
2. Pihak Kedua berhak atas imbalan gaji pokok $120/bulan ditambah uang transport, uang jabatan, pulsa telepon dan insentif lainnya sesuai kemampuan keuangan Pihak Pertama dan selama 12 bulan kerja aktif dan berturut-turut dengan kondukte dan prestasi kerja yang baik mendapat 12 hari kerja untuk cuti tahunan dengan kalender cuti yang disepakati tiga bulan sebelumnya dan penggunaan hak ini dilakukan pada saat musim libur IOB. Peninjauan tentang gaji dan hak-hak lain Pihak Kedua dilakukan oleh Pihak Pertama berdasarkan pada laporan bulanan, implementasi program kemandirian yayasan, penilaian Pengurus dan Pengawas Fundação Klibur serta rekomendasi/ usul pertimbangan dari Divisi administrasi dan keuangan, Rektor, wakil rektor IOB.
3. Pihak Kedua bersedia memberikan sebagian dari gaji kotornya yaitu $ 20/bulan atau 10% gaji kotornya kepada Pihak Pertama sebagai uang jaminan dan uang ini akan diambil sekaligus dari Pihak kedua kalau selesai kontrak kerja. Apabila Pihak Kedua mengudurkan diri dari tugas dan jabatan sebelum kontrak kerja ini berakhir maka uang jaminan menjadi hangus dan Pihak Kedua tidak dapat menuntut pembayarannya.
4. Pihak Kedua kalau melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan selama jam kerja resmi lain di luar Fundacção klibur/kampus dalam melaksanakan kontak dan membina hubungan baik dengan pihak-pihak lain seperti donatur, lembaga pendidikan, lembaga riset dan partner kerja Pihak Pertama, harus terlebih dahulu mendapat ijin dari Divisi administrasi dan Keuangan rektor dan wakil rektor IOB dan pimpinan yayasan dan setelah melakukannya dilaporkan sesuai aturan dan prosedur yang berlaku.
5. Pihak Kedua, 30 hari sebelum kontrak kerja berakhir, wajib menyampaikan secara tertulis kepada Pihak Pertama keinginan memperpanjang kontrak atau berhenti setelah kontrak selesai. Dalam waktu yang ditetapkan ( 30 hari sebelum kontrak kerja berakhir ), Pihak Kedua kalau tidak mengajukan permohonan tertulis maka Pihak Pertama tidak lagi terikat kontrak dengan Pihak Kedua pada saat kontrak kerja berakhir.
Pasal 3
1. Apabila terjadi perselisihan pendapat, salah interpretasi pasal-pasal kontrak kerja atau lainnya maka Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua akan selalu berpegang pada surat kontrak kerja ini sebagai dasar perikatan dan ketentuan-ketentuan resmi yang berlaku di negara Repùblica Democràtica de Timor Leste.
2. Demikianlah surat kontrak kerja ini dibuat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya, ditanda tangani olah Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua serta mengikat secara hukum kedua belah pihak.
Ditetapkan di : Dili
Pada tanggal : 01 Juli 2011.
Pihak Pertama, Pihak Kedua,
(Abel da Costa F. Ximenes) (Mateus da Silva,Spd)
Saksi-saksi :
1.Guilhermino Paulo Barreto, SE .............................................
2. Pedro M.F.G.B. Ximenes, ST.MM .......................................
3. Augusto De Jesus, S.E., M.S.A. ............................................
No Dictionary
No Discussion
No Talk
Duration : 90 minutes
Lecturer : Matthews da Silva, S.pd
A.All IOB students are taking English examination right now in the class room.
B.I wrote a letter to my girl friend last night in my house because I love her.
A.She is reading a novel, ¬¬¬ ?
B.She loves me , ?
C.They can’t speak English well , ?
D. Let’s dance , ?
E.You never take a bath , ?
A. 12,345 =
B. 987,654 =
C. 2,468,135 =
Knowledge knows no frontier
No Dictionary
No Discussion
No Talk
Duration : 90 minutes
Lecturer : Matthews da Silva S.pd
A. Five handsome boys are crying right now in the class room because of hungry.
B. They ate banana in my house last night.
A. We are writing English subject, ¬¬¬¬¬¬ ?
B. she calls me , ?
C. You mustn’t speak English well , ?
D. Let’s sing together , ?
E. They seldom take a bath , ?
A. 98,765 =
B. 543,212 =
C. 8,642,975 =
Knowledge knows no frontier
No Dictionary
No Discussion
No Talk
Duration : 90 minutes
Lecturer : Matthews da Silva, S.pd
A.All IOB students are taking English examination right now in the class room.
B.I wrote a letter to my girl friend last night in my house because I love her.
A.She is reading a novel, ¬¬¬ ?
B.She loves me , ?
C.They can’t speak English well , ?
D. Let’s dance , ?
E.You never take a bath , ?
A. 12,345 =
B. 987,654 =
C. 2,468,135 =
Knowledge knows no frontier
No Dictionary
No Discussion
No Talk
Duration : 90 minutes
Lecturer : Matthews da Silva S.pd
A. Five handsome boys are crying right now in the class room because of hungry.
B. They ate banana in my house last night.
A. We are writing English subject, ¬¬¬¬¬¬ ?
B. she calls me , ?
C. You mustn’t speak English well , ?
D. Let’s sing together , ?
E. They seldom take a bath , ?
A. 98,765 =
B. 543,212 =
C. 8,642,975 =
Knowledge knows no frontier
त्रदुसौं ली सताए (बी मत्ठेव्स डा SILVA)
No. / DG-STAE/XII/11
Considering the Technical Secretariat of Electoral Administration (STAE) is the body of implementation and administration of the elections and referendum in East Timor;
• Article 65 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
• Article 77 of Law 7 / 2011 and Article 67 of Law 8 / 2011 on the proposed of t the Regulations and Codes of Conduct for Parliamentary and Presidential Elections, respectively
• Article 9 of Decree-Law 1 / 2007, republished in June 2011 on the powers of the General Director of STAE.
• Decision documentation of CNE 007/2011 date December 23th, 2011 on the approval of Regulations and Codes of Conduct for General Elections 2012
Thus, the General Director of STAE, use of its powers send the Regulations and Codes of Conduct for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, approved by the National Electoral Commission for publication in the Official Gazette. The lists codes of Conduct and Regulations for publication are:
• Regulation on the Presentation of the President election Candidates of Democratic Republic of East Timor
• Regulation on the Presentation of the election Deputies Candidates to the National Parliament
• Regulation on the Electoral Campaign for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.
• Regulation on the Procedures of Voting, Votes Counting and tabulation for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Conduct for political parties and party coalitions for the Deputies Election to the National Parliament
• Code of Conduct of Tax Candidates for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Conduct for national and international observers of Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Professional Conduct of the Media for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Conduct of candidates for President of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
Dili, December 23th, 2011.
General Director
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8.Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of June 22nd, in Articles 77. And 78 of Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22, and 67 articles. And 68 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, to serve as a code of conduct, as following:
General Provisions
Article 1
This code of conduct governing the acquisition of the status, performance of duties, rights and duties of national and international observers.
Article 2
Observer is a person or representing of national or international organization that requires registration with STAE and accepted for the purpose of monitoring the electoral process.
Election Observers
Article 3
Duties of Observers
1. Election observation is the systematic collection of information, complete and accurate information on the laws, processes, institutions and other factors related to the elections, the impartial and professional analysis of that information and drawing conclusions based on the criteria of absolute requirement in relation to accuracy and impartiality, and the formulation of recommendations is to improve the integrity and effectiveness of the electoral process.
2. The functions of an observer shall include the following:
a. Observe all elections
b. Monitoring, by own vehicle, the transportation of ballot boxes and other elements of the polling center or polling station;
c. Prepare the report of the observation and a same copy to the electoral bodies.
Article 4
Duties of Observers
The national and international observers should observe the following duties:
a) Respect the sovereignty of the Timorese State, the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East Timor and legislation
b) Not interfere or hinder the development of the electoral process and refrain of giving instructions or orders to officials election
c) Refrain from public statements calling issuing into question with regularity of the electoral process
d) Provide the National Elections Commission (CNE) and the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) with a copy of the information that they produce
e) Observe strict impartiality in the conduct of their duties, avoiding any bias or preference relation to national authorities or to candidates
f) Do not display or use symbols of lists of candidates
g) Not to accept or attempt to procure any gifts, favors or inducements from a candidate, his agent or any other organization or person involved in the electoral process
h) Avoid any relationship that could create a conflict of interest with their duties or with the process of observation and assessment of the elections
i) Not receive funding from any agency or officer of Timorese public or private entity
j) Based on all your reports, information and conclusions on documented evidence, factual and verifiable, based on credible sources or information provided by eyewitnesses of good repute
k) Complete the form provided by STAE on the outcome of the election observation mission accomplished
l) Always provided with identification issued by STAE and display it the same in wherever and may be prompted by election officials or other competent national authorities.
Article 5
Rights of Observers
1. The national and international observers enjoy the following rights:
a. Freedom of movement throughout the country
b. Ask the clarification to all the structures involved in the electoral process on the matters related to the electoral process and obtain the corresponding structures of these clarifications in due time
c. Freedom of communication with all candidates and social sectors in the country
d. To monitor all elections
e. Have access to any documentation relating to the electoral process
f. Visit the facilities of the STAE and CNE in order to check the conformity of means to use for the electoral process
g. Freedom of access and communication with representatives of the media
h. Access to all laws, regulations and codes to governing the electoral process
i. Freedom of access to all polling stations and tabulation centers in district and national
j. Communicate and have free access to the CNE and STAE.
2. For the observers to fulfill their duties adequately, election authorities must:
a. Ensure that observers are free to issue public statements without any interference and to report as they suppose appropriate
b. Ensure non-interference in the selection and quantity of election observers
c. Ensure non-interference in the activities of election observers
d. Ensure that there are no pressures, threats or reprisals of any national or foreign citizen who works for an observer or an electoral observation mission to national or international, as well as those who assist or provide information to the observers and missions election observation.
Article 6
Registration of Observers
3. STAE observer provides the credential to the applicant, by filing the appropriate form provided by STAE and the presentation of valid identification documents.
4. At the national observer will require the submission of voter registration card or ID card and the completed accreditation form.
5. International observers will be required to present a passport and duly completed accreditation form.
Transitional and Final Provisions
Article 7
Cancellation of Registration
7.1 CNE, STAE may require you to cancel the registration granted to any observer, national or foreigner, who violates the provisions of this code.
7.2 The request of the CNE is substantiated violations and explaining why you consider this observer that the credential should be canceled
7.3 The STAE proceed with the immediate cancellation of that accreditation.
Article 8
Is repealed any provision to the contrary regarding to the election observers for the presidential and parliamentary elections.
Article 9
Entry into force
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct for national and international observers proposed by STAE
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili, November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
This Code aims to establish the principles and rules of conduct to be observed by the political parties and coalitions in the election of Deputies to the National Parliament of the Democratic Republic of East Timor.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) Article 8. Law No. 5 / 2006 in December 28, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011, June 22nd, and in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 77 of Law no. No. 6 / 2006 on December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22nd, for real as code of conduct, the following:
Throughout the election process, candidates of political parties and coalitions competing for election to the National Parliament, their representatives, activists, supporters and sympathizers, must obey the following rules of conduct:
1. Accept and comply fully with the Constitution, laws, regulations and other regulatory provisions of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
1. Accept the results of the election legitimate or challenge them in court, under the force of electoral laws
2. Participate in the elections with peaceful, democratic and transparent
3. Leading the campaign in a positive way through their action programs and policy proposals
4. Ensure the terms of canvass and limits of electoral laws and regulations
5. Contribute to the clear information and conscious of voters about their programs and proposals of the Government
6. To contribute to the electorate to vote freely, without exerting on any illegitimate influence
7. Respect the rights of other political parties and party coalitions, allowing the free dissemination of political ideas in a pluralistic environment and free
8. Respect the freedom of the press and media
9. Not prevent, by any means, other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters engaged in electoral propaganda and activities of the campaign who are entitled
10. Do not impede the right of any voter to participate in any campaign activity, carried out other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters
11. Cooperate with all authorities who hold responsibilities in the electoral process, in particular, STAE, CNE, the Supreme Court, the security forces and election officials, election inspectors, election observers, national and international professional and the media
12. Cooperate with other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters
13. Respect the secrecy of the vote
14. Not unduly obstruct the work of all those who have roles in the electoral process
15. During the campaign, using language that contributes to a peaceful environment, not slandering, threatening, inciting violence or driving criticism of a personal nature about any person or group of persons, in particular, on the other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters
16. Respect public property and private property, refraining from pasting posters, writing or painting canvass without the authorization of the owners
17. Not to engage in electioneering or religious places of worship, including churches, mosques and temples
18. In accordance with the law, fulfill the duty of proper accounting of the accounts of the election campaign and the principles of fiscal transparency
19. To ensure the cleanliness of the campaign materials used to support the candidacy of a political party
20. Refrain from misuse of state property and public officials for purposes of propaganda and campaigning
21. Do not use public office as a campaign tools
22. Respect the obligations of neutrality and impartiality that are subject public servants in general, very particularly of the electoral administration or collaborating with it
23. Respect the electoral calendar dates
24. Commit to resolve disputes concerning the election campaign between political parties and party coalitions peacefully and through dialogue
25. Report any behaviors that undermine respect for the principles and rules that set out in this code
26. Comply with and enforce this code by its electoral observers, activists, supporters and sympathizers
27. Advise militants, supporters and sympathizers who violate the principles to set forth in this code.
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct proposed by STAE
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections - CNE
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of June 22nd, in Article 77 of Law no. No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22nd, and Article 67 of Law no. No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, to serve as a code of conduct, the following:
Article 1
This code of conduct governs the acquisition of the status, functions and performance of the rights and duties of the tax proposals.
Article 2
Electoral Administrative
It is understood by all election monitoring activities that described in this instrument, it is developed since the days of the vote and subsequent counting of votes and extending until the end of the tabulation of election results.
Article 3
Duties of Tax Candidates
1. The lists that present candidates of presidential and legislative elections may appoint inspectors to follow up on voting and tabulation of the election results for each polling station and in each district tabulation and national levels.
2. During the vote, within the work place where the polling station, may be present only one agent of each candidate so not to impair the normal course of voting operations.
3. The rule provided in previous paragraph applies to the discharge in the polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels.
4. They are the powers of the tax proposals:
a) Monitor the conduct of the voting operations from the installation of polling stations and polling station until final closure, taking place near the polling station
b) Submit questions and get answers during operation of the polling station and also during the tabulation of election results
c) Monitor in own vehicle, the transportation of ballot boxes and other elements of the polling center or polling station
d) Monitoring the process of vote counting and tabulation of election results
e) To mark the minutes and sign all documents relating to the operations of voting and tabulation of the results as they are present
f) To submit the complaints and protests during the election process
g) To direct their complaints to the CNE, if the claims and / or protests are not met and resolved by the decisions of the election officials.
h) Failure to appoint or absence of the tax proposals in the polling stations, polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels, does not constitute basis for challenging the election process.
Article 4
Process of Designation and Accreditation
1. The complete list of designated tax, as well as its center or polling station to which it proposed by the party or party coalition is made in writing by the list respective of candidates to STAE until seven days before the election campaign.
2. The document that shows the tax candidates must be signed by the representative of the list of candidates and contain, for each fiscal indicated, the following data:
a) Full name
b) Number of voting cards.
3. Can only designate as duty of electorate for which they have not applied in final criminal conviction.
4. STAE sends its credentials within five days after the deadline for receipt of the report mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article.
5. Any irregularity occurring, STAE shall immediately notify the representatives of the lists of candidates for that within forty-eight hours proceed to correct them.
6. The deficiency is not remedied by the representative of the list of candidates, duly notified to that effect; issue not to determine to the credential for the tax affected by them.
Article 5
Assignment of the Identification Code
1. Each has a tax identification code assigned by STAE.
2. The identification code referred to determines the polling center and polling station where the inspector shall perform his duties.
Article 6
The exercise of the tax candidate is incompatible with the following functions:
a) Applicant
b) Observer
c) Official election
d) Member of the tabulation district and national levels.
Article 7
Rules of conduct for tax candidates
Delegates of candidacies must meet the following rules of conduct:
a) To maintain impartiality in the course of their duties, not trying to unduly favor the list of candidates that represent and respect the Constitution, laws, and regulations
b) Cooperate with the other tax proposals for the electoral process in a transparent and orderly
c) Display the identification before the national authorities, presenting the same whenever you are prompted by election officials or other competent national authorities.
Article 8
Revocation of registration
1. In the case of breaches of rules of conduct from candidacy, the CNE may require the immediate abandonment of the tax where it is in office.
2. The situation should describe in the preceding paragraph, CNE to STAE requires cancellation of the registration granted, and the STAE proceed immediately as requested and inform the representative of the candidate.
Article 9
Unlawful Election
Electoral offenses apply to the provisions of the Penal Code.
Article 10
is repealed any provision to the contrary regarding the code of conduct for delegates of candidacies for the presidential and parliamentary elections.
Article 11
Entry into vigor
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct of delegates candidates, proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: /STAE/X/2011
This Code aims to establish the rules of conduct to be observed by the presidential candidates of the Democratic Republic of East Timor.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8. Of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011, June 22nd, in conjunction with paragraph 2 of Article 67. of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, for real as code of conduct, the following:
Throughout the election process, candidates for president, their representatives and their supporters must meet the following rules of conduct:
1. Accept and comply fully with the Constitution, laws, regulations and other regulatory provisions of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
2. Accept the legitimate results of the election or contest them before the Court jurisdiction under the election laws in force
3. Participate in elections in a peaceful, democratic and transparent
4. Leading the campaign in a positive way through its proposed policies and programs of action
5. Carry out electoral propaganda terms and limits of electoral laws and regulations in force
6. Contribute to the clear information and conscious of the voters about his candidacy
7. To contribute the electorate to vote freely and not to exercise any illegitimate influence over them
8. Respect the rights of other candidates, allowing free dissemination of ideas in a pluralistic environment and free
9. Respect the freedom of the press and media
10. Not prevent, by any means, that the other candidates and their supporters engaged in electoral propaganda and activities of the election campaign that they are entitled
11. Do not impede the right of any voter to participate in any campaign activity carried out by other candidates and their supporters
12. Cooperate with all authorities who hold in the electoral process, in particular, STAE, CNE and STJ, as well as election officials, agents of candidates, election observers (National and International), professionals media in the security forces, as well as the other candidates and their supporters
13. Respect the secrecy of the vote
14. Not unduly obstruct the work of all those who have roles in electoral process
15. During the campaign, using language that contributes to a peaceful environment, not slandering, threatening, inciting violence or addressing critical personal or gender of any person or group of persons, including other candidates and their supporters
16. Respect private property and public buildings that are owned, refraining from pasting posters, writing or painting canvass without proper authorization
17. Not to engage in electioneering in religious sites such as churches, mosques, temples or other places of worship
18. Refrain from misuse of state property and public officials for purposes of propaganda and campaigning
19. Do not use public office as instruments of campaign
20. Respect the obligations of neutrality and impartiality that public officials are subject in general and in particular of the electoral administration or collaborating with it
21. Respect the electoral calendar dates
22. Commit to resolve disputes concerning with the election between the candidates, peacefully and through dialogue
23. Report any behaviors that undermine respect for the principles and rules that set out in this Code
24. Do not link to apply for political party to be forbidden
25. Do not use the material as defined in paragraph 3 of Article 3 on Regulation of Electoral Campaign necessary the candidate for political party to be forbidden
26. Ensure that your representative, and the tax supporters are aware candidate, comply with and enforce this code.
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct proposed by STAE
Dili, Octoberth , 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections - CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th,, Article 77 of Law no. No. 6 / 2006, December 28th, and Article 67 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, to serve as a code of conduct, the following:
Article 1
This code of conduct governing the acquisition of the status, performance of duties, rights and duties of professional media for the presidential and parliamentary elections.
Article 2
They are professionals of the media, for the purposes of this Code, journalists and correspondents of the press, radio broadcasting stations and television, whether public or private, that are to cover the electoral process in Timor-Leste.
Article 3
Accreditation of Professionals Media
1. The professional media interested in participating of the election coverage should apply to the STAE by own accreditation which enables him to enter the polling stations, polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels.
2. Accreditation is deferred upon presentation of personal identification, proof of professional or a declaration by the media organization in which the professional exercises the functions and form of identification provided by STAE completed.
3. The professional international media will be required to submit proof of professional or a declaration by the media organization for which the professional exercises functions of the passport as identification and personal identification form duly completed.
4. The process of issuing accreditations begins after the publication in the Official Gazette, the President's decree setting the election date and ending on the seventh day before polling day.
5. The validity of the accreditation of journalists, national and international, will become
6. Extinct after the publication of election results by the STJ.
Article 4
Rights of Professionals Media
Professionals and the media, in the exercise of election coverage, are entitled:
a) Access to data sources election under this Regulation
b) To guarantee by the public safety conditions for the exercise of its functions
c) The maintenance of confidentiality of the information source, according to law
d) To be respected by candidates and other officials election.
Article 5
Right of Access
The right of access provided in the preceding article shall be exercised as follows:
a) The professionals of the media are entitled to access the places where unfolds the entire electoral process, including the submission of candidates, the activities of the election campaign, voting, vote counting and tabulation of results for hedging purposes informative
b) The right of access allows the professional to attend the counting of votes and tabulation of results, without prejudice to the following standards
c) The professionals of the media before starting the story in the polling stations, polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels, must obtain authorization from the President of the polling center in order to avoid disturbing the normal course of voting process.
Article 6
Duties of Professionals Media
Professionals and the media, in the exercise of election coverage, should:
a) Act with thoroughness and professionalism
b) Comply with applicable laws and regulations to promote electoral and democratic principles
c) Contribute to the achievement of free and fair elections, promoting the dissemination of news supported on concrete facts
d) To give equal opportunity and treatment for various candidates
e) Confirm all the prior information to disclosure, listening to the parties involved or interested in the case and should be able to demonstrate their accuracy at any time
f) For purposes of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, in case of error, the professional and the media should be obliged to correct the information as may be false or inaccurate
g) To maintain the impartiality and independence in news coverage of the facts, through the dissemination of complete and accurate electoral information without express preferences for any list of candidates
h) Refuse gifts, favors or special treatment from the lists of candidates or their representatives, and avoid making promises about the contents of a report
i) Reject the plagiarism, deliberate distortion of reality, unfounded accusations, the use of defamatory language, libelous, abusive, or make incitement to violence or discrimination against people because of color, race, turbidity, national origin, nationality, sex , sexual orientation, religious and political choice or mental or physical disability
j) Differentiate the activity of the candidates of their operation as holders of the organs of political power in the exercise of its functions
k) Assign the testimony gathered by their respective authors
l) Respect the privacy of individuals
m) To refrain from interfering in the electoral operations
n) Do not collect images and information that would compromise the secrecy of the vote
o) During the vote count and tabulation of results, to avoid interfering in the process and disclose only the information provided by STAE, CNE and the Supreme Court for validation and publication of election results.
Cancellation of Accreditation
1.7.1 Upon submission of questions, protests and complaints by the performance of professional or media organization that violates the rules of this code, the CNE can advise you in writing of the irregularity and requesting its correction.
2.7.2 If after the professional or agency warned the media persists in default, the CNE by the reasoned opinion may require the collection and STAE cancellation of accreditation.
3.7.3 The STAE shall proceed as required, by the CNE within 24 hours.
4.7.4 The CNE decision may be appealed in accordance with current legislation.
Article 8
Term of Commitment
1. The professional media that requires accreditation to carry out the election coverage, and submit the forms and documents required under Article 3. Of the present code, sign three copies of a statement of commitment by which undertakes to comply with the provisions of this Code.
2. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the first copy of the declaration of commitment is held by the applicant, the duplicate is filed in the national headquarters of STAE and the third way is referred to the CNE.
Article 9
Is repealed any provision to the contrary relating to the professional media for presidential and parliamentary elections.
Entry into Vigor
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct of the professional media proposed by STAE
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: 7 October 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Joana Maria Dulce Vitor
3 Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento
4 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
5 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
6 Lucas de Sousa
7 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
8 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
9 Deolindo dos Santos
10 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
11 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
12 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
13 Arif Abdullah Sagran
14 Manuela Leong Pereira
15 Alcino de Araújo Baris
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The election campaign is a neuralgic activity inherent in any electoral process, giving candidates and political parties contesting in the elections to the possibility to make known their political programs and convey their messages, on equal terms.
This Regulation lays down the principles governing the election under paragraph 3 of art. 65 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, the Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, Election Law and the National Parliament Law No. 7 / 2006 on December 28th, Election Law for President of the Republic.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of June 22nd, in Chapter III of Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22nd, and Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, to serve as the
Following rules:
Article 1
This Regulation lays down the arrangements for the electoral campaign for the election of the President and the National Parliament.
Article 2
1. The provisions of this Regulation shall be binding by all candidates, political parties and coalitions as well as all other institutions and individuals.
2. All candidates, political parties and coalitions have the responsibility to ensure strict compliance with this Regulation through their representatives, members, candidates, leaders, supporters and campaign staff.
Article 3
1. It is understood by the election campaign in constitutional period during in which they carry out the activities defined as electioneering
2. It is understood by all the election propaganda activities aimed at directly or indirectly promotes the candidates of candidates, political parties or party coalitions, including the publication of texts or images that express or reproduce the content of this activity.
3. Materials by means of propaganda, Posters, Banners, Brochures, Texts, Radio or TV Spots, Films and all sorts of propaganda spread by the oral and visual media or in public, and other promotional items, used for the purpose of promoting the candidates.
Article 4
Election Campaign Period
1. The campaign period for the election of the President lasts for fifteen days and ends two days before the day appointed for elections.
2. The campaign period for the election of Deputies to the National Parliament lasts for thirty days and ends two days before the day appointed for elections.
3. For the purposes of the preceding paragraphs, two days preceding the election day not to perform any activity or electioneering campaign or distribute or publish opinion polls and surveys.
Article 5
Head of the Election Campaign
Candidates, political parties and party coalitions designate a responsible campaign that will ensure faithful compliance with this regulation and ensure to contact with election officials, civilians and police.
Article 6
Principles of the Election Campaign
1. The election campaign is conducted in compliance with the following principles:
a) Freedom to canvass
b) Equality of opportunity and treatment for various candidates
c) Impartiality of public entities before the candidate
d) Transparency and supervision of electoral expenses.
In addition to the principles to set out in the preceding paragraph, the codes of conduct, approved by the CNE, will guide the behavior of candidates, political parties and coalitions during the campaign activities undertaken.
Article 7
Supervisory Board
The National Electoral Commission, hereinafter referred to as CNE, checks the compliance with these principles, which apply from the date of fixing the date of election, and adopts measures to ensure compliance and peaceful development of the campaign.
Article 8
Freedom of Speech
During the campaign period cannot be imposed any restriction or censorship of expression principles and programs of political, economic, social and cultural rights, except those which violate the Constitution and laws.
Article 9
Freedom of Assembly
1. During the campaign period and without prior authorization, candidates, political parties and coalitions can organize meetings, demonstrations, rallies, meetings and processions peacefully and not using guns.
2. During the election campaign, no person, authority or institution may prohibit or impede the achievement of the political campaign activities.
Article 10
Presentation of the Schedule of Activities
1. Five days before the campaign period, the candidates, political parties or party coalitions are obliged to provide the CNE activities of their respective campaigns
2. If there is coincidence of time and place for candidates, political parties or party coalitions CNE notify the candidates, political parties or coalition’s coincident mutual agreement on the time and place.
3. If there is no agreement to give time or place, the CNE comes a lot to resolve the situation
4. After the solution, the CNE informed the Police Administration and the respective district.
Article 11
Limitation of Time
The campaign activities can only take place between 08:00 A.M and 6:30 P.M.
Article 12
1. The meetings, rallies and demonstrations in public places or open to the public located near the venues where the headquarters of the organs of sovereignty, the official residences of the holders of sovereign bodies, militarized and military installations, prisons, buildings religious, the headquarters of diplomatic and consular offices of the political parties and the facilities of CNE and STAE is permitted only at such a distance that does not interfere with its operation.
2. The distance refer above must also be respected in relation to demonstrations in the vicinity of ports, airports, telecommunications, nuclear power generation, storage and local storage of water, fuel and flammable material.
Article 13
1. During the election campaign prohibited the use of oral or written language that is:
a) against the offending state institutions and the unity of the Democratic Republic of East Timor;
b) inciting violence
c) defamatory against any citizen, candidate, political party or party coalition
d) Discriminate against race, gender, ideology, religious belief, social status and any fact that is against human rights.
2. It is forbidden for candidates, political parties and coalitions to use language and identify with religious beliefs and sects
3. The election propaganda materials may not be posted in public buildings, religious and private without permission of the owners in buildings or places considered as national treasures and places that impede or obstruct traffic and visibility.
4. Candidates, political parties and coalitions cannot offer any bonus or make promises of rewards to voters or direct threats of reprisals or intimidate voters.
5. There can be no electioneering materials of anonymous source, and all contain the identification of their authors.
6. The CNE can immediately notify and request the intervention of the authorities where the language employed is against the provisions of this Regulation and the Law
7. The CNE may have removed the advertising materials are provided against the provisions of this Regulation.
8. It is strictly forbidden to be in possession of any weapons during the election campaign activities
Article 14
Symbols and Names
Candidates, political parties and coalitions cannot use names or symbols of state institutions in their activities and campaign materials and electioneering.
Article 15
Cleaning the Canvass
1. Candidates, political parties and party coalitions should withdraw all advertising materials used during the election campaign, within one week, starting from the day following the election.
2. An exception to the previous forecast, candidates who participate in a second round of presidential elections until the end of this.
3. If the election propaganda materials are not removed within the prescribed period, the CNE will request the district authorities and police authorities to proceed with its removal.
4. The cost of clean-up of election propaganda materials shall be borne by the candidates, political parties and party coalitions that violate the provisions of this article.
Article 16
Impartiality of Public Media
The media ownership public coverage election information will follow the principles of fairness, equal opportunities and balance and cannot discriminate against any candidate, political parties or party coalitions.
Article 17
Coverage and Content of Transmissions
In programs that are not expressly political campaigning, radio and television cannot convey, explicitly or implicitly, any party preference, be it through visual or oral messages in the form of the use of colors or symbols that can be easily associated with a particular candidate, political party or party coalition.
Article 18
Equal Access to Media
Candidates, political parties and coalitions have equal access to electoral propaganda, radio stations, television and print public and private.
Article 19
Right Antenna
1. During the campaign, radio stations and television reserve candidates, political parties and party coalitions equal airtime.
2. Radio stations and television inform the CNE on the schedule for emissions, with at least three days in advance compared to the beginning of transmissions.
Article 20
Distribution of Airtime
1. If several candidates, political parties and party coalitions demonstrate a willingness to make use of the right to broadcast during the same period, the criterion will be applied in the order of draw to be made by radio or television in the presence of candidates, political parties and of coalitions
2. Once drawn, it will follow the order of the draw, increasing "a", every day of campaigning, the candidate, political party or party coalition that will start the distribution of times that day.
3. In one day, the candidate, political party or party coalition number one in the first draw will take place in the broadcasting time in two days, the candidate, political party or coalition party number two on the second draw will take place, and so on.
Article 21
1. Tariffs for use of the right to broadcast the same and will have to be public for all candidates, political parties and party coalitions.
2. Information on rates should be reported by the media to the CNE before the election campaign.
Article 22
Public Spaces
1. All candidates, political parties and coalitions have equal right to use public spaces, the requirements laid down in Articles 10 and 11 of this Regulation.
2. In case of coincidence in the use of public spaces, the CNE will hold a lottery in the presence of representatives of the candidates, if they have not previously come to an agreement.
Article 23
Surveys and Opinion Polls
In the publication or dissemination of opinion polls and surveys, should be specified in the following data sheet: customer identification, the objective of the survey or opinion poll, the sample, the methodology used and the company or person responsible for the design and its execution.
Article 24
It is understood by all public institutions of the state of the Democratic Republic of East, defined as such according to law.
Article 25
It is considered the public citizen servant who is recruited and appointed to a permanent position in public administration, the corresponding duties and rights proper, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 8 / 2004 of June 16.
Article 26
Other Officials with Public Responsibilities
for purposes of the election campaign, all those who are not civil servants but providing service to any state institution, such as employees of the administration of justice, judges and prosecutors, public defenders, members of the Armed Forces and National Police East Timor, are also covered by this Regulation.
Article 27
Principle of Impartiality
1. Holders of public institutions, civil servants, personnel nominated by political trust and other public officials with responsibilities must respect the principle of equality of citizens before the law.
2. In exercising its functions, the entities referred to in the preceding paragraph shall act impartially towards all candidates, refraining from participating in any activity and make electoral propaganda.
Article 28
Use of Public Property and State Property
1. It is absolutely forbidden to use public property, including facilities, materials, vehicles, financial and human resources, information and any other item of public property for campaign purposes and electioneering.
2. It also prohibited the use of goods which are owned by third parties that have any type of contract or grant with any public entity.
Article 29
Finance Campaign
1. Sources of funding of election campaigns of candidates, political parties and party coalitions, understand their own revenue and income from private financing.
2. The revenues of its own:
a) shares and other contributions from members of the party
b) contributions made by individuals who support the candidate
c) The proceeds of fundraising activities undertaken by the candidate, political party or party coalition
d) The income of the party
e) The capital of the candidates
f) The proceeds of loans.
3. The revenues of private funding:
a) Donations of individuals in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Political Parties;
b) The product of inheritance or legacy.
Article 30
Financing Prohibited
It is forbidden to candidates, political parties and party coalitions accepting cash donations to:
a) Public Enterprises
b) Companies with exclusive capital or a majority of the state
c) Companies utilities
d) legal persons of public utility or activities dedicated to charitable or religious purpose
e) professional associations, trade unions or employers
f) Foundations
g) Governments or foreign legal persons.
Article 31
Financial Regime
Candidates, political parties and coalitions must have separate accounts organized and the election campaign, for spending and revenues so that you can know your financial situation and verify compliance with the obligations imposed by law.
Article 32
Advertising Accounts of the Election Campaign
1. Candidates, political parties and party coalitions shall submit the accounts of the election campaign that the CNE will check within thirty days following the election.
2. The accounts must record all movements from the date of publication of the election date until two days after Election Day.
3. The accounts of the candidates, political parties and coalitions regarding the campaign must be freely published in the Official Gazette, together with the opinion of the CNE within forty-five days from its receipt by the CNE.
4. The CNE will check the accounts within thirty days.
5. The CNE may hire outside experts to assist.
Article 33
Accounting Organization
1. The accounting of the candidates, political parties and coalitions must obey the rules of a sound accounting and contain in particular
a) A breakdown of revenues including those contained in the article about campaign finance
b) The breakdown of costs including:
• Personnel costs
• Expenditure on the acquisition of property
• Expenditure on the acquisition of services
• Borrowing Costs
• Other expenses related to the activities of the candidate, political party or party coalition.
c) A breakdown of capital related to operations:
• Investments
• Debtors and creditors.
2. The information disclosed in the preceding paragraph refers only to the electoral campaign.
3. In order to conduct a follow-up transparent accounting, candidates, political parties and coalitions will open specific accounts in a bank of your choice.
4. All movements of bank accounts should be documented and cannot be made in cash payments worth more than USD 100 (one hundred U.S. dollars).
5. Candidates, political parties and coalitions must inform the CNE on the bank account details and submit their balance sheets.
Article 34
1. Candidates, political parties and coalitions who see their rights affected campaign can complain to the CNE.
2. The CNE establishes a system of assessment of complaints, based on rules of procedures adopted by itself
Article 35
Illegal Electioneering
It is illegal to campaign those laid down in the Penal Code in force.
Article 36
Participation of Electoral Offenses
The CNE will participate to the prosecutor of any acts which constitute unlawful election that he became aware.
Article 37
1. In all matters that not covered in Chapter VI of this Regulation shall be observed the provisions of the Law on Political Parties and the Legal Regime of the Financing of Political Parties.
2. The remaining cases will be resolved in accordance with applicable law.
Article 38
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
Approved in Dili, November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections - CNE
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, in conjunction with paragraph 1 of Article 67 of Law no. No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, to serve as the following rules:
Chapter I
Article 1
This Regulation lays down rules concerning the submission of nominations for the election of the President, as provided in Law No. 7 / 2006 of 28 December as well as the rules of litigation relating to this phase of their electoral processes.
Chapter II
Article 2
Identifying data
Considered to be the elements of identification, for the purposes of this Regulation, as following:
a) Full name
b) Date of birth
c) Membership
d) Occupation
e) Place of birth
f) Proof of original citizenship
g) District, Sub-district, village of residence
h) Number of entry in electoral roll.
Article 3
There may be candidates for President of the Republic:
a) The judges and prosecutors in effectiveness of service
b) The career diplomats in effectiveness of service
c) The effectiveness of civil servants in service
d) Members of the Defense Forces of Timor-Leste (FALINTIL-FDTL) in service effectiveness
e) The members of the police service effectiveness
f) The ministers of any religion or cult
g) Members of the National Electoral Commission hereinafter referred to as CNE.
Article 4
Representatives of the Candidates
1. In submitting candidates, applicants are represented a person that selected by them in writing.
2. For reporting purposes, the address and telephone number of the representative are indicated on their candidate process.
Article 5
Elements of the Ballot
1. In order to appear on ballot papers, photographs of the candidates for President of the Republic shall be taken by the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration, hereinafter referred to STAE.
2. In order to appear on the ballot, flags or emblems are sent to STAE within five days following the deadline for submission of candidates.
3. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the flags and emblems should be sent to the electronic filing of STAE in JPEG format with a minimum display resolution of 640 X 480 pixels.
4. The photographs, flags or emblems should occupy on the ballot is the same area as previously defined and communicated to STAE and CNE candidates.
Chapter III
Article 6
Power of Candidates
1. Candidates are presented for a minimum of five thousand voters in all districts, each of whom may not be represented by less than one hundred applicants.
2. Each voter can only be a proponent of single candidate.
Article 7
Place and Deadline for Submission of Candidates
Candidates are submitted to the President of the Supreme Court, hereinafter referred to Supreme Court, within twenty days from the date of publication of the Decree which marks the date of the election.
Article 8
Requirements for Submission of Candidates
1. The presentation consists of delivering a statement that expresses the wish to present the candidate for the election of the President and a declaration of acceptance of candidate.
2. The statement contains the date of the election, the number of signatures of electors required in paragraph 1 of Article 6. Thereof, the particulars of the candidate and the representative of the candidate, and is accompanied by proof of registration of bidders in the census election
3. The statement is also accompanied by a certified copy of voter card candidate and the representative of the candidate as well as the documents in which, on the candidate, prove:
a. The minimum age of thirty-five years
b. The original Timorese citizenship.
4. At the time of submission, the candidate joins the declaration of candidacy signed by them, in which he declares on his honor that is not covered by any ineligibility accepts the candidate and designate its representative.
Article 9
Admission of Candidates
1. The Supreme Court, receiving the candidates, starts to check the regularity of the process, the authenticity of documents and eligibility of candidates.
2. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the President of the Supreme Court is supported by the services of STAE.
3. Ineligible candidates are rejected.
4. Upon the occurrence of procedural irregularities, the representative is notified immediately of the candidate to meet within two days.
5. The final decision for acceptance or rejection is given within ten days of the deadline for submission of candidates, covering all candidates and is immediately notified their representatives to the CNE and STAE.
Article 10
1. The decision on the submission of candidates may be appealed to the panel of the Supreme Court shall be filed within one day.
2. The candidate of the appeal, setting out the basis, is accompanied by all the evidence.
3. The appeal is decided within two days of the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
4. The Supreme Court's decision is notified to the representative of the candidate the applicant, the CNE and STAE.
Article 11
Publicity of the Decision
If no appeals or decided who have been brought under Article 12, the President of the Supreme Court orders posted on the door of the court building a complete list of all candidates, with the mention of having been accepted or rejected.
Article 12
Lottery Candidates
1. In the days following the publication of the lists finally accepted, the president of the Supreme Court held the draw of candidates in the presence of candidates or their representatives who attend the draw for the purpose of assigning them an order on the ballot, involving the production.
2. In cases falling under articles 24 and 25 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, keeps the ballot paper has already been approved and stamps are "canceled" in the name of the candidate affected.
3. The result of the draw is posted on the door of the building which houses the headquarters of the Supreme Court, with copies forwarded to the CNE and STAE, which must proceed to display in their respective district offices.
Article 13
Announcement of Candidates Admitted
1. The final list of candidates admitted is immediately sent to the CNE and STAE
2. The STAE shall promote public disclosure of candidates finally accepted by the national radio and other media for three consecutive days.
Article 14
Single Candidate
If the election is allowed only one candidate, the electoral process continues all its dealings with the necessary adaptations.
Article 15
Withdrawal of Candidature
1. Any candidate wishing to withdraw the candidate may do so within seventy-two hours before Election Day, in a statement written by him, with the signature certified by a notary, presented to the President of the Supreme Court.
2. Verified the correctness of the declaration of withdrawal immediately, the President of the Supreme Court sends a copy to post outside the building where the headquarters of the work and notifies the Court that the CNE and STAE.
3. Upon completion of the first vote, any waiver of any of the top two candidates can only occur within forty-eight hours after the same.
4. In case of withdrawal under the preceding paragraph, are called successively the remaining candidates in order of voting, so that by the fourth day after the first ballot, notify the eventual withdrawal.
Article 16
Death or Permanent Disability of the Candidate
1. It is the Attorney General's Office to provide proof of death or require the appointment of three medical experts to verify the applicant's disability, the Supreme Court providing all the elements available to it.
2. The Supreme Court in plenary verifies the death of the candidate or appoint experts within a period not exceeding one day.
3. The experts presented their report within one day, if another is not fixed by the Supreme Court, after that, collectively; decide on the candidate's ability.
4. Upon the occurrence of death or disability of the candidate declared, the President of STJ shall forthwith communicate to the President of the declaration.
Article 17
Counting and Limits Term
1. The limits time provided in this Regulation are continuous.
2. When any act referred to in this regulation involves the intervention of identities or public services, it is considered that the deadline corresponds to the term of office hours of the respective services.
3. If the CNE requested the assistance of any services or public administration bodies in the electoral process, in accordance with Article 65 of Law 7 / 2006 of December 28, it takes a matter of urgency.
Article 18
Competent Court
While the Supreme Court of Justice does not start functions, powers which are conferred by this Regulation shall be exercised by the Court of Appeal.
Article 19
The cases shall be resolved in accordance with applicable law or as the general principles of law.
Article 20
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th¬ , 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to paragraph c) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, in conjunction with paragraph 1 of Article 77 of Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, to serve as the following rules:
Article 1
This Regulation lays down rules concerning the submission of nominations for the election of deputies to the National Parliament, as provided in Law No. 6 / 2006 of 28 December as well as the rules of litigation relating to this phase of their electoral processes.
Article 2
Identifying Data
For purposes of this Regulation, shall be considered to identify the following elements:
a) Full name
b) Date of birth
c) Membership
d) Occupation
e) Place of birth
f) District, Sub-district, village of residence
g) Number of entry in electoral roll.
Article 3
They are ineligible for the National Parliament:
a) The President of the Republic
b) The judges and prosecutors in effectiveness of service
c) The career diplomats in effectiveness of service
d) The effectiveness of civil servants in service
e) Members of the Defense Forces of Timor-Leste (FALINTIL-FDTL) in effectiveness services
f) Members of the police service effectiveness
g) Ministers of any religion or cult
h) The members of the National Electoral Commission hereinafter referred to as CNE.
Article 4
Representatives of the Tenderness
1. In the presentation of the lists of candidates, political parties and party coalitions are represented by a person designated by them.
2. For reporting purposes, the address and telephone number of the representative are indicated on their candidate process.
Article 5
Power of Proposals
1. Candidates are submitted by political parties or coalitions that are duly registered, and the lists may include citizens in the respective non-affiliated parties.
2. No party or party coalition may submit more than one list of candidates
3. No one can be a candidate in more than one list, under penalty of ineligibility.
Article 6
1. Set the date of election and within twenty days thereafter, two or more political parties may form coalitions with the aim of presenting a single list for the election of the National Parliament in the following paragraphs.
2. The formation of coalitions satisfies the provisions of the Law on Political Parties, and reported immediately to the CNE, with mention of their name, abbreviation, flag and emblem.
3. The items referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be transmitted by the CNE to STAE, which immediately releases by Notice published in the Official Gazette.
Article 7
Place and Deadline for Submission
Lists of the candidates are submitted to the CNE within thirty days from the date of publication of the decree which marks the date of the election.
Article 8
Requirements for Submission of List of Candidates
1. The presentation consists of delivering a list of candidates and alternates and the representative of the candidate, which contains elements of their identity, address, telephone contact and the declaration of candidacy.
2. The lists of candidate must follow the organization of a woman legally provided for each set of three candidates.
3. In the list submitted by party coalition must be included after the full name of the candidate, the nomination that proposed it.
4. The list is accompanied with a certified photocopy of the voter registration card for each candidate and the representative candidate.
5. The list is also accompanied with a certificate attesting the registration of political party and in the case of list submitted by party coalition with the approved document, issued by the competent representative bodies of each of the political parties that are part of it.
6. At the time of submission is attached to the declaration of candidacy signed jointly or separately by the candidates in which they state:
a. are not covered by any situation of ineligibility
b. not running for parliamentary elections assigned to another party list, different from that for which they apply
c. accept the candidate by the party or party coalition tendered
d. Accepting the candidate indicated by the representative of political party or party coalition in which they are applying.
7. For purposes of the provisions of this Article, the CNE must prepare the respective relevant manuals and forms.
Article 9
Draw the Lists
1. The day after the deadline for submitting lists of candidates, the CNE conduct the draw from lists submitted by political parties or party coalitions in the presence of their representatives who attend, for the purpose of assigning them an order on the ballot, is preparing a record.
2. The draw and the printing of ballots does not imply the acceptance of candidate lists and consideration should be given effect without regard to the lists that will definitely be rejected.
3. The result of the draw is posted on the door of the building which houses the CNE, and sent a copy to STAE.
Article 10
Admission of Candidates
1. After the draw, the CNE starts to check the regularity of the processes and the authenticity of documents, sending the minutes to STAE with their candidate lists in electronic form.
2. The verification of the identification and registration in the database is promoted by STAE election, within two days.
3. After checking the lists, STAE issue and forwards to the CNE the minutes of checking the lists suitable for admission.
4. Ineligible candidates are rejected.
5. Upon the occurrence of procedural irregularities, the representative is notified of the candidate to meet within two days.
6. The decision is made by the CNE, within ten days of the deadline for submission of candidates, covering all candidates and is immediately notified their representatives and the STAE.
Article 11
Publicity of the Decision
On the day the decision is issued under paragraph 6 of the preceding article, the CNE post it to the door of your building and district offices.
Article 12
1. The decisions of the CNE are subject to complaint by its President and submitted within seventy-two hours after the publication referred to in the preceding article.
2. Have standing to file an opposition candidate, political parties, party coalitions, representatives of the candidates and also any voter provided that the basis is the ineligibility of one or more candidates and to this end gather all the evidence.
3. In the case of complaint against the admission or non-admission of any candidate, the CNE president sends immediately notify the representative of a list to respond, failing that, within twenty-four hours.
4. The CNE must decide within twenty-four hours after the expiry of the previous paragraph.
5. If there are complaints or decides that they are presented, the President of the CNE sends post outside the building of a CNE complete list of all lists allowed.
Article 13
Announcement of Candidates Admitted
1. The list of admitted candidates is immediately sent to STAE.
2. The STAE shall promote public disclosure of candidates accepted by the national radio and other media for three consecutive days.
Article 14
Replacement and Withdrawal of Candidates
1. It is lawful the withdrawal of any candidate, by a declaration signed by him with the signature acknowledged before a notary public, maintaining, however, the validity of the list.
2. The withdrawal of any candidate shall be communicated by him to the political party that tells the CNE, with copy to STAE.
3. There is room for the replacement candidates, up to twenty-one days before the election, the following cases:
a. Elimination of final judgment under appeal founded in ineligibility
b. Withdrawal of candidate
4. . In case of death or illness of the candidate to determine physical and mental impossibility, its replacement can be made within seventy-two hours before the election.
5. The replacement is optional, making the substitutes on the list after the last of the alternates.
Article 15
Withdrawal of List
Withdrawal is permitted to list up to seventy-two hours before Election Day by notifying the respective representative of the CNE who immediately transmits it to STAE.
Article 16
Decisions with respect to nominations for the National Parliament, be appealed to the Supreme Court shall be filed within twenty-four hours after its publication.
Article 17
Have standing to appeal the candidates, political parties, coalitions, representatives of candidates and voters as well.
Article 18
The Supreme Court ultimately decides the appeal within forty-eight hours from the date of receipt of the case, communicating the decision, the same day, the applicant, the defendant entity, the CNE and STAE.
Article 19
Counting and term Limits
1. The time limits provided in this Regulation are continuous.
2. When any act referred to in this regulation involves the intervention of identities or public services, it is considered that the deadline corresponds to the term of office hours of the respective services.
Article 20
Competent Court
While the Supreme Court does not start functions, powers which are conferred by this Regulation shall be exercised by the Court of Appeal.
Article 21
The cases shall be resolved in accordance with applicable law or as the general principles of law.
Article 22
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No: / STAE/X/2011
The definition of the procedures for voting, vote of counting and tabulation of election results are essential so that the presidential and parliamentary elections are conducted in a transparent, fair and Democratic, ensuring, in this way, Candidates, Officials Election, Delegates of Candidacies, Observers and the voters understand the electoral process and ensure, with success, and the corresponding procedures processing, inherent in election.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to paragraph C) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of 22 June
conjunction with Article 67 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22, and Article 77 of Law No. 6 / 2006 of 28 December, with the amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22, to serve as the following rules:
Article 1
This Regulation shall apply to elections of the President and members of the National Parliament and discipline their procedures for voting, vote counting and tabulation of election results in the country.
Article 2
Are regulated in the following particular matters:
a) The organization of the polling stations
b) The composition, powers and operation of polling stations
c) The process of voting and operations
d) The process of closing the polling station
e) The process of counting of votes and initial tabulation, district and national election results
f) The guarantee of freedom of vote
Article 3
Is called a polling station where the voter exercises his right to vote, and this center is composed of one or more polling stations.
Article 4
Place of Operation
1. In each seat tribe should run at least one polling station, except that the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration - STAE in the number of voters or the distance between the observed villages that consist of tribe, to determined to create more polling stations, while protecting during the electoral process in the regular exercise of voting rights, without prejudice to its confidentiality.
2. In each polling station can run more than one polling station in accordance with the requirements referred above.
Article 5
Dissemination of the Local Operating
1. The ratio of the total number of voting centers and corresponding location should be sent to the CNE one week before the deadline for publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Upon receipt of the list in the previous paragraph, the CNE, STAE shall notify within five days for this if it appears necessary, will propose an additional or change to the local operation of polling centers and polling stations, under the electoral laws.
3. Within thirty days before Election Day STAE shall publish in the Official Gazette the full list of local operation of polling centers and polling stations, with a copy of that providing information to the CNE and subsequently, its propagation through media.
4. Each polling station will be assigned a code consisting of five digits in each polling station and a corresponding code consists of nine digits, the first five of which represent the center code voting and the last four the number of their polling station, allowing it, in this way, the individual identification of each polling center and polling station.
5. The codes must appear on the ballot and the voter rolls, in the minutes of operation, counting and tabulation of votes.
Article 6
Installation of the Voting Centers
1. The polling stations are installed in public buildings, preferably public schools that offer safety and access to voters.
2. In the absence of public buildings that provide the conditions laid down in the preceding paragraph shall be ordered by STAE headquarters of tribe or community centers.
3. The impossibility of being provided the locations mentioned in this article, STAE shall provide a structure which can be installed in the center of their vote and polling stations.
Article 7
Prohibited Locations
The installation of the polling center at:
a) Police unit
b) Military unit
c) Residence of the traditional chief
d) A private residence
e) Building which is owned by a political party
f) Places of worship or used for worship
g) Hospitals or any building connected to health services, subject to access by walking teams vote in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 34 and Article 43 of this Regulation.
Article 8
Disclosure of the polling place
1. The voter shall vote in the tribe indicated as being the geographical area of the census, assessed and determined based on the information entered in their voter registration card.
2. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the STAE disclose the list of voters by tribe, distributing the voter a password in the number which appears in the list of registered voters who will confirm the place where the voter votes and facilitate election procedures on Election Day.
3. The disclosure must be for a period of seven days from the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the functioning of local polling stations.
Article 9
Support for electoral activities
It is based on the administrators of the districts and sub-districts provide all logistical support required by the local STAE, during the whole electoral process and to develop appropriate arrangements for voter turnout on Election Day.
Article 10
Operation Hours
1. On Election Day, the polling centers and polling stations open at seven o'clock A.M and close at three o’clock P.M, operation continuously during this time.
2. After the closing time, can only vote for electors who are waiting in line to exercise their right to vote, which shall be verified by two controllers and communicated to the queue Secretary of the polling station.
Article 11
Officials Electoral
Considered that official election for national who, having been previously selected by STAE to ensure the operation of polling centers and polling stations during the election process.
Article 12
Requirements for the Selection of Official Election
1. Only national citizens who can read and write may officers electoral can be selected among local citizens.
2. Nobody can be forced to act as electoral officer against his wiliness express and free.
3. Citizens pre-selected with a view to exercising the functions of an election official, shall be submitted earlier to training that provided by STAE.
Article 13
Training of Officers Electoral
1. The training of officials electoral, referred in the preceding article, shall be given under the approved conditions by STAE, which must be supervised by the CNE.
2. Representatives and delegates of candidacies, as well as observers appointed for that purpose, likewise, monitor and observe that they may have no training, however, right to intervene.
3. After training, the General Director of the CNE STAE sends a complete list of official election. Election considered suitable for the performance of their duties and have to placement this information on Notice to the door of the headquarters building of STAE and the corresponding district headquarters.
4. Official election cannot start their work without signing a declaration of commitment under attest to secrecy regarding facts, information, and election procedures that becomes aware in the exercise of their duties.
5. The statement referred in the prior number that prepared by STAE and the officer electoral is required until the conclusion of the electoral process in question.
Article 14
Rights and Duties of Officials Electoral
1. On the day of election and throughout their operation, officials election are exempted from duty for appearance in the workplace, without prejudice to their rights or benefits, including the right of consideration and for this present purpose to the respective employer proof documentary of their participation in the elections that will be issued by STAE.
2. In exercising its functions, officials election are bound to comply with the following duties:
a) Attend the training provided by STAE
b) Maintain an attitude of neutrality and impartiality in relation to all candidates;
c) Ensure the secrecy of all information that they may have knowledge in the exercise of its functions
d) Execute, with diligence, their duties until the completion of the voting and tabulation of results.
3. The breaches of duties by official election imply its responsibility under the law criminal.
Article 15
Composition of the Polling Center and Polling Station
1. Each polling center is headed by a president, commonly called a brigade, which accounts for the center and corresponding voting stations to vote.
2. Each polling station is comprised of:
a) A secretary, responsible of the polling station, which coordinates the work of other officers of their election season
b) Four checkers official identification
c) An official driver of the ballot
d) An officer of the ballot box controller
e) An official driver for the candidate of indelible ink
f) Two official drivers queue
3. In the constitution of the table on Election Day, it is not possible to make the substitutions provided for in this regulation; the polling station requires a minimum of six officials electoral.
Article 16
President of the Polling Center
The chairman of the polling center commonly referred to as brigade:
a) Ensure the proper functioning of the polling center and corresponding polling stations, under the law, regulations and codes of conduct in force
b) Provide technical assistance to the polling station, polling stations and correspondents
c) Use the casting vote; it has the deliberations or decisions that have taken the table whenever there is a vote
d) To assess whether the conditions necessary for resumption of electoral operations that have been interrupted by strange occurrence, natural disaster or civil disturbance
e) Request the presence of the forces of public order and suspend the electoral operations in the event of riots, aggression or violence that may occur either in the local polling station or in that vicinity
f) Tell withdraw forces to maintain public order when their presence is no longer justified
g) Send candidate to post the lists at the entrance of each polling station
h) Direct counting of votes at the polling center
i) To sign the minutes with the results of counting of votes at the polling center
j) Organize delegates of candidacies to sign the minutes of the electoral process.
k) Submit the ballot for the district tabulation station
l) Perform such other functions as conferred by law or regulation.
Article 17
Secretary of the Polling Station
The secretary of the polling station:
a) Declare open the polling station and verify the identity and credentials of officials electoral, inspectors of the candidates, observers and professionals of the media
b) Conduct the verification process the voting booth and working papers of the polling station
c) Show the empty ballot box to the official table, the tax candidates, observers and voters present, asking immediately afterwards, one of the official checkers identification and official controller of the ballot paper carrying the sealing of ballot boxes, record the corresponding numbers of the seals
d) Tell posting at the polling station, in a visible place, with the announcement of the composition table of the polling station
e) Ensure freedom of votes of all voters
f) Ensure the maintenance in order in the polling station to ensure the proper functioning of the electoral operations
g) Tell to leave the polling station for the citizens who cannot vote or who have already voted;
h) Not allowing the polling station voters who have clearly drunk or under the influence of drugs or who are suffering from any kind of blunt instrument;
i) prohibit any kind of advertising inside the polling station and to a distance of one hundred meters
j) To authorize, upon request of the voter, the delivery of a new ballot because it was mistaken in its fill or by inadvertence, the deteriorated, the occurrence must be recorded in the minutes
k) Stamp with the word "canceled" on the ballot that was returned, signing it and keeping it in its envelope
l) Provide the necessary explanations, at the request of the voter and the presence of the official table of delegates of candidacies and election observers, about the voting process, without influence option to vote
m) To ask the candidates if they have tax complaints and receive them, and protests that might take place
n) Sign, as well as all officers of the polling station, the protests in the above paragraph
o) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 18
Officer Identification
It is incumbent upon the identification officer:
a) Identify the voter by examining the updated voter registration card or, failing that, the identity card or passport of East Timor, also updated
b) Check if the voter meets the requirement legally required minimum age of 17 years at the day of election
c) Inspect the hands of the voter to ensure that this has not yet voted for the election concerned;
d) Consider whether the voter card is updated and if the voter's name on the list of voters of the tribe which the voter intends to vote
e) Inform the controller of the official ballot if the voter is entitled to be given to him the ballot
f) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 19
Official Ballot Controller
Incumbent upon the official ballot controller:
a) Stamp and sign the back of the ballot
b) Deliver the ballot to the voter
c) To appoint and direct the voter to the voting booth
d) Provide the voter the ballot again, on request, in case of damage or errors in their completion
e) Inform the Secretary of the polling station on the destruction of the first ballot, as described in the preceding paragraph
f) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 20
Official Driver of the Ballot Box
Incumbent upon the official ballot box controller:
a) Ensuring the integrity and security of the ballot box
b) Make sure that only one voter places the ballot in the ballot box
c) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 21
Official Driver of the Candidate of Indelible Ink
It's the official driver candidate of indelible ink
a) Mark with indelible ink on the forefinger of the right hand of the voter, to the height of the cuticle, after it has exercised its right to vote; making sure that the indelible ink has dried
b) It is not possible to stain the right hand of the officer chooses another finger of same hand and, failing that, the left hand
c) Ask the voter leaves the polling station after voting
d) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 22
Queue Controller
Incumbent upon the queue controller:
a) Promote the organization of the queue of voters who are waiting to vote so that only authorized people to enter the polling station
b) Request the voter to have the updated voter registration card in sight, or document that replaces it, in order to display it with the identification officer
c) Check to three o’clock P.M of Election Day is the last voter who is in the queue, so that under the law does not admit the vote of others besides the one last
d) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 23
Cannot be designated election official:
a) The President of the Republic
b) Members of Parliament
c) Members of the Government
d) Public officials
e) The members of Falintil - Defence Force of Timor-Leste, hereinafter referred to as F-FDTL and the National Police of East Timor, called on the PNTL
f) The judges and prosecutors
g) The religious authorities
h) The members of the CNE
i) The Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice and his Deputy
j) Candidates for election
k) The tax candidates.
Article 24
Replacement of Official Election
1. If on election day and up to thirty minutes before the scheduled time for the opening session of the polling station has not been possible to build up the table by not being present all official election indispensable to the normal functioning of that, the president of the respective polling station shall appoint replacements from among local voters of recognized merit.
2. If, after the establishment of table polling station and during the work as election if it finds a lack of officials electoral, the president of the polling center can replace it by any voter recognized capacity found there, with the consent of a majority of officials electoral and inspectors from the present candidates.
3. In the absence of the president of the polling center, it is replaced by the first secretary of the respective polling station to polling station, in turn, is replaced by an identification of checkers the respective polling station.
4. After the replacement, it is considered null and void the appointment of absentee election officials and the chairmen of the polling center report their names to STAE.
5. All replacements shall be clearly indicated in the minutes.
Article 25
Delegates of Candidacies, Political Parties and Party Coalitions
They are delegates of candidacies, political parties and party coalitions for the purposes of this Regulation, the representatives appointed by these elections, which are duly accredited with the purpose to monitor the electoral process.
Article 26
It is an election observer for the purposes of this Regulation, the individual or representing a national or international organization and that requires registration by STAE and this is accepted for purpose of monitoring the electoral process.
Article 27
They are media for the purposes of this Regulation, the print media, broadcasting stations and television, public or private, accredited by STAE, conducting news coverage of the electoral process in Timor-Leste.
Article 28
Accreditation and Training
1. Delegates of candidacies, political parties and party coalitions, election observers and the media must certified by STAE.
2. At a date to be announced by STAE, they will undergo training in the sense that they will become aware of their rights and duties under the electoral process.
3. Delegates of candidacies must:
a. Represent the candidate, political party or party coalition which selected them in the polling station indicated on your credential, according to the code assigned to them
b. To sign the minutes of the electoral operations, and only admits the signing of a tax for each candidate
c. Present protest, in writing, in the event of irregular situations to consider it.
4. For purposes of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, the relevant regulations and codes of conduct proposed by STAE and approved by the CNE.
Article 29
The ballot paper is a sheet of paper printed properly and official entity in which the voter expresses his vote.
Article 30
The ballot has rectangular shape with the size enough to fit a full statement of the candidates or political parties and party coalitions and is printed on white paper, smooth and not transparently.
Article 31
Integral Elements
1. For presidential elections, each ballot paper are printed the names of the candidates and their photographs, in color, as well as the symbol for these freely chosen, arranged horizontally, a below the other, the order that have been drawn under the law.
2. For the parliamentary elections, each ballot paper are printed the names of political parties or coalitions competing for election, and their symbols, colors, arranged horizontally, one below the other, in the order they were drawn.
3. In the row corresponding to each candidate square figure, to be drilled by the voter with a nail in order to express their vote.
4. The mode of the ballot is approved by the CNE on the proposal of STAE.
Article 32
Ballot Papers Rejected
1. The rejected ballot that the voter is misplaced or left out of the urn.
2. It also rejected ballot papers, the report found within the work place where the polling station but was not used, and shall immediately inform the secretary of the polling station occurrence.
3. The rejected ballot should be stamped as canceled and is not considered for purposes of counting and tabulation of election results.
Article 33
Ballot Canceled
1. The ballot is the one who canceled the voter mistakenly punctured or deteriorated.
2. The voter who crippled your ballot can request another driver to the officer of the ballot paper that, after giving inform the Secretary of the polling station, stamp or write "canceled" in the front of the unused ballot paper, sign it and put it in the corresponding envelope in the presence of delegates of candidates and election observers.
3. Checking the situation described in the preceding paragraph, the controller shall deliver the ballot to the voter a new newsletter, sending it to the voting booth to exercise their right of suffrage.
4. Each elector may only have access to two ballot papers not accepted delivery of a third case report will occur if the circumstances described in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 34
Right and Duty to Vote
1. Voting is a right and a civic duty of every citizen in full enjoyment of their civil and political rights.
2. The heads of companies or services from public or private sector, in operation on Election Day, shall grant to his employees, exemption from service, without prejudice to their right to retribution.
3. Employees and agents of the state serving on election day, under the electoral process, exercising their right to vote in the geographical area in which they are working.
4. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, employers of employees who serve on Election Day shall file with the STAE, up to twenty days before the date set for the election, a relationship complete with employee names, photocopies of their voter cards and the mention of the tribes where they provide service.
5. Voters admitted to hospital or prison, who have updated voter registration card or, failing that, identity card or passport of East Timor, also updated, have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote through the voting process walking.
Article 35
Freedom and Secrecy of Vote
1. The vote shall be exercised freely and no one can be forced to disclose, within or outside the polling center or polling station, in whom they voted or whom to vote.
2. The voting booth should be positioned so as to ensure the confidentiality of the voter's choice.
Article 36
Vote Voter with Disabilities
Citizens who are blind or affected by illness or physical disability, who cannot vote themselves, may be accompanied by another voter, chosen by you, which is obliged to maintain secrecy about the meaning of vote.
Article 37
Continuation of Election
The vote takes place without interruption and according to the schedule provided for in this Regulation.
Article 38
Interruption of Electoral Operations
1. The electoral operations may be interrupted, under penalty of nullity of the vote in the following cases:
a) Serious disturbance of public order affecting the freedom of the vote and the proper functioning of the work in the center of the electoral vote and the polling station
b) Serious calamity.
2. The operations are resumed after the president of the polling station to check for conditions that ensure the proper continuation of the vote.
Article 39
Working Elements of the Polling Station
STAE shall ensure that every polling station to polling materials needed, namely those listed in Annex I, which is part of this Regulation.
Article 40
Preliminary Operations
1. The polling station and polling station opens at seven o'clock the day appointed for holding the election, after the table consists of the polling station.
2. For all operations to be considered valid, the table of the polling station should be given to the time in the preceding paragraph of this article.
3. Officials electoral must report to the functioning of local polling station one hour before proceeding with a view to the preparation of all necessary material allowing thus the beginning of electoral operations to take the time established by law.
4. The secretary of the polling station opened the polling station and verifies the identity and credentials of other officials electoral, delegates of candidacies and election observers.
5. It is also the secretaries of the polling station have to post the notice in a conspicuous place in the composition of the board and the candidates admitted to the election.
6. The Secretary, likewise, in conjunction with election officials, examine the voting booth and working papers of the polling station, in the presence of delegates of candidates and of election observers
7. Then the secretary of the polling station will show the empty ballot box to the official table, the delegates of candidacies and to observers attending, asking immediately afterwards, one of the official checkers identification and controller of the official ballot to seal the ballot box, reading aloud the numbers contained in the ballot box seals applied in order to register on the electoral operations minute.
Article 41
Order of Voting
1. Voters vote in the order of arrival at the polling center or polling station by forming in a row.
2. The secretary of the polling station must give priority voters in charge of electoral services, service, safety and security of the polling center, to the notoriously ill and also to physically disabled, pregnant women, medical and paramedical personnel.
Article 42
Procedure of Voting
1. The voter begins by identifying themselves with the updated voter registration card (new mode and non-perforated) that is reviewed by an official of checkers identification, to confirm whether it is on the list voter registration that geographic area.
2. If the voter does not possess a voter card on Election Day, may exercise the right to vote by presenting their identity card or passport of East Timor, provided that the data included in the list of voters census geographic area.
3. Once in the list of voters, the voter's name is drawn, which indicates that he has already served the voters their right to vote.
4. If the voter is not listed in the tribe of voters where to vote, but bears a voter card and updated geographical area corresponding to that census, it will be included in the List
Additional voters, who must register the following data:
a) Name of the voter in question;
b) Number of voting cards;
c) Full address;
d) Signature of the voter.
5. The identification officer is also gauged the voter is 17 years old by the date of election and hands that have no marks of indelible ink, thereby confirming that it has did not vote.
6. It is then delivered to the elector a ballot paper stamped and signed on the back by official ballot controller.
7. Thereafter the voter to the voting booth and then exercises its right, punching the ballot box corresponding to the candidate, political party or party coalition chosen after that, should fold the ballot paper in four and return back to the table where the urn in which deposit the ballot paper.
8. If voters make mistakes in filling out the ballot or if the damage can ask for another report to the official ballot controller, returning the first copy which is signed and canceled by the secretary of the polling station, stamped "Cancelled" on the front of the newsletter.
9. After the vote, the controller shall apply indelible ink marks the index finger of the right hand of the voter, in order to stain the cuticle, to ensure that the voter has the right to vote one time.
10. It is not possible to stain the right hand of the officer chooses another finger of same hand and, failing that, the left hand.
11. After voting, the voter must leave the polling station, except if you want to lodge any complaint or protest.
12. Employees and agents of the state serving on election day, under the electoral process, exercising their right to vote in the geographic area where they are providing that service.
13. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, in each polling station there is a list of voters who are exercising their functions, pre-printed on this list and according to the information referred to the STAE, twenty days before the election date.
Article 43
Procedure for Voting at the Polling Station Walking
1. Polling stations highlighted with teams moving up vote walking the operational plan as defined by STAE.
2. For the purpose of preparing and implementing the operational plan defined in the preceding paragraph, the directions of the health and prison STAE submit, no later than twenty days before the date set for the election, a proposed schedule for the exercise of voting rights in the relevant facilities, a proposal which shall be known and subject to approval by the NEC under of law.
3. The vote walking teams carry with them already sealed ballot boxes and to collect sufficient number of votes, the ballot papers, the book of the polling station and other materials necessary for the exercise of the right to vote.
4. For the purposes stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the sealing of ballot boxes must be made in the corresponding polling station polling center.
5. During all operations inherent in the process of traveling vote, the ballots must remain sealed.
6. The secretary of the polling station identified as walking should only break the security seal on the ballot as the voting center and at the corresponding time of the vote count and tabulation the results.
7. For the collection of votes in the ballot box is taken hospital by officials electoral from bed to bed allowing, therefore, that patients admitted to vote, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and the adaptations of using the list of voters walking, without prejudice to the mandatory presentation of the updated voter registration card, and in his absence, identity card or passport of East Timor to date.
8. For the collection of the votes in prison, the ballots are placed in a location determined by the warden, allowing thus the inmates to vote in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and the adaptations of using the list of voters walking, without prejudice to the mandatory presentation of the updated voter registration card, and in his absence, identity card or passport of East Timor to date.
9. Completed operations of the team walking vote, it returns the corresponding polling station to proceed with the closure of the vote counting and tabulation of results will be held simultaneously with the other polling stations of the corresponding voting center.
Article 44
Questions, Complaints and Protests
1. Any voter or candidate, the operating period of the polling station, may raise doubts about the course of the electoral process and file complaints or protests relating to operations election.
2. Any questions, complaints and protests presented during the voting or after the closing of this are analyzed immediately by official election, who may, if appropriate, consult with STAE.
3. Claims shall be subject to resolution of official election and approved by at least six of them.
4. Decisions shall be communicated to the complainants that if they wish, can direct complaints to CNE, the complaint being submitted in the polling center or polling station where the question was raised and should accompany any claim that the documentation relating to the voting center in question.
Article 45
Closing of Polling
1. The admission of voters in line to vote at the polling station it is up to three o’clock P.M.
2. After this you can only vote for electors who are already in line at the polling station.
3. The Secretary stated that the polling station to vote closed as soon as all voters have voted or enrolled after three o'clock, so that all voters have voted present in the queue polling station.
Article 46
Initial Tabulation
The initial tabulation center begins the work of counting the votes after the closing of the polling center and their polling stations.
Article 47
Opening the Polls
1. After the closing of the polling and resolved the doubts, protests and complaints, the secretary of the polling station account the unused bulletins disables them and stamp them on the face as "unused"
2. The secretary of the polling station, likewise, has canceled ballot papers noting this fact with the stamp "canceled".
3. Counted the ballots and the unused ballot papers canceled totals are noted in the minutes and stored in the envelope of "unused bulletins" and envelope "ballot papers canceled," respectively.
4. It is the secretary of the polling station to count the number of voters marked in the list of voters who voted and tribe, noting that number in the minutes.
5. The secretary of the polling station, assisted by other election officials, carries the polls, the minutes of operation of the polling station and the material previously referred to the place chosen by President within the polling station to proceed with the counting of votes and tabulation of results.
6. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the president of the polling station should choose the most appropriate place and spacious, in that center, in order to allow delegates of candidacies, political parties and Coalition and election observers to monitor the work and the tabulation of election results.
7. Before opening the ballot box, the president of the polling center reads aloud the number of security seals and asks to check the tax numbers of the seals of the ballot box.
8. The ballot box is opened in the presence of election officials, delegates of candidacies, political parties and party coalitions and other observers that there are citizens present.
Article 48
Counting of Votes
The counting of votes must be uninterrupted and meets the following:
a) After opening the box, the president of the polling center newsletters removes the ballot, unfolds them, puts them up with the reverse on the table, checks are stamped and signed, account and note the corresponding number in minutes;
b) Then, the president of the polling center mix all ballots from polling stations and separates them in blocks of fifty;
c) The president reads the votes aloud, showing every vote by those present and separates groups valid votes per candidacy, political party or party coalition, invalid votes and blank ballots
d) Subsequent to stamp and count the votes null and blank votes, if any
e) there are, then, the valid votes per candidate, political party or party coalition
f) The doubts and protests regarding the counting are decided by a majority of at least six election officials
g) Once you decided the doubts and protests, if the claimant disagrees with the decision, has the right to lodge a complaint on a form available at the polling station, getting a copy of same
h) If claims are submitted, the originals of these are introduced, along with the disputed ballots in the envelope "ballot papers claimed"
i) After the counting of the votes to count the disputed votes if any.
Article 49
Valid Vote
It is considered the valid votes where in the report, stating clearly and unambiguously the intent of the voter, provided that drilling will lie within the rectangle that identifies the candidate, political party or coalition chosen party.
Article 50
Blank Ballot
Blank ballot is one that corresponds to a non-perforated ballot by the voter.
Article 51
Null Vote
1. A blank ballot is one that corresponds to a ballot in which:
a) Has been drilled more than a square or when there is a doubt as to which punctured the square
b) Has been drilled the square corresponding to a candidate, political party or party coalition that has withdrawn from the elections or not entitled to it
c) Have any cut, or drawing or erasure has been writing a word.
d) Has been made any mark that identifies the voter.
2. Not be deemed null and void ballot in cases where, even if drilling exceeds the limit of candidate of the rectangle chosen is noticeable sense of the voter's choice and the drilling does not reach the space for another candidate, political party or party coalition.
Article 52
Fill in the Minutes
1. The votes counted and checked for valid candidacy, political party or party coalition results are noted in the minutes and the envelopes marked "valid votes", which are inserted bulletins separate vote by each of the candidates, political parties or coalitions competing for election.
2. Stamped, numbered and checked the blank votes, the results are noted in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "blank votes".
3. Stamped, numbered and checked invalid votes, if any, the results are noted in the minutes and newsletters enclosed in the envelope marked "spoiled ballots".
4. Counted and verified the disputed votes, if any, the results are noted in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "disputed votes" along with the complaints and protests presented.
5. Stamped, numbered and checked canceled ballot papers, if any, the results are noted in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "ballots canceled."
6. Stamped, numbered and checked the ballot papers unused, outputs and serial number are recorded in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "unused ballot papers."
7. The envelopes are sealed and they are discriminated against the number of ballots containing the respective polling stations and polling station with corresponding codes, as well as tribe, district and sub- the district to which they belong.
8. The minute shall also the number of security seals of each of the local and the code of each polling station, the time of opening and closing of the polling, the name of officials electoral and inspectors from the candidates, political parties or party coalitions present as well as protests and complaints and decisions taken.
9. Contains the forms of complaints, if any, the number of complaints is recorded in the minutes.
10. The modes of the minutes of operation of polling stations, counting and district tabulation and national levels are attached as an integral part of this law (Annexes III to VII).
Article 53
Closure of Counting at the Polling Center
1. Noted in the electoral operations minute of count results, this must be signed by the president of the polling center and the Secretaries of the corresponding voting stations.
2. For each polling station, only one admits that the electoral operations minute is signed by a single tax on behalf of each of the candidates, political parties or party coalitions present.
3. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the lack of signature of one or more of the tax proposals, political parties or party coalitions does not imply the invalidity of the Act or of the electoral operations.
4. The signing of the minutes of the electoral operations for a fiscal candidacy, political party or party coalition appears to be mandatory when it presents a claim or a protest.
5. The chairman of the polling center ensure each from candidacy, political parties or party coalitions that present and accredited center, access to interim results of the form initial tabulation affixed to the door of the polling center.
6. Are inserted in the ballot box:
a. The number of votes included in the following envelopes: envelopes of "valid votes", "invalid votes", "white votes", "disputed votes", "ballot papers canceled" and the number corresponding to "Unused ballots", numbers, those that should be stated aloud;
b. The envelope with the minutes of the electoral operations, statements of commitment, the attendance of officials electoral, leaves comments, the list of voters, the additional list of voters, the list walking and the list of voters in the services
c. The unused stamps and stamps.
7. The casket, placed it after the material is sealed and is under the responsibility of the secretaries of polling stations, The Chairman of the polling center routing to the polls district tabulation.
8. The operating procedures of storage and transportation of ballot boxes are defined within the operational and safety plan prepared by STAE, in collaboration with the police, under the supervision of the CNE
9. Other documents and materials are transported and delivered to the district tabulation that after the closure of its activities, shall deliver to the STAE district that shall have custody of those.
10. The interim results form the initial tabulation shall be signed by the President of the voting center and posted on the door of that center, in proper form, prepared by STAE, without prejudice in paragraph 4 of this Article.
Article 54
District Tabulation
1. The district tabulation, whose composition is defined by law, the work starts once you receive at least five minutes of the corresponding voting centers.
2. Once constituted the district tabulation, starts receiving the ballot box in the area for the purpose intended and designated the "Reception Area".
3. In the reception area the president reads the numbers aloud seals and shall open the ballot boxes one by one, and then members of the district tabulation, duly organized for that purpose, to confirm their content using the standard form referred to as "Terms of delivery of ballot box."
4. If it is confirmed that all the material is on the ballot for the center's president and chairman of the corresponding voting district tabulation sign the "Term of delivery of a 'being delivered a copy of this term to the president of the polling center.
5. In the event that is not inside the ballot box all the material above, the president of the polling center corresponding justified in writing in the field for the observations contained in the "Terms of delivery urn ", why the lack verified and sign it.
6. In the case mentioned in the previous president of the district tabulation, note the "Term of delivery of a 'lack of knowledge that took verified and then signs the corresponding term delivering a copy of the president of the polling center and making operations included in the minutes of district tabulation of the event for information and decision Tabulation national levels.
7. Later extracts of the minutes of the original urn electoral operations, the envelope containing the disputed votes and the envelope containing the spoiled ballots, if any.
8. Then, make a photocopy of the sheet of the electoral operations minute containing the results and place that copy in the ballot at the polling station.
9. Following the steps outlined in the preceding paragraphs, withdraw all the stamps and place them on a separate ballot box for later sent to STAE.
10. Inside the coffin of the polling center are the envelope containing the ballot papers valid, the envelope containing the ballot papers unused, the envelope containing the ballot papers canceled the envelope with the blank ballot and envelope with the photocopy of the sheet of the electoral operations minute.
11. The district tabulation proceeds, then the reconciliation of all minutes of the voting centers by the sum of the totals shown in the minutes of the electoral operations of those polling stations.
12. The data for each record of electoral operations are introduced into the electronic template prepared by STAE and approved by the CNE, STAE by operators trained for this purpose.
13. Complete reconciliation of all minutes of the voting centers in the respective district is printed the minutes of district tabulation that will be signed by the Commissioner of the CNE who is overseeing the act of reconciliation, by STAE Coordinator who chairs the House and also by an candidate for tax, political party or party coalition, and the lack of signature of these does not imply the invalidity of or electoral operations minutes.
14. The signing of the minutes set out in the preceding article for a tax candidate, political party or party coalition is mandatory only when this file a claim.
15. It is affixed to the building where the works are underway in the district tabulation station a copy of the minutes referred to in this article.
16. It should also be given a copy of the minutes of each candidate to fiscal, political party or party coalition and sent another copy to the national STAE.
17. Complete clearance of all district operations, meet the minutes of initial tabulation of electoral operations of the voting centers, the district tabulation minutes, envelopes and disputed votes invalid votes, if any, and claims to be placed inside an urn and then sent to the CNE, in Dili.
18. For the purposes of complying with the preceding paragraph, is granted a period of two days from the date of the election.
19. The candidate of fiscal, political party or party coalition and professional observers of the media may attend all phases of district tabulation process.
20. Reconciliation of the minutes sent by polling stations for district tabulation should be done continuously until they give a complete throughout the district tabulation process.
21. It is the police secure the district headquarters of clearance under the laws in force and the present law.
Article 55
National Tabulation Center
1. The CNE received the minutes of district tabulation proceeds in seventy-two hours, the national count, giving the district tabulation minutes, and in answer to a final position on the ballot papers null and claimed, if any, as well as other complaints under the electoral law and regulations.
2. The verification of the minutes of district tabulation includes the ability to hear and determine an informed opinion on any inconsistency or mathematical errors in them occur.
3. Whenever there is any rectification of the electoral operations minute of any polling station or any district tabulation, the grounds and in accordance with the preceding paragraphs, new issue is printed in the minutes, which should include the rationale and the corresponding corrections, which should be attached to original minutes as corrected.
4. Operations and completed within the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, the CNE shall prepare and display at its headquarters the minutes of the provisional tabulation of national results and sends copies of that Act to the STAE and the national media.
5. After the legally stipulated deadline for an appeal, without having been to this place, the CNE shall forward to the Court of Appeal Act tabulation of national results, together with the minutes of initial tabulation and district, and any other documents that may be needed.
6. STAE shall provide all equipment and materials required to operate the National Tabulation Center, namely those listed in Annex II.
7. STAE provides, similarly, the human resources needed for the introduction of the data contained in the minutes of national tabulation.
Article 56
Maintaining Order and Discipline
The chairman of each polling station and the secretary of each polling station, with the support of other officials electoral take steps to maintain the order and discipline during electoral operations to ensure the freedom to vote and your regular exercise.
Article 57
Prohibition of Presence at the Polling Center
1. They are not admitted to the voting at polling stations and voters who have visible symptoms of alcohol or being under the influence of drugs, those who are suffering from weapons or sharp objects as well as those who, by any means interfere or attempt to disrupt order and discipline in the polling place and its surroundings, without prejudice to possible criminal liability.
2. The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages within a radius of one hundred meters of the polling center.
3. Members of F-FDTL and PNTL may not carry any weapon during the period in which they exercise their right to vote.
4. There are still admitted to the polling center and polling stations in the electorate who have already exercised their right to vote and who are not delegates of candidacies, political parties or coalition’s party professionals of the media or duly accredited observers.
Article 58
Prohibition of Advertising
1. It is prohibited on Election Day, any type of electioneering within the work place where the polling center or polling station as well as on the outside to the distance of one hundred meters.
2. Electoral propaganda, including the display of stickers, sweatshirts, pamphlets, symbols, posters, etc., as well as promotional activities of candidates, political parties or coalition’s party in the electoral process.
3. Checking the existence of electoral propaganda that clearly violates the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, it is the president of the polling station to ask the police to withdraw the advertisement in question.
4. Delegates of candidacies, political parties or party coalitions may in no circumstances present at the polling center with symbols or objects that identify them as belonging to those candidates, political parties or party coalitions.
5. A check on the preceding paragraph, the president of the polling center will ask the supervisor to remove the symbols or objects in question and in case of disobedience, the president of the polling station captures the accreditation of the prosecutor and ordered that it leaves the polling station, recording the occurrence in the electoral operations minute.
Article 59
Prohibition of the Presence of F-FDTL
1. It prohibited the presence of elements of F-FDTL in office, in centers or polling stations, without prejudice to paragraph E) of Art. 16. º and art. No. 56. Of this Regulation.
2. Checking the presence of elements of F-FDTL in centers or polling stations to vote for any purpose other than the exercise of the right to vote that assists them, the electoral operations will be suspended until the President of the relevant polling station finds is again ripe for that work can proceed. In any case the period of suspension of the electoral operations can
3. Not more than two hours failing to determine, under the law, the closure of polling stations and ballot boxes sealed for shipment the district tabulation containing the votes obtained so far.
Article 60
Presence of PNTL
1. It only allowed the presence of PNTL officers, on duty abroad, more than twenty-five meters from the polling centers and polling stations, without prejudice to paragraph e) of Art. No. 16 and art. Article 56 of this Regulation.
2. The president of the polling station may request the presence of PNTL within that station if it appears necessary and in order to put an end to riots or acts of violence that may occur and in the case of disobedience of the orders it issues under its competence.
3. The occurrence of any of the situations described in the preceding paragraph is recorded in the minutes, including the identification of people involved, the type of occurrence, its duration, the reasons for the request and time spent by police officers.
4. The PNTL must organize and maintain public order in the vicinity of the polling center, contributing to his conduct to the narrower and stricter enforcement of laws, regulations and codes electoral force.
Article 61
Observers, national or international, duly authorized and identified by STAE, have access to the polling station, the polling stations, the district tabulation and national levels with a view to performance of their duties in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations and codes of conduct drafted by STAE and approved by the CNE.
Article 62
Working Elements of the Tabulation
STAE shall ensure that every initial tabulation center, district and national supply of election materials necessary for their proper functioning and which are, in particular, Annex II, which is part member of this Regulation.
Article 63
Duty of Confidentiality
1. All that, directly or indirectly, exercise functions or accompany the ongoing electoral process in their respective polling centers and polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national are under a duty of confidentiality regarding the treatment of all data, information and documents they have access to the exercise of their functions.
2. Each person covered by the preceding paragraph shall sign a confidentiality statement, which is linked, before commencing their duties.
Article 64
Complaints and Protests
It is considered for purposes of this regulation:
a) Complaint is the act of contesting a decision which the existence of an irregularity that was raised and which seeks to repeal or replace the decision sought;
b) A protest is the act directed against an irregularity detected but not yet considered by the competent electoral management body.
Article 65
Destination of Ballot Papers and Electoral Operation Minutes
1. Ballot papers and minutes of all electoral operations, on paper and computer, are in the custody of STAE, available from the Supreme Court for a period of one year after the announcement of the results elections.
2. After the deadline stated in the preceding paragraph and there is no judicial determination to the contrary, STAE proceeds to the destruction of ballot papers except one copy which will be delivered together with the minutes of the electoral operations, the National Archives for archival purposes.
Article 66
Unlawful Election
Electoral offenses apply the provisions of the Penal Code.
Article 67
Second round for Presidential Elections
This law applies to the second round of presidential elections, with the necessary adaptations.
Article 68
Hereby repeal all contrary standards of establishing by this Regulation.
Article 69
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
List of polling materials required for the operation of polling centers and polling stations:
1. Ballot boxes with their numbered security seals
2. Ballot papers
3. Indelible ink
4. Polling booths in sufficient numbers
5. Form of the minutes of the electoral operations comprises the following:
6. Sheet election results
7. List of attendance of officials electoral
8. Non-disclosure statement to be signed by election officials
9. Book of observations
10. List of voters
11. Additional list of voters
12. List of voters in the service
13. Walking lists
14. Form a result of clearance for posting in a public place
15. Form for the term of delivery of materials
16. Couplet to the polling station
17. Warning sheet to enter the name of officials electoral
18. Copy of the ballot paper in full-size
19. Form for complaints and protests
20. Badges for election officials, agents of candidates, political parties or party coalitions and observers
21. Stamp "CANCELLED"
22. Stamp reading "Respondent"
23. Stamp "BLANK"
24. Stamp "NULL"
25. Stamp "UNUSED"
26. Stamp reading "Presidential Election 2012," or "2012 Parliamentary Election," as appropriate
27. Envelope valid ballot papers
28. Envelope blank ballot papers
29. Envelope for invalid ballot papers
30. Envelope for ballot papers demanded
31. Envelope ballots canceled
32. Envelope for unused ballot papers
33. Candidate complete list of all candidates for the presidency, and alternate candidates, political parties or party coalitions for the parliamentary election
34. Calculator
35. Staplers, pens and a sufficient number of nails
36. Lamps, lanterns or other means of illumination
37. Adhesive tape.
List of polling materials required for the operation of the initial tabulation, district and national levels:
1. Form Minutes of the polling station
2. Form of minutes of the result by polling station
3. Form of delivery term from the ballot box voting centers for the assembly district tabulation
4. Form for the term of delivery of ballot boxes from the district assembly for the CNE
5. Form for complaints and protests
6. Stamp of the National Tabulation Center (NEC)
7. Numbered security seals
8. Urns for the transportation of minutes and disputed votes, if any
9. Envelopes
10. Other office supplies
11. Computer, printer, copier and other computer equipment needed.
No. / DG-STAE/XII/11
Considering the Technical Secretariat of Electoral Administration (STAE) is the body of implementation and administration of the elections and referendum in East Timor;
• Article 65 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
• Article 77 of Law 7 / 2011 and Article 67 of Law 8 / 2011 on the proposed of t the Regulations and Codes of Conduct for Parliamentary and Presidential Elections, respectively
• Article 9 of Decree-Law 1 / 2007, republished in June 2011 on the powers of the General Director of STAE.
• Decision documentation of CNE 007/2011 date December 23th, 2011 on the approval of Regulations and Codes of Conduct for General Elections 2012
Thus, the General Director of STAE, use of its powers send the Regulations and Codes of Conduct for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, approved by the National Electoral Commission for publication in the Official Gazette. The lists codes of Conduct and Regulations for publication are:
• Regulation on the Presentation of the President election Candidates of Democratic Republic of East Timor
• Regulation on the Presentation of the election Deputies Candidates to the National Parliament
• Regulation on the Electoral Campaign for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.
• Regulation on the Procedures of Voting, Votes Counting and tabulation for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Conduct for political parties and party coalitions for the Deputies Election to the National Parliament
• Code of Conduct of Tax Candidates for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Conduct for national and international observers of Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Professional Conduct of the Media for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
• Code of Conduct of candidates for President of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
Dili, December 23th, 2011.
General Director
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8.Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of June 22nd, in Articles 77. And 78 of Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22, and 67 articles. And 68 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, to serve as a code of conduct, as following:
General Provisions
Article 1
This code of conduct governing the acquisition of the status, performance of duties, rights and duties of national and international observers.
Article 2
Observer is a person or representing of national or international organization that requires registration with STAE and accepted for the purpose of monitoring the electoral process.
Election Observers
Article 3
Duties of Observers
1. Election observation is the systematic collection of information, complete and accurate information on the laws, processes, institutions and other factors related to the elections, the impartial and professional analysis of that information and drawing conclusions based on the criteria of absolute requirement in relation to accuracy and impartiality, and the formulation of recommendations is to improve the integrity and effectiveness of the electoral process.
2. The functions of an observer shall include the following:
a. Observe all elections
b. Monitoring, by own vehicle, the transportation of ballot boxes and other elements of the polling center or polling station;
c. Prepare the report of the observation and a same copy to the electoral bodies.
Article 4
Duties of Observers
The national and international observers should observe the following duties:
a) Respect the sovereignty of the Timorese State, the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East Timor and legislation
b) Not interfere or hinder the development of the electoral process and refrain of giving instructions or orders to officials election
c) Refrain from public statements calling issuing into question with regularity of the electoral process
d) Provide the National Elections Commission (CNE) and the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) with a copy of the information that they produce
e) Observe strict impartiality in the conduct of their duties, avoiding any bias or preference relation to national authorities or to candidates
f) Do not display or use symbols of lists of candidates
g) Not to accept or attempt to procure any gifts, favors or inducements from a candidate, his agent or any other organization or person involved in the electoral process
h) Avoid any relationship that could create a conflict of interest with their duties or with the process of observation and assessment of the elections
i) Not receive funding from any agency or officer of Timorese public or private entity
j) Based on all your reports, information and conclusions on documented evidence, factual and verifiable, based on credible sources or information provided by eyewitnesses of good repute
k) Complete the form provided by STAE on the outcome of the election observation mission accomplished
l) Always provided with identification issued by STAE and display it the same in wherever and may be prompted by election officials or other competent national authorities.
Article 5
Rights of Observers
1. The national and international observers enjoy the following rights:
a. Freedom of movement throughout the country
b. Ask the clarification to all the structures involved in the electoral process on the matters related to the electoral process and obtain the corresponding structures of these clarifications in due time
c. Freedom of communication with all candidates and social sectors in the country
d. To monitor all elections
e. Have access to any documentation relating to the electoral process
f. Visit the facilities of the STAE and CNE in order to check the conformity of means to use for the electoral process
g. Freedom of access and communication with representatives of the media
h. Access to all laws, regulations and codes to governing the electoral process
i. Freedom of access to all polling stations and tabulation centers in district and national
j. Communicate and have free access to the CNE and STAE.
2. For the observers to fulfill their duties adequately, election authorities must:
a. Ensure that observers are free to issue public statements without any interference and to report as they suppose appropriate
b. Ensure non-interference in the selection and quantity of election observers
c. Ensure non-interference in the activities of election observers
d. Ensure that there are no pressures, threats or reprisals of any national or foreign citizen who works for an observer or an electoral observation mission to national or international, as well as those who assist or provide information to the observers and missions election observation.
Article 6
Registration of Observers
3. STAE observer provides the credential to the applicant, by filing the appropriate form provided by STAE and the presentation of valid identification documents.
4. At the national observer will require the submission of voter registration card or ID card and the completed accreditation form.
5. International observers will be required to present a passport and duly completed accreditation form.
Transitional and Final Provisions
Article 7
Cancellation of Registration
7.1 CNE, STAE may require you to cancel the registration granted to any observer, national or foreigner, who violates the provisions of this code.
7.2 The request of the CNE is substantiated violations and explaining why you consider this observer that the credential should be canceled
7.3 The STAE proceed with the immediate cancellation of that accreditation.
Article 8
Is repealed any provision to the contrary regarding to the election observers for the presidential and parliamentary elections.
Article 9
Entry into force
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct for national and international observers proposed by STAE
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili, November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
This Code aims to establish the principles and rules of conduct to be observed by the political parties and coalitions in the election of Deputies to the National Parliament of the Democratic Republic of East Timor.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) Article 8. Law No. 5 / 2006 in December 28, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011, June 22nd, and in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 77 of Law no. No. 6 / 2006 on December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22nd, for real as code of conduct, the following:
Throughout the election process, candidates of political parties and coalitions competing for election to the National Parliament, their representatives, activists, supporters and sympathizers, must obey the following rules of conduct:
1. Accept and comply fully with the Constitution, laws, regulations and other regulatory provisions of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
1. Accept the results of the election legitimate or challenge them in court, under the force of electoral laws
2. Participate in the elections with peaceful, democratic and transparent
3. Leading the campaign in a positive way through their action programs and policy proposals
4. Ensure the terms of canvass and limits of electoral laws and regulations
5. Contribute to the clear information and conscious of voters about their programs and proposals of the Government
6. To contribute to the electorate to vote freely, without exerting on any illegitimate influence
7. Respect the rights of other political parties and party coalitions, allowing the free dissemination of political ideas in a pluralistic environment and free
8. Respect the freedom of the press and media
9. Not prevent, by any means, other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters engaged in electoral propaganda and activities of the campaign who are entitled
10. Do not impede the right of any voter to participate in any campaign activity, carried out other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters
11. Cooperate with all authorities who hold responsibilities in the electoral process, in particular, STAE, CNE, the Supreme Court, the security forces and election officials, election inspectors, election observers, national and international professional and the media
12. Cooperate with other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters
13. Respect the secrecy of the vote
14. Not unduly obstruct the work of all those who have roles in the electoral process
15. During the campaign, using language that contributes to a peaceful environment, not slandering, threatening, inciting violence or driving criticism of a personal nature about any person or group of persons, in particular, on the other political parties and party coalitions and their supporters
16. Respect public property and private property, refraining from pasting posters, writing or painting canvass without the authorization of the owners
17. Not to engage in electioneering or religious places of worship, including churches, mosques and temples
18. In accordance with the law, fulfill the duty of proper accounting of the accounts of the election campaign and the principles of fiscal transparency
19. To ensure the cleanliness of the campaign materials used to support the candidacy of a political party
20. Refrain from misuse of state property and public officials for purposes of propaganda and campaigning
21. Do not use public office as a campaign tools
22. Respect the obligations of neutrality and impartiality that are subject public servants in general, very particularly of the electoral administration or collaborating with it
23. Respect the electoral calendar dates
24. Commit to resolve disputes concerning the election campaign between political parties and party coalitions peacefully and through dialogue
25. Report any behaviors that undermine respect for the principles and rules that set out in this code
26. Comply with and enforce this code by its electoral observers, activists, supporters and sympathizers
27. Advise militants, supporters and sympathizers who violate the principles to set forth in this code.
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct proposed by STAE
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections - CNE
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of June 22nd, in Article 77 of Law no. No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22nd, and Article 67 of Law no. No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, to serve as a code of conduct, the following:
Article 1
This code of conduct governs the acquisition of the status, functions and performance of the rights and duties of the tax proposals.
Article 2
Electoral Administrative
It is understood by all election monitoring activities that described in this instrument, it is developed since the days of the vote and subsequent counting of votes and extending until the end of the tabulation of election results.
Article 3
Duties of Tax Candidates
1. The lists that present candidates of presidential and legislative elections may appoint inspectors to follow up on voting and tabulation of the election results for each polling station and in each district tabulation and national levels.
2. During the vote, within the work place where the polling station, may be present only one agent of each candidate so not to impair the normal course of voting operations.
3. The rule provided in previous paragraph applies to the discharge in the polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels.
4. They are the powers of the tax proposals:
a) Monitor the conduct of the voting operations from the installation of polling stations and polling station until final closure, taking place near the polling station
b) Submit questions and get answers during operation of the polling station and also during the tabulation of election results
c) Monitor in own vehicle, the transportation of ballot boxes and other elements of the polling center or polling station
d) Monitoring the process of vote counting and tabulation of election results
e) To mark the minutes and sign all documents relating to the operations of voting and tabulation of the results as they are present
f) To submit the complaints and protests during the election process
g) To direct their complaints to the CNE, if the claims and / or protests are not met and resolved by the decisions of the election officials.
h) Failure to appoint or absence of the tax proposals in the polling stations, polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels, does not constitute basis for challenging the election process.
Article 4
Process of Designation and Accreditation
1. The complete list of designated tax, as well as its center or polling station to which it proposed by the party or party coalition is made in writing by the list respective of candidates to STAE until seven days before the election campaign.
2. The document that shows the tax candidates must be signed by the representative of the list of candidates and contain, for each fiscal indicated, the following data:
a) Full name
b) Number of voting cards.
3. Can only designate as duty of electorate for which they have not applied in final criminal conviction.
4. STAE sends its credentials within five days after the deadline for receipt of the report mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article.
5. Any irregularity occurring, STAE shall immediately notify the representatives of the lists of candidates for that within forty-eight hours proceed to correct them.
6. The deficiency is not remedied by the representative of the list of candidates, duly notified to that effect; issue not to determine to the credential for the tax affected by them.
Article 5
Assignment of the Identification Code
1. Each has a tax identification code assigned by STAE.
2. The identification code referred to determines the polling center and polling station where the inspector shall perform his duties.
Article 6
The exercise of the tax candidate is incompatible with the following functions:
a) Applicant
b) Observer
c) Official election
d) Member of the tabulation district and national levels.
Article 7
Rules of conduct for tax candidates
Delegates of candidacies must meet the following rules of conduct:
a) To maintain impartiality in the course of their duties, not trying to unduly favor the list of candidates that represent and respect the Constitution, laws, and regulations
b) Cooperate with the other tax proposals for the electoral process in a transparent and orderly
c) Display the identification before the national authorities, presenting the same whenever you are prompted by election officials or other competent national authorities.
Article 8
Revocation of registration
1. In the case of breaches of rules of conduct from candidacy, the CNE may require the immediate abandonment of the tax where it is in office.
2. The situation should describe in the preceding paragraph, CNE to STAE requires cancellation of the registration granted, and the STAE proceed immediately as requested and inform the representative of the candidate.
Article 9
Unlawful Election
Electoral offenses apply to the provisions of the Penal Code.
Article 10
is repealed any provision to the contrary regarding the code of conduct for delegates of candidacies for the presidential and parliamentary elections.
Article 11
Entry into vigor
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct of delegates candidates, proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: /STAE/X/2011
This Code aims to establish the rules of conduct to be observed by the presidential candidates of the Democratic Republic of East Timor.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8. Of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011, June 22nd, in conjunction with paragraph 2 of Article 67. of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, for real as code of conduct, the following:
Throughout the election process, candidates for president, their representatives and their supporters must meet the following rules of conduct:
1. Accept and comply fully with the Constitution, laws, regulations and other regulatory provisions of the Democratic Republic of East Timor
2. Accept the legitimate results of the election or contest them before the Court jurisdiction under the election laws in force
3. Participate in elections in a peaceful, democratic and transparent
4. Leading the campaign in a positive way through its proposed policies and programs of action
5. Carry out electoral propaganda terms and limits of electoral laws and regulations in force
6. Contribute to the clear information and conscious of the voters about his candidacy
7. To contribute the electorate to vote freely and not to exercise any illegitimate influence over them
8. Respect the rights of other candidates, allowing free dissemination of ideas in a pluralistic environment and free
9. Respect the freedom of the press and media
10. Not prevent, by any means, that the other candidates and their supporters engaged in electoral propaganda and activities of the election campaign that they are entitled
11. Do not impede the right of any voter to participate in any campaign activity carried out by other candidates and their supporters
12. Cooperate with all authorities who hold in the electoral process, in particular, STAE, CNE and STJ, as well as election officials, agents of candidates, election observers (National and International), professionals media in the security forces, as well as the other candidates and their supporters
13. Respect the secrecy of the vote
14. Not unduly obstruct the work of all those who have roles in electoral process
15. During the campaign, using language that contributes to a peaceful environment, not slandering, threatening, inciting violence or addressing critical personal or gender of any person or group of persons, including other candidates and their supporters
16. Respect private property and public buildings that are owned, refraining from pasting posters, writing or painting canvass without proper authorization
17. Not to engage in electioneering in religious sites such as churches, mosques, temples or other places of worship
18. Refrain from misuse of state property and public officials for purposes of propaganda and campaigning
19. Do not use public office as instruments of campaign
20. Respect the obligations of neutrality and impartiality that public officials are subject in general and in particular of the electoral administration or collaborating with it
21. Respect the electoral calendar dates
22. Commit to resolve disputes concerning with the election between the candidates, peacefully and through dialogue
23. Report any behaviors that undermine respect for the principles and rules that set out in this Code
24. Do not link to apply for political party to be forbidden
25. Do not use the material as defined in paragraph 3 of Article 3 on Regulation of Electoral Campaign necessary the candidate for political party to be forbidden
26. Ensure that your representative, and the tax supporters are aware candidate, comply with and enforce this code.
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct proposed by STAE
Dili, Octoberth , 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections - CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th,, Article 77 of Law no. No. 6 / 2006, December 28th, and Article 67 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, to serve as a code of conduct, the following:
Article 1
This code of conduct governing the acquisition of the status, performance of duties, rights and duties of professional media for the presidential and parliamentary elections.
Article 2
They are professionals of the media, for the purposes of this Code, journalists and correspondents of the press, radio broadcasting stations and television, whether public or private, that are to cover the electoral process in Timor-Leste.
Article 3
Accreditation of Professionals Media
1. The professional media interested in participating of the election coverage should apply to the STAE by own accreditation which enables him to enter the polling stations, polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels.
2. Accreditation is deferred upon presentation of personal identification, proof of professional or a declaration by the media organization in which the professional exercises the functions and form of identification provided by STAE completed.
3. The professional international media will be required to submit proof of professional or a declaration by the media organization for which the professional exercises functions of the passport as identification and personal identification form duly completed.
4. The process of issuing accreditations begins after the publication in the Official Gazette, the President's decree setting the election date and ending on the seventh day before polling day.
5. The validity of the accreditation of journalists, national and international, will become
6. Extinct after the publication of election results by the STJ.
Article 4
Rights of Professionals Media
Professionals and the media, in the exercise of election coverage, are entitled:
a) Access to data sources election under this Regulation
b) To guarantee by the public safety conditions for the exercise of its functions
c) The maintenance of confidentiality of the information source, according to law
d) To be respected by candidates and other officials election.
Article 5
Right of Access
The right of access provided in the preceding article shall be exercised as follows:
a) The professionals of the media are entitled to access the places where unfolds the entire electoral process, including the submission of candidates, the activities of the election campaign, voting, vote counting and tabulation of results for hedging purposes informative
b) The right of access allows the professional to attend the counting of votes and tabulation of results, without prejudice to the following standards
c) The professionals of the media before starting the story in the polling stations, polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national levels, must obtain authorization from the President of the polling center in order to avoid disturbing the normal course of voting process.
Article 6
Duties of Professionals Media
Professionals and the media, in the exercise of election coverage, should:
a) Act with thoroughness and professionalism
b) Comply with applicable laws and regulations to promote electoral and democratic principles
c) Contribute to the achievement of free and fair elections, promoting the dissemination of news supported on concrete facts
d) To give equal opportunity and treatment for various candidates
e) Confirm all the prior information to disclosure, listening to the parties involved or interested in the case and should be able to demonstrate their accuracy at any time
f) For purposes of the provisions in the preceding paragraph, in case of error, the professional and the media should be obliged to correct the information as may be false or inaccurate
g) To maintain the impartiality and independence in news coverage of the facts, through the dissemination of complete and accurate electoral information without express preferences for any list of candidates
h) Refuse gifts, favors or special treatment from the lists of candidates or their representatives, and avoid making promises about the contents of a report
i) Reject the plagiarism, deliberate distortion of reality, unfounded accusations, the use of defamatory language, libelous, abusive, or make incitement to violence or discrimination against people because of color, race, turbidity, national origin, nationality, sex , sexual orientation, religious and political choice or mental or physical disability
j) Differentiate the activity of the candidates of their operation as holders of the organs of political power in the exercise of its functions
k) Assign the testimony gathered by their respective authors
l) Respect the privacy of individuals
m) To refrain from interfering in the electoral operations
n) Do not collect images and information that would compromise the secrecy of the vote
o) During the vote count and tabulation of results, to avoid interfering in the process and disclose only the information provided by STAE, CNE and the Supreme Court for validation and publication of election results.
Cancellation of Accreditation
1.7.1 Upon submission of questions, protests and complaints by the performance of professional or media organization that violates the rules of this code, the CNE can advise you in writing of the irregularity and requesting its correction.
2.7.2 If after the professional or agency warned the media persists in default, the CNE by the reasoned opinion may require the collection and STAE cancellation of accreditation.
3.7.3 The STAE shall proceed as required, by the CNE within 24 hours.
4.7.4 The CNE decision may be appealed in accordance with current legislation.
Article 8
Term of Commitment
1. The professional media that requires accreditation to carry out the election coverage, and submit the forms and documents required under Article 3. Of the present code, sign three copies of a statement of commitment by which undertakes to comply with the provisions of this Code.
2. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the first copy of the declaration of commitment is held by the applicant, the duplicate is filed in the national headquarters of STAE and the third way is referred to the CNE.
Article 9
Is repealed any provision to the contrary relating to the professional media for presidential and parliamentary elections.
Entry into Vigor
This Code shall enter into vigor on the following day on its publication in the Official Gazette.
Code of Conduct of the professional media proposed by STAE
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: 7 October 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Joana Maria Dulce Vitor
3 Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento
4 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
5 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
6 Lucas de Sousa
7 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
8 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
9 Deolindo dos Santos
10 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
11 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
12 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
13 Arif Abdullah Sagran
14 Manuela Leong Pereira
15 Alcino de Araújo Baris
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The election campaign is a neuralgic activity inherent in any electoral process, giving candidates and political parties contesting in the elections to the possibility to make known their political programs and convey their messages, on equal terms.
This Regulation lays down the principles governing the election under paragraph 3 of art. 65 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, the Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, Election Law and the National Parliament Law No. 7 / 2006 on December 28th, Election Law for President of the Republic.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of June 22nd, in Chapter III of Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22nd, and Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, as amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22nd, to serve as the
Following rules:
Article 1
This Regulation lays down the arrangements for the electoral campaign for the election of the President and the National Parliament.
Article 2
1. The provisions of this Regulation shall be binding by all candidates, political parties and coalitions as well as all other institutions and individuals.
2. All candidates, political parties and coalitions have the responsibility to ensure strict compliance with this Regulation through their representatives, members, candidates, leaders, supporters and campaign staff.
Article 3
1. It is understood by the election campaign in constitutional period during in which they carry out the activities defined as electioneering
2. It is understood by all the election propaganda activities aimed at directly or indirectly promotes the candidates of candidates, political parties or party coalitions, including the publication of texts or images that express or reproduce the content of this activity.
3. Materials by means of propaganda, Posters, Banners, Brochures, Texts, Radio or TV Spots, Films and all sorts of propaganda spread by the oral and visual media or in public, and other promotional items, used for the purpose of promoting the candidates.
Article 4
Election Campaign Period
1. The campaign period for the election of the President lasts for fifteen days and ends two days before the day appointed for elections.
2. The campaign period for the election of Deputies to the National Parliament lasts for thirty days and ends two days before the day appointed for elections.
3. For the purposes of the preceding paragraphs, two days preceding the election day not to perform any activity or electioneering campaign or distribute or publish opinion polls and surveys.
Article 5
Head of the Election Campaign
Candidates, political parties and party coalitions designate a responsible campaign that will ensure faithful compliance with this regulation and ensure to contact with election officials, civilians and police.
Article 6
Principles of the Election Campaign
1. The election campaign is conducted in compliance with the following principles:
a) Freedom to canvass
b) Equality of opportunity and treatment for various candidates
c) Impartiality of public entities before the candidate
d) Transparency and supervision of electoral expenses.
In addition to the principles to set out in the preceding paragraph, the codes of conduct, approved by the CNE, will guide the behavior of candidates, political parties and coalitions during the campaign activities undertaken.
Article 7
Supervisory Board
The National Electoral Commission, hereinafter referred to as CNE, checks the compliance with these principles, which apply from the date of fixing the date of election, and adopts measures to ensure compliance and peaceful development of the campaign.
Article 8
Freedom of Speech
During the campaign period cannot be imposed any restriction or censorship of expression principles and programs of political, economic, social and cultural rights, except those which violate the Constitution and laws.
Article 9
Freedom of Assembly
1. During the campaign period and without prior authorization, candidates, political parties and coalitions can organize meetings, demonstrations, rallies, meetings and processions peacefully and not using guns.
2. During the election campaign, no person, authority or institution may prohibit or impede the achievement of the political campaign activities.
Article 10
Presentation of the Schedule of Activities
1. Five days before the campaign period, the candidates, political parties or party coalitions are obliged to provide the CNE activities of their respective campaigns
2. If there is coincidence of time and place for candidates, political parties or party coalitions CNE notify the candidates, political parties or coalition’s coincident mutual agreement on the time and place.
3. If there is no agreement to give time or place, the CNE comes a lot to resolve the situation
4. After the solution, the CNE informed the Police Administration and the respective district.
Article 11
Limitation of Time
The campaign activities can only take place between 08:00 A.M and 6:30 P.M.
Article 12
1. The meetings, rallies and demonstrations in public places or open to the public located near the venues where the headquarters of the organs of sovereignty, the official residences of the holders of sovereign bodies, militarized and military installations, prisons, buildings religious, the headquarters of diplomatic and consular offices of the political parties and the facilities of CNE and STAE is permitted only at such a distance that does not interfere with its operation.
2. The distance refer above must also be respected in relation to demonstrations in the vicinity of ports, airports, telecommunications, nuclear power generation, storage and local storage of water, fuel and flammable material.
Article 13
1. During the election campaign prohibited the use of oral or written language that is:
a) against the offending state institutions and the unity of the Democratic Republic of East Timor;
b) inciting violence
c) defamatory against any citizen, candidate, political party or party coalition
d) Discriminate against race, gender, ideology, religious belief, social status and any fact that is against human rights.
2. It is forbidden for candidates, political parties and coalitions to use language and identify with religious beliefs and sects
3. The election propaganda materials may not be posted in public buildings, religious and private without permission of the owners in buildings or places considered as national treasures and places that impede or obstruct traffic and visibility.
4. Candidates, political parties and coalitions cannot offer any bonus or make promises of rewards to voters or direct threats of reprisals or intimidate voters.
5. There can be no electioneering materials of anonymous source, and all contain the identification of their authors.
6. The CNE can immediately notify and request the intervention of the authorities where the language employed is against the provisions of this Regulation and the Law
7. The CNE may have removed the advertising materials are provided against the provisions of this Regulation.
8. It is strictly forbidden to be in possession of any weapons during the election campaign activities
Article 14
Symbols and Names
Candidates, political parties and coalitions cannot use names or symbols of state institutions in their activities and campaign materials and electioneering.
Article 15
Cleaning the Canvass
1. Candidates, political parties and party coalitions should withdraw all advertising materials used during the election campaign, within one week, starting from the day following the election.
2. An exception to the previous forecast, candidates who participate in a second round of presidential elections until the end of this.
3. If the election propaganda materials are not removed within the prescribed period, the CNE will request the district authorities and police authorities to proceed with its removal.
4. The cost of clean-up of election propaganda materials shall be borne by the candidates, political parties and party coalitions that violate the provisions of this article.
Article 16
Impartiality of Public Media
The media ownership public coverage election information will follow the principles of fairness, equal opportunities and balance and cannot discriminate against any candidate, political parties or party coalitions.
Article 17
Coverage and Content of Transmissions
In programs that are not expressly political campaigning, radio and television cannot convey, explicitly or implicitly, any party preference, be it through visual or oral messages in the form of the use of colors or symbols that can be easily associated with a particular candidate, political party or party coalition.
Article 18
Equal Access to Media
Candidates, political parties and coalitions have equal access to electoral propaganda, radio stations, television and print public and private.
Article 19
Right Antenna
1. During the campaign, radio stations and television reserve candidates, political parties and party coalitions equal airtime.
2. Radio stations and television inform the CNE on the schedule for emissions, with at least three days in advance compared to the beginning of transmissions.
Article 20
Distribution of Airtime
1. If several candidates, political parties and party coalitions demonstrate a willingness to make use of the right to broadcast during the same period, the criterion will be applied in the order of draw to be made by radio or television in the presence of candidates, political parties and of coalitions
2. Once drawn, it will follow the order of the draw, increasing "a", every day of campaigning, the candidate, political party or party coalition that will start the distribution of times that day.
3. In one day, the candidate, political party or party coalition number one in the first draw will take place in the broadcasting time in two days, the candidate, political party or coalition party number two on the second draw will take place, and so on.
Article 21
1. Tariffs for use of the right to broadcast the same and will have to be public for all candidates, political parties and party coalitions.
2. Information on rates should be reported by the media to the CNE before the election campaign.
Article 22
Public Spaces
1. All candidates, political parties and coalitions have equal right to use public spaces, the requirements laid down in Articles 10 and 11 of this Regulation.
2. In case of coincidence in the use of public spaces, the CNE will hold a lottery in the presence of representatives of the candidates, if they have not previously come to an agreement.
Article 23
Surveys and Opinion Polls
In the publication or dissemination of opinion polls and surveys, should be specified in the following data sheet: customer identification, the objective of the survey or opinion poll, the sample, the methodology used and the company or person responsible for the design and its execution.
Article 24
It is understood by all public institutions of the state of the Democratic Republic of East, defined as such according to law.
Article 25
It is considered the public citizen servant who is recruited and appointed to a permanent position in public administration, the corresponding duties and rights proper, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 8 / 2004 of June 16.
Article 26
Other Officials with Public Responsibilities
for purposes of the election campaign, all those who are not civil servants but providing service to any state institution, such as employees of the administration of justice, judges and prosecutors, public defenders, members of the Armed Forces and National Police East Timor, are also covered by this Regulation.
Article 27
Principle of Impartiality
1. Holders of public institutions, civil servants, personnel nominated by political trust and other public officials with responsibilities must respect the principle of equality of citizens before the law.
2. In exercising its functions, the entities referred to in the preceding paragraph shall act impartially towards all candidates, refraining from participating in any activity and make electoral propaganda.
Article 28
Use of Public Property and State Property
1. It is absolutely forbidden to use public property, including facilities, materials, vehicles, financial and human resources, information and any other item of public property for campaign purposes and electioneering.
2. It also prohibited the use of goods which are owned by third parties that have any type of contract or grant with any public entity.
Article 29
Finance Campaign
1. Sources of funding of election campaigns of candidates, political parties and party coalitions, understand their own revenue and income from private financing.
2. The revenues of its own:
a) shares and other contributions from members of the party
b) contributions made by individuals who support the candidate
c) The proceeds of fundraising activities undertaken by the candidate, political party or party coalition
d) The income of the party
e) The capital of the candidates
f) The proceeds of loans.
3. The revenues of private funding:
a) Donations of individuals in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Political Parties;
b) The product of inheritance or legacy.
Article 30
Financing Prohibited
It is forbidden to candidates, political parties and party coalitions accepting cash donations to:
a) Public Enterprises
b) Companies with exclusive capital or a majority of the state
c) Companies utilities
d) legal persons of public utility or activities dedicated to charitable or religious purpose
e) professional associations, trade unions or employers
f) Foundations
g) Governments or foreign legal persons.
Article 31
Financial Regime
Candidates, political parties and coalitions must have separate accounts organized and the election campaign, for spending and revenues so that you can know your financial situation and verify compliance with the obligations imposed by law.
Article 32
Advertising Accounts of the Election Campaign
1. Candidates, political parties and party coalitions shall submit the accounts of the election campaign that the CNE will check within thirty days following the election.
2. The accounts must record all movements from the date of publication of the election date until two days after Election Day.
3. The accounts of the candidates, political parties and coalitions regarding the campaign must be freely published in the Official Gazette, together with the opinion of the CNE within forty-five days from its receipt by the CNE.
4. The CNE will check the accounts within thirty days.
5. The CNE may hire outside experts to assist.
Article 33
Accounting Organization
1. The accounting of the candidates, political parties and coalitions must obey the rules of a sound accounting and contain in particular
a) A breakdown of revenues including those contained in the article about campaign finance
b) The breakdown of costs including:
• Personnel costs
• Expenditure on the acquisition of property
• Expenditure on the acquisition of services
• Borrowing Costs
• Other expenses related to the activities of the candidate, political party or party coalition.
c) A breakdown of capital related to operations:
• Investments
• Debtors and creditors.
2. The information disclosed in the preceding paragraph refers only to the electoral campaign.
3. In order to conduct a follow-up transparent accounting, candidates, political parties and coalitions will open specific accounts in a bank of your choice.
4. All movements of bank accounts should be documented and cannot be made in cash payments worth more than USD 100 (one hundred U.S. dollars).
5. Candidates, political parties and coalitions must inform the CNE on the bank account details and submit their balance sheets.
Article 34
1. Candidates, political parties and coalitions who see their rights affected campaign can complain to the CNE.
2. The CNE establishes a system of assessment of complaints, based on rules of procedures adopted by itself
Article 35
Illegal Electioneering
It is illegal to campaign those laid down in the Penal Code in force.
Article 36
Participation of Electoral Offenses
The CNE will participate to the prosecutor of any acts which constitute unlawful election that he became aware.
Article 37
1. In all matters that not covered in Chapter VI of this Regulation shall be observed the provisions of the Law on Political Parties and the Legal Regime of the Financing of Political Parties.
2. The remaining cases will be resolved in accordance with applicable law.
Article 38
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
Approved in Dili, November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections - CNE
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to C paragraph) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, in conjunction with paragraph 1 of Article 67 of Law no. No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, to serve as the following rules:
Chapter I
Article 1
This Regulation lays down rules concerning the submission of nominations for the election of the President, as provided in Law No. 7 / 2006 of 28 December as well as the rules of litigation relating to this phase of their electoral processes.
Chapter II
Article 2
Identifying data
Considered to be the elements of identification, for the purposes of this Regulation, as following:
a) Full name
b) Date of birth
c) Membership
d) Occupation
e) Place of birth
f) Proof of original citizenship
g) District, Sub-district, village of residence
h) Number of entry in electoral roll.
Article 3
There may be candidates for President of the Republic:
a) The judges and prosecutors in effectiveness of service
b) The career diplomats in effectiveness of service
c) The effectiveness of civil servants in service
d) Members of the Defense Forces of Timor-Leste (FALINTIL-FDTL) in service effectiveness
e) The members of the police service effectiveness
f) The ministers of any religion or cult
g) Members of the National Electoral Commission hereinafter referred to as CNE.
Article 4
Representatives of the Candidates
1. In submitting candidates, applicants are represented a person that selected by them in writing.
2. For reporting purposes, the address and telephone number of the representative are indicated on their candidate process.
Article 5
Elements of the Ballot
1. In order to appear on ballot papers, photographs of the candidates for President of the Republic shall be taken by the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration, hereinafter referred to STAE.
2. In order to appear on the ballot, flags or emblems are sent to STAE within five days following the deadline for submission of candidates.
3. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the flags and emblems should be sent to the electronic filing of STAE in JPEG format with a minimum display resolution of 640 X 480 pixels.
4. The photographs, flags or emblems should occupy on the ballot is the same area as previously defined and communicated to STAE and CNE candidates.
Chapter III
Article 6
Power of Candidates
1. Candidates are presented for a minimum of five thousand voters in all districts, each of whom may not be represented by less than one hundred applicants.
2. Each voter can only be a proponent of single candidate.
Article 7
Place and Deadline for Submission of Candidates
Candidates are submitted to the President of the Supreme Court, hereinafter referred to Supreme Court, within twenty days from the date of publication of the Decree which marks the date of the election.
Article 8
Requirements for Submission of Candidates
1. The presentation consists of delivering a statement that expresses the wish to present the candidate for the election of the President and a declaration of acceptance of candidate.
2. The statement contains the date of the election, the number of signatures of electors required in paragraph 1 of Article 6. Thereof, the particulars of the candidate and the representative of the candidate, and is accompanied by proof of registration of bidders in the census election
3. The statement is also accompanied by a certified copy of voter card candidate and the representative of the candidate as well as the documents in which, on the candidate, prove:
a. The minimum age of thirty-five years
b. The original Timorese citizenship.
4. At the time of submission, the candidate joins the declaration of candidacy signed by them, in which he declares on his honor that is not covered by any ineligibility accepts the candidate and designate its representative.
Article 9
Admission of Candidates
1. The Supreme Court, receiving the candidates, starts to check the regularity of the process, the authenticity of documents and eligibility of candidates.
2. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the President of the Supreme Court is supported by the services of STAE.
3. Ineligible candidates are rejected.
4. Upon the occurrence of procedural irregularities, the representative is notified immediately of the candidate to meet within two days.
5. The final decision for acceptance or rejection is given within ten days of the deadline for submission of candidates, covering all candidates and is immediately notified their representatives to the CNE and STAE.
Article 10
1. The decision on the submission of candidates may be appealed to the panel of the Supreme Court shall be filed within one day.
2. The candidate of the appeal, setting out the basis, is accompanied by all the evidence.
3. The appeal is decided within two days of the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
4. The Supreme Court's decision is notified to the representative of the candidate the applicant, the CNE and STAE.
Article 11
Publicity of the Decision
If no appeals or decided who have been brought under Article 12, the President of the Supreme Court orders posted on the door of the court building a complete list of all candidates, with the mention of having been accepted or rejected.
Article 12
Lottery Candidates
1. In the days following the publication of the lists finally accepted, the president of the Supreme Court held the draw of candidates in the presence of candidates or their representatives who attend the draw for the purpose of assigning them an order on the ballot, involving the production.
2. In cases falling under articles 24 and 25 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28th, keeps the ballot paper has already been approved and stamps are "canceled" in the name of the candidate affected.
3. The result of the draw is posted on the door of the building which houses the headquarters of the Supreme Court, with copies forwarded to the CNE and STAE, which must proceed to display in their respective district offices.
Article 13
Announcement of Candidates Admitted
1. The final list of candidates admitted is immediately sent to the CNE and STAE
2. The STAE shall promote public disclosure of candidates finally accepted by the national radio and other media for three consecutive days.
Article 14
Single Candidate
If the election is allowed only one candidate, the electoral process continues all its dealings with the necessary adaptations.
Article 15
Withdrawal of Candidature
1. Any candidate wishing to withdraw the candidate may do so within seventy-two hours before Election Day, in a statement written by him, with the signature certified by a notary, presented to the President of the Supreme Court.
2. Verified the correctness of the declaration of withdrawal immediately, the President of the Supreme Court sends a copy to post outside the building where the headquarters of the work and notifies the Court that the CNE and STAE.
3. Upon completion of the first vote, any waiver of any of the top two candidates can only occur within forty-eight hours after the same.
4. In case of withdrawal under the preceding paragraph, are called successively the remaining candidates in order of voting, so that by the fourth day after the first ballot, notify the eventual withdrawal.
Article 16
Death or Permanent Disability of the Candidate
1. It is the Attorney General's Office to provide proof of death or require the appointment of three medical experts to verify the applicant's disability, the Supreme Court providing all the elements available to it.
2. The Supreme Court in plenary verifies the death of the candidate or appoint experts within a period not exceeding one day.
3. The experts presented their report within one day, if another is not fixed by the Supreme Court, after that, collectively; decide on the candidate's ability.
4. Upon the occurrence of death or disability of the candidate declared, the President of STJ shall forthwith communicate to the President of the declaration.
Article 17
Counting and Limits Term
1. The limits time provided in this Regulation are continuous.
2. When any act referred to in this regulation involves the intervention of identities or public services, it is considered that the deadline corresponds to the term of office hours of the respective services.
3. If the CNE requested the assistance of any services or public administration bodies in the electoral process, in accordance with Article 65 of Law 7 / 2006 of December 28, it takes a matter of urgency.
Article 18
Competent Court
While the Supreme Court of Justice does not start functions, powers which are conferred by this Regulation shall be exercised by the Court of Appeal.
Article 19
The cases shall be resolved in accordance with applicable law or as the general principles of law.
Article 20
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th¬ , 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No.: / STAE/X/2011
The NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to paragraph c) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28th, in conjunction with paragraph 1 of Article 77 of Law No. 6 / 2006 of December 28th, to serve as the following rules:
Article 1
This Regulation lays down rules concerning the submission of nominations for the election of deputies to the National Parliament, as provided in Law No. 6 / 2006 of 28 December as well as the rules of litigation relating to this phase of their electoral processes.
Article 2
Identifying Data
For purposes of this Regulation, shall be considered to identify the following elements:
a) Full name
b) Date of birth
c) Membership
d) Occupation
e) Place of birth
f) District, Sub-district, village of residence
g) Number of entry in electoral roll.
Article 3
They are ineligible for the National Parliament:
a) The President of the Republic
b) The judges and prosecutors in effectiveness of service
c) The career diplomats in effectiveness of service
d) The effectiveness of civil servants in service
e) Members of the Defense Forces of Timor-Leste (FALINTIL-FDTL) in effectiveness services
f) Members of the police service effectiveness
g) Ministers of any religion or cult
h) The members of the National Electoral Commission hereinafter referred to as CNE.
Article 4
Representatives of the Tenderness
1. In the presentation of the lists of candidates, political parties and party coalitions are represented by a person designated by them.
2. For reporting purposes, the address and telephone number of the representative are indicated on their candidate process.
Article 5
Power of Proposals
1. Candidates are submitted by political parties or coalitions that are duly registered, and the lists may include citizens in the respective non-affiliated parties.
2. No party or party coalition may submit more than one list of candidates
3. No one can be a candidate in more than one list, under penalty of ineligibility.
Article 6
1. Set the date of election and within twenty days thereafter, two or more political parties may form coalitions with the aim of presenting a single list for the election of the National Parliament in the following paragraphs.
2. The formation of coalitions satisfies the provisions of the Law on Political Parties, and reported immediately to the CNE, with mention of their name, abbreviation, flag and emblem.
3. The items referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be transmitted by the CNE to STAE, which immediately releases by Notice published in the Official Gazette.
Article 7
Place and Deadline for Submission
Lists of the candidates are submitted to the CNE within thirty days from the date of publication of the decree which marks the date of the election.
Article 8
Requirements for Submission of List of Candidates
1. The presentation consists of delivering a list of candidates and alternates and the representative of the candidate, which contains elements of their identity, address, telephone contact and the declaration of candidacy.
2. The lists of candidate must follow the organization of a woman legally provided for each set of three candidates.
3. In the list submitted by party coalition must be included after the full name of the candidate, the nomination that proposed it.
4. The list is accompanied with a certified photocopy of the voter registration card for each candidate and the representative candidate.
5. The list is also accompanied with a certificate attesting the registration of political party and in the case of list submitted by party coalition with the approved document, issued by the competent representative bodies of each of the political parties that are part of it.
6. At the time of submission is attached to the declaration of candidacy signed jointly or separately by the candidates in which they state:
a. are not covered by any situation of ineligibility
b. not running for parliamentary elections assigned to another party list, different from that for which they apply
c. accept the candidate by the party or party coalition tendered
d. Accepting the candidate indicated by the representative of political party or party coalition in which they are applying.
7. For purposes of the provisions of this Article, the CNE must prepare the respective relevant manuals and forms.
Article 9
Draw the Lists
1. The day after the deadline for submitting lists of candidates, the CNE conduct the draw from lists submitted by political parties or party coalitions in the presence of their representatives who attend, for the purpose of assigning them an order on the ballot, is preparing a record.
2. The draw and the printing of ballots does not imply the acceptance of candidate lists and consideration should be given effect without regard to the lists that will definitely be rejected.
3. The result of the draw is posted on the door of the building which houses the CNE, and sent a copy to STAE.
Article 10
Admission of Candidates
1. After the draw, the CNE starts to check the regularity of the processes and the authenticity of documents, sending the minutes to STAE with their candidate lists in electronic form.
2. The verification of the identification and registration in the database is promoted by STAE election, within two days.
3. After checking the lists, STAE issue and forwards to the CNE the minutes of checking the lists suitable for admission.
4. Ineligible candidates are rejected.
5. Upon the occurrence of procedural irregularities, the representative is notified of the candidate to meet within two days.
6. The decision is made by the CNE, within ten days of the deadline for submission of candidates, covering all candidates and is immediately notified their representatives and the STAE.
Article 11
Publicity of the Decision
On the day the decision is issued under paragraph 6 of the preceding article, the CNE post it to the door of your building and district offices.
Article 12
1. The decisions of the CNE are subject to complaint by its President and submitted within seventy-two hours after the publication referred to in the preceding article.
2. Have standing to file an opposition candidate, political parties, party coalitions, representatives of the candidates and also any voter provided that the basis is the ineligibility of one or more candidates and to this end gather all the evidence.
3. In the case of complaint against the admission or non-admission of any candidate, the CNE president sends immediately notify the representative of a list to respond, failing that, within twenty-four hours.
4. The CNE must decide within twenty-four hours after the expiry of the previous paragraph.
5. If there are complaints or decides that they are presented, the President of the CNE sends post outside the building of a CNE complete list of all lists allowed.
Article 13
Announcement of Candidates Admitted
1. The list of admitted candidates is immediately sent to STAE.
2. The STAE shall promote public disclosure of candidates accepted by the national radio and other media for three consecutive days.
Article 14
Replacement and Withdrawal of Candidates
1. It is lawful the withdrawal of any candidate, by a declaration signed by him with the signature acknowledged before a notary public, maintaining, however, the validity of the list.
2. The withdrawal of any candidate shall be communicated by him to the political party that tells the CNE, with copy to STAE.
3. There is room for the replacement candidates, up to twenty-one days before the election, the following cases:
a. Elimination of final judgment under appeal founded in ineligibility
b. Withdrawal of candidate
4. . In case of death or illness of the candidate to determine physical and mental impossibility, its replacement can be made within seventy-two hours before the election.
5. The replacement is optional, making the substitutes on the list after the last of the alternates.
Article 15
Withdrawal of List
Withdrawal is permitted to list up to seventy-two hours before Election Day by notifying the respective representative of the CNE who immediately transmits it to STAE.
Article 16
Decisions with respect to nominations for the National Parliament, be appealed to the Supreme Court shall be filed within twenty-four hours after its publication.
Article 17
Have standing to appeal the candidates, political parties, coalitions, representatives of candidates and voters as well.
Article 18
The Supreme Court ultimately decides the appeal within forty-eight hours from the date of receipt of the case, communicating the decision, the same day, the applicant, the defendant entity, the CNE and STAE.
Article 19
Counting and term Limits
1. The time limits provided in this Regulation are continuous.
2. When any act referred to in this regulation involves the intervention of identities or public services, it is considered that the deadline corresponds to the term of office hours of the respective services.
Article 20
Competent Court
While the Supreme Court does not start functions, powers which are conferred by this Regulation shall be exercised by the Court of Appeal.
Article 21
The cases shall be resolved in accordance with applicable law or as the general principles of law.
Article 22
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
No: / STAE/X/2011
The definition of the procedures for voting, vote of counting and tabulation of election results are essential so that the presidential and parliamentary elections are conducted in a transparent, fair and Democratic, ensuring, in this way, Candidates, Officials Election, Delegates of Candidacies, Observers and the voters understand the electoral process and ensure, with success, and the corresponding procedures processing, inherent in election.
Thus, the NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION approves, pursuant to paragraph C) of Article 8 of Law No. 5 / 2006 of December 28, as amended by Law No. 6 / 2011 of 22 June
conjunction with Article 67 of Law No. 7 / 2006 of December 28, as amended by Law No. 7 / 2011 of June 22, and Article 77 of Law No. 6 / 2006 of 28 December, with the amended by Law No. 8 / 2011 of June 22, to serve as the following rules:
Article 1
This Regulation shall apply to elections of the President and members of the National Parliament and discipline their procedures for voting, vote counting and tabulation of election results in the country.
Article 2
Are regulated in the following particular matters:
a) The organization of the polling stations
b) The composition, powers and operation of polling stations
c) The process of voting and operations
d) The process of closing the polling station
e) The process of counting of votes and initial tabulation, district and national election results
f) The guarantee of freedom of vote
Article 3
Is called a polling station where the voter exercises his right to vote, and this center is composed of one or more polling stations.
Article 4
Place of Operation
1. In each seat tribe should run at least one polling station, except that the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration - STAE in the number of voters or the distance between the observed villages that consist of tribe, to determined to create more polling stations, while protecting during the electoral process in the regular exercise of voting rights, without prejudice to its confidentiality.
2. In each polling station can run more than one polling station in accordance with the requirements referred above.
Article 5
Dissemination of the Local Operating
1. The ratio of the total number of voting centers and corresponding location should be sent to the CNE one week before the deadline for publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Upon receipt of the list in the previous paragraph, the CNE, STAE shall notify within five days for this if it appears necessary, will propose an additional or change to the local operation of polling centers and polling stations, under the electoral laws.
3. Within thirty days before Election Day STAE shall publish in the Official Gazette the full list of local operation of polling centers and polling stations, with a copy of that providing information to the CNE and subsequently, its propagation through media.
4. Each polling station will be assigned a code consisting of five digits in each polling station and a corresponding code consists of nine digits, the first five of which represent the center code voting and the last four the number of their polling station, allowing it, in this way, the individual identification of each polling center and polling station.
5. The codes must appear on the ballot and the voter rolls, in the minutes of operation, counting and tabulation of votes.
Article 6
Installation of the Voting Centers
1. The polling stations are installed in public buildings, preferably public schools that offer safety and access to voters.
2. In the absence of public buildings that provide the conditions laid down in the preceding paragraph shall be ordered by STAE headquarters of tribe or community centers.
3. The impossibility of being provided the locations mentioned in this article, STAE shall provide a structure which can be installed in the center of their vote and polling stations.
Article 7
Prohibited Locations
The installation of the polling center at:
a) Police unit
b) Military unit
c) Residence of the traditional chief
d) A private residence
e) Building which is owned by a political party
f) Places of worship or used for worship
g) Hospitals or any building connected to health services, subject to access by walking teams vote in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 34 and Article 43 of this Regulation.
Article 8
Disclosure of the polling place
1. The voter shall vote in the tribe indicated as being the geographical area of the census, assessed and determined based on the information entered in their voter registration card.
2. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the STAE disclose the list of voters by tribe, distributing the voter a password in the number which appears in the list of registered voters who will confirm the place where the voter votes and facilitate election procedures on Election Day.
3. The disclosure must be for a period of seven days from the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the functioning of local polling stations.
Article 9
Support for electoral activities
It is based on the administrators of the districts and sub-districts provide all logistical support required by the local STAE, during the whole electoral process and to develop appropriate arrangements for voter turnout on Election Day.
Article 10
Operation Hours
1. On Election Day, the polling centers and polling stations open at seven o'clock A.M and close at three o’clock P.M, operation continuously during this time.
2. After the closing time, can only vote for electors who are waiting in line to exercise their right to vote, which shall be verified by two controllers and communicated to the queue Secretary of the polling station.
Article 11
Officials Electoral
Considered that official election for national who, having been previously selected by STAE to ensure the operation of polling centers and polling stations during the election process.
Article 12
Requirements for the Selection of Official Election
1. Only national citizens who can read and write may officers electoral can be selected among local citizens.
2. Nobody can be forced to act as electoral officer against his wiliness express and free.
3. Citizens pre-selected with a view to exercising the functions of an election official, shall be submitted earlier to training that provided by STAE.
Article 13
Training of Officers Electoral
1. The training of officials electoral, referred in the preceding article, shall be given under the approved conditions by STAE, which must be supervised by the CNE.
2. Representatives and delegates of candidacies, as well as observers appointed for that purpose, likewise, monitor and observe that they may have no training, however, right to intervene.
3. After training, the General Director of the CNE STAE sends a complete list of official election. Election considered suitable for the performance of their duties and have to placement this information on Notice to the door of the headquarters building of STAE and the corresponding district headquarters.
4. Official election cannot start their work without signing a declaration of commitment under attest to secrecy regarding facts, information, and election procedures that becomes aware in the exercise of their duties.
5. The statement referred in the prior number that prepared by STAE and the officer electoral is required until the conclusion of the electoral process in question.
Article 14
Rights and Duties of Officials Electoral
1. On the day of election and throughout their operation, officials election are exempted from duty for appearance in the workplace, without prejudice to their rights or benefits, including the right of consideration and for this present purpose to the respective employer proof documentary of their participation in the elections that will be issued by STAE.
2. In exercising its functions, officials election are bound to comply with the following duties:
a) Attend the training provided by STAE
b) Maintain an attitude of neutrality and impartiality in relation to all candidates;
c) Ensure the secrecy of all information that they may have knowledge in the exercise of its functions
d) Execute, with diligence, their duties until the completion of the voting and tabulation of results.
3. The breaches of duties by official election imply its responsibility under the law criminal.
Article 15
Composition of the Polling Center and Polling Station
1. Each polling center is headed by a president, commonly called a brigade, which accounts for the center and corresponding voting stations to vote.
2. Each polling station is comprised of:
a) A secretary, responsible of the polling station, which coordinates the work of other officers of their election season
b) Four checkers official identification
c) An official driver of the ballot
d) An officer of the ballot box controller
e) An official driver for the candidate of indelible ink
f) Two official drivers queue
3. In the constitution of the table on Election Day, it is not possible to make the substitutions provided for in this regulation; the polling station requires a minimum of six officials electoral.
Article 16
President of the Polling Center
The chairman of the polling center commonly referred to as brigade:
a) Ensure the proper functioning of the polling center and corresponding polling stations, under the law, regulations and codes of conduct in force
b) Provide technical assistance to the polling station, polling stations and correspondents
c) Use the casting vote; it has the deliberations or decisions that have taken the table whenever there is a vote
d) To assess whether the conditions necessary for resumption of electoral operations that have been interrupted by strange occurrence, natural disaster or civil disturbance
e) Request the presence of the forces of public order and suspend the electoral operations in the event of riots, aggression or violence that may occur either in the local polling station or in that vicinity
f) Tell withdraw forces to maintain public order when their presence is no longer justified
g) Send candidate to post the lists at the entrance of each polling station
h) Direct counting of votes at the polling center
i) To sign the minutes with the results of counting of votes at the polling center
j) Organize delegates of candidacies to sign the minutes of the electoral process.
k) Submit the ballot for the district tabulation station
l) Perform such other functions as conferred by law or regulation.
Article 17
Secretary of the Polling Station
The secretary of the polling station:
a) Declare open the polling station and verify the identity and credentials of officials electoral, inspectors of the candidates, observers and professionals of the media
b) Conduct the verification process the voting booth and working papers of the polling station
c) Show the empty ballot box to the official table, the tax candidates, observers and voters present, asking immediately afterwards, one of the official checkers identification and official controller of the ballot paper carrying the sealing of ballot boxes, record the corresponding numbers of the seals
d) Tell posting at the polling station, in a visible place, with the announcement of the composition table of the polling station
e) Ensure freedom of votes of all voters
f) Ensure the maintenance in order in the polling station to ensure the proper functioning of the electoral operations
g) Tell to leave the polling station for the citizens who cannot vote or who have already voted;
h) Not allowing the polling station voters who have clearly drunk or under the influence of drugs or who are suffering from any kind of blunt instrument;
i) prohibit any kind of advertising inside the polling station and to a distance of one hundred meters
j) To authorize, upon request of the voter, the delivery of a new ballot because it was mistaken in its fill or by inadvertence, the deteriorated, the occurrence must be recorded in the minutes
k) Stamp with the word "canceled" on the ballot that was returned, signing it and keeping it in its envelope
l) Provide the necessary explanations, at the request of the voter and the presence of the official table of delegates of candidacies and election observers, about the voting process, without influence option to vote
m) To ask the candidates if they have tax complaints and receive them, and protests that might take place
n) Sign, as well as all officers of the polling station, the protests in the above paragraph
o) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 18
Officer Identification
It is incumbent upon the identification officer:
a) Identify the voter by examining the updated voter registration card or, failing that, the identity card or passport of East Timor, also updated
b) Check if the voter meets the requirement legally required minimum age of 17 years at the day of election
c) Inspect the hands of the voter to ensure that this has not yet voted for the election concerned;
d) Consider whether the voter card is updated and if the voter's name on the list of voters of the tribe which the voter intends to vote
e) Inform the controller of the official ballot if the voter is entitled to be given to him the ballot
f) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 19
Official Ballot Controller
Incumbent upon the official ballot controller:
a) Stamp and sign the back of the ballot
b) Deliver the ballot to the voter
c) To appoint and direct the voter to the voting booth
d) Provide the voter the ballot again, on request, in case of damage or errors in their completion
e) Inform the Secretary of the polling station on the destruction of the first ballot, as described in the preceding paragraph
f) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 20
Official Driver of the Ballot Box
Incumbent upon the official ballot box controller:
a) Ensuring the integrity and security of the ballot box
b) Make sure that only one voter places the ballot in the ballot box
c) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 21
Official Driver of the Candidate of Indelible Ink
It's the official driver candidate of indelible ink
a) Mark with indelible ink on the forefinger of the right hand of the voter, to the height of the cuticle, after it has exercised its right to vote; making sure that the indelible ink has dried
b) It is not possible to stain the right hand of the officer chooses another finger of same hand and, failing that, the left hand
c) Ask the voter leaves the polling station after voting
d) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 22
Queue Controller
Incumbent upon the queue controller:
a) Promote the organization of the queue of voters who are waiting to vote so that only authorized people to enter the polling station
b) Request the voter to have the updated voter registration card in sight, or document that replaces it, in order to display it with the identification officer
c) Check to three o’clock P.M of Election Day is the last voter who is in the queue, so that under the law does not admit the vote of others besides the one last
d) Perform such other functions as are conferred by law or regulation.
Article 23
Cannot be designated election official:
a) The President of the Republic
b) Members of Parliament
c) Members of the Government
d) Public officials
e) The members of Falintil - Defence Force of Timor-Leste, hereinafter referred to as F-FDTL and the National Police of East Timor, called on the PNTL
f) The judges and prosecutors
g) The religious authorities
h) The members of the CNE
i) The Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice and his Deputy
j) Candidates for election
k) The tax candidates.
Article 24
Replacement of Official Election
1. If on election day and up to thirty minutes before the scheduled time for the opening session of the polling station has not been possible to build up the table by not being present all official election indispensable to the normal functioning of that, the president of the respective polling station shall appoint replacements from among local voters of recognized merit.
2. If, after the establishment of table polling station and during the work as election if it finds a lack of officials electoral, the president of the polling center can replace it by any voter recognized capacity found there, with the consent of a majority of officials electoral and inspectors from the present candidates.
3. In the absence of the president of the polling center, it is replaced by the first secretary of the respective polling station to polling station, in turn, is replaced by an identification of checkers the respective polling station.
4. After the replacement, it is considered null and void the appointment of absentee election officials and the chairmen of the polling center report their names to STAE.
5. All replacements shall be clearly indicated in the minutes.
Article 25
Delegates of Candidacies, Political Parties and Party Coalitions
They are delegates of candidacies, political parties and party coalitions for the purposes of this Regulation, the representatives appointed by these elections, which are duly accredited with the purpose to monitor the electoral process.
Article 26
It is an election observer for the purposes of this Regulation, the individual or representing a national or international organization and that requires registration by STAE and this is accepted for purpose of monitoring the electoral process.
Article 27
They are media for the purposes of this Regulation, the print media, broadcasting stations and television, public or private, accredited by STAE, conducting news coverage of the electoral process in Timor-Leste.
Article 28
Accreditation and Training
1. Delegates of candidacies, political parties and party coalitions, election observers and the media must certified by STAE.
2. At a date to be announced by STAE, they will undergo training in the sense that they will become aware of their rights and duties under the electoral process.
3. Delegates of candidacies must:
a. Represent the candidate, political party or party coalition which selected them in the polling station indicated on your credential, according to the code assigned to them
b. To sign the minutes of the electoral operations, and only admits the signing of a tax for each candidate
c. Present protest, in writing, in the event of irregular situations to consider it.
4. For purposes of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, the relevant regulations and codes of conduct proposed by STAE and approved by the CNE.
Article 29
The ballot paper is a sheet of paper printed properly and official entity in which the voter expresses his vote.
Article 30
The ballot has rectangular shape with the size enough to fit a full statement of the candidates or political parties and party coalitions and is printed on white paper, smooth and not transparently.
Article 31
Integral Elements
1. For presidential elections, each ballot paper are printed the names of the candidates and their photographs, in color, as well as the symbol for these freely chosen, arranged horizontally, a below the other, the order that have been drawn under the law.
2. For the parliamentary elections, each ballot paper are printed the names of political parties or coalitions competing for election, and their symbols, colors, arranged horizontally, one below the other, in the order they were drawn.
3. In the row corresponding to each candidate square figure, to be drilled by the voter with a nail in order to express their vote.
4. The mode of the ballot is approved by the CNE on the proposal of STAE.
Article 32
Ballot Papers Rejected
1. The rejected ballot that the voter is misplaced or left out of the urn.
2. It also rejected ballot papers, the report found within the work place where the polling station but was not used, and shall immediately inform the secretary of the polling station occurrence.
3. The rejected ballot should be stamped as canceled and is not considered for purposes of counting and tabulation of election results.
Article 33
Ballot Canceled
1. The ballot is the one who canceled the voter mistakenly punctured or deteriorated.
2. The voter who crippled your ballot can request another driver to the officer of the ballot paper that, after giving inform the Secretary of the polling station, stamp or write "canceled" in the front of the unused ballot paper, sign it and put it in the corresponding envelope in the presence of delegates of candidates and election observers.
3. Checking the situation described in the preceding paragraph, the controller shall deliver the ballot to the voter a new newsletter, sending it to the voting booth to exercise their right of suffrage.
4. Each elector may only have access to two ballot papers not accepted delivery of a third case report will occur if the circumstances described in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Article 34
Right and Duty to Vote
1. Voting is a right and a civic duty of every citizen in full enjoyment of their civil and political rights.
2. The heads of companies or services from public or private sector, in operation on Election Day, shall grant to his employees, exemption from service, without prejudice to their right to retribution.
3. Employees and agents of the state serving on election day, under the electoral process, exercising their right to vote in the geographical area in which they are working.
4. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, employers of employees who serve on Election Day shall file with the STAE, up to twenty days before the date set for the election, a relationship complete with employee names, photocopies of their voter cards and the mention of the tribes where they provide service.
5. Voters admitted to hospital or prison, who have updated voter registration card or, failing that, identity card or passport of East Timor, also updated, have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote through the voting process walking.
Article 35
Freedom and Secrecy of Vote
1. The vote shall be exercised freely and no one can be forced to disclose, within or outside the polling center or polling station, in whom they voted or whom to vote.
2. The voting booth should be positioned so as to ensure the confidentiality of the voter's choice.
Article 36
Vote Voter with Disabilities
Citizens who are blind or affected by illness or physical disability, who cannot vote themselves, may be accompanied by another voter, chosen by you, which is obliged to maintain secrecy about the meaning of vote.
Article 37
Continuation of Election
The vote takes place without interruption and according to the schedule provided for in this Regulation.
Article 38
Interruption of Electoral Operations
1. The electoral operations may be interrupted, under penalty of nullity of the vote in the following cases:
a) Serious disturbance of public order affecting the freedom of the vote and the proper functioning of the work in the center of the electoral vote and the polling station
b) Serious calamity.
2. The operations are resumed after the president of the polling station to check for conditions that ensure the proper continuation of the vote.
Article 39
Working Elements of the Polling Station
STAE shall ensure that every polling station to polling materials needed, namely those listed in Annex I, which is part of this Regulation.
Article 40
Preliminary Operations
1. The polling station and polling station opens at seven o'clock the day appointed for holding the election, after the table consists of the polling station.
2. For all operations to be considered valid, the table of the polling station should be given to the time in the preceding paragraph of this article.
3. Officials electoral must report to the functioning of local polling station one hour before proceeding with a view to the preparation of all necessary material allowing thus the beginning of electoral operations to take the time established by law.
4. The secretary of the polling station opened the polling station and verifies the identity and credentials of other officials electoral, delegates of candidacies and election observers.
5. It is also the secretaries of the polling station have to post the notice in a conspicuous place in the composition of the board and the candidates admitted to the election.
6. The Secretary, likewise, in conjunction with election officials, examine the voting booth and working papers of the polling station, in the presence of delegates of candidates and of election observers
7. Then the secretary of the polling station will show the empty ballot box to the official table, the delegates of candidacies and to observers attending, asking immediately afterwards, one of the official checkers identification and controller of the official ballot to seal the ballot box, reading aloud the numbers contained in the ballot box seals applied in order to register on the electoral operations minute.
Article 41
Order of Voting
1. Voters vote in the order of arrival at the polling center or polling station by forming in a row.
2. The secretary of the polling station must give priority voters in charge of electoral services, service, safety and security of the polling center, to the notoriously ill and also to physically disabled, pregnant women, medical and paramedical personnel.
Article 42
Procedure of Voting
1. The voter begins by identifying themselves with the updated voter registration card (new mode and non-perforated) that is reviewed by an official of checkers identification, to confirm whether it is on the list voter registration that geographic area.
2. If the voter does not possess a voter card on Election Day, may exercise the right to vote by presenting their identity card or passport of East Timor, provided that the data included in the list of voters census geographic area.
3. Once in the list of voters, the voter's name is drawn, which indicates that he has already served the voters their right to vote.
4. If the voter is not listed in the tribe of voters where to vote, but bears a voter card and updated geographical area corresponding to that census, it will be included in the List
Additional voters, who must register the following data:
a) Name of the voter in question;
b) Number of voting cards;
c) Full address;
d) Signature of the voter.
5. The identification officer is also gauged the voter is 17 years old by the date of election and hands that have no marks of indelible ink, thereby confirming that it has did not vote.
6. It is then delivered to the elector a ballot paper stamped and signed on the back by official ballot controller.
7. Thereafter the voter to the voting booth and then exercises its right, punching the ballot box corresponding to the candidate, political party or party coalition chosen after that, should fold the ballot paper in four and return back to the table where the urn in which deposit the ballot paper.
8. If voters make mistakes in filling out the ballot or if the damage can ask for another report to the official ballot controller, returning the first copy which is signed and canceled by the secretary of the polling station, stamped "Cancelled" on the front of the newsletter.
9. After the vote, the controller shall apply indelible ink marks the index finger of the right hand of the voter, in order to stain the cuticle, to ensure that the voter has the right to vote one time.
10. It is not possible to stain the right hand of the officer chooses another finger of same hand and, failing that, the left hand.
11. After voting, the voter must leave the polling station, except if you want to lodge any complaint or protest.
12. Employees and agents of the state serving on election day, under the electoral process, exercising their right to vote in the geographic area where they are providing that service.
13. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, in each polling station there is a list of voters who are exercising their functions, pre-printed on this list and according to the information referred to the STAE, twenty days before the election date.
Article 43
Procedure for Voting at the Polling Station Walking
1. Polling stations highlighted with teams moving up vote walking the operational plan as defined by STAE.
2. For the purpose of preparing and implementing the operational plan defined in the preceding paragraph, the directions of the health and prison STAE submit, no later than twenty days before the date set for the election, a proposed schedule for the exercise of voting rights in the relevant facilities, a proposal which shall be known and subject to approval by the NEC under of law.
3. The vote walking teams carry with them already sealed ballot boxes and to collect sufficient number of votes, the ballot papers, the book of the polling station and other materials necessary for the exercise of the right to vote.
4. For the purposes stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the sealing of ballot boxes must be made in the corresponding polling station polling center.
5. During all operations inherent in the process of traveling vote, the ballots must remain sealed.
6. The secretary of the polling station identified as walking should only break the security seal on the ballot as the voting center and at the corresponding time of the vote count and tabulation the results.
7. For the collection of votes in the ballot box is taken hospital by officials electoral from bed to bed allowing, therefore, that patients admitted to vote, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and the adaptations of using the list of voters walking, without prejudice to the mandatory presentation of the updated voter registration card, and in his absence, identity card or passport of East Timor to date.
8. For the collection of the votes in prison, the ballots are placed in a location determined by the warden, allowing thus the inmates to vote in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and the adaptations of using the list of voters walking, without prejudice to the mandatory presentation of the updated voter registration card, and in his absence, identity card or passport of East Timor to date.
9. Completed operations of the team walking vote, it returns the corresponding polling station to proceed with the closure of the vote counting and tabulation of results will be held simultaneously with the other polling stations of the corresponding voting center.
Article 44
Questions, Complaints and Protests
1. Any voter or candidate, the operating period of the polling station, may raise doubts about the course of the electoral process and file complaints or protests relating to operations election.
2. Any questions, complaints and protests presented during the voting or after the closing of this are analyzed immediately by official election, who may, if appropriate, consult with STAE.
3. Claims shall be subject to resolution of official election and approved by at least six of them.
4. Decisions shall be communicated to the complainants that if they wish, can direct complaints to CNE, the complaint being submitted in the polling center or polling station where the question was raised and should accompany any claim that the documentation relating to the voting center in question.
Article 45
Closing of Polling
1. The admission of voters in line to vote at the polling station it is up to three o’clock P.M.
2. After this you can only vote for electors who are already in line at the polling station.
3. The Secretary stated that the polling station to vote closed as soon as all voters have voted or enrolled after three o'clock, so that all voters have voted present in the queue polling station.
Article 46
Initial Tabulation
The initial tabulation center begins the work of counting the votes after the closing of the polling center and their polling stations.
Article 47
Opening the Polls
1. After the closing of the polling and resolved the doubts, protests and complaints, the secretary of the polling station account the unused bulletins disables them and stamp them on the face as "unused"
2. The secretary of the polling station, likewise, has canceled ballot papers noting this fact with the stamp "canceled".
3. Counted the ballots and the unused ballot papers canceled totals are noted in the minutes and stored in the envelope of "unused bulletins" and envelope "ballot papers canceled," respectively.
4. It is the secretary of the polling station to count the number of voters marked in the list of voters who voted and tribe, noting that number in the minutes.
5. The secretary of the polling station, assisted by other election officials, carries the polls, the minutes of operation of the polling station and the material previously referred to the place chosen by President within the polling station to proceed with the counting of votes and tabulation of results.
6. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the president of the polling station should choose the most appropriate place and spacious, in that center, in order to allow delegates of candidacies, political parties and Coalition and election observers to monitor the work and the tabulation of election results.
7. Before opening the ballot box, the president of the polling center reads aloud the number of security seals and asks to check the tax numbers of the seals of the ballot box.
8. The ballot box is opened in the presence of election officials, delegates of candidacies, political parties and party coalitions and other observers that there are citizens present.
Article 48
Counting of Votes
The counting of votes must be uninterrupted and meets the following:
a) After opening the box, the president of the polling center newsletters removes the ballot, unfolds them, puts them up with the reverse on the table, checks are stamped and signed, account and note the corresponding number in minutes;
b) Then, the president of the polling center mix all ballots from polling stations and separates them in blocks of fifty;
c) The president reads the votes aloud, showing every vote by those present and separates groups valid votes per candidacy, political party or party coalition, invalid votes and blank ballots
d) Subsequent to stamp and count the votes null and blank votes, if any
e) there are, then, the valid votes per candidate, political party or party coalition
f) The doubts and protests regarding the counting are decided by a majority of at least six election officials
g) Once you decided the doubts and protests, if the claimant disagrees with the decision, has the right to lodge a complaint on a form available at the polling station, getting a copy of same
h) If claims are submitted, the originals of these are introduced, along with the disputed ballots in the envelope "ballot papers claimed"
i) After the counting of the votes to count the disputed votes if any.
Article 49
Valid Vote
It is considered the valid votes where in the report, stating clearly and unambiguously the intent of the voter, provided that drilling will lie within the rectangle that identifies the candidate, political party or coalition chosen party.
Article 50
Blank Ballot
Blank ballot is one that corresponds to a non-perforated ballot by the voter.
Article 51
Null Vote
1. A blank ballot is one that corresponds to a ballot in which:
a) Has been drilled more than a square or when there is a doubt as to which punctured the square
b) Has been drilled the square corresponding to a candidate, political party or party coalition that has withdrawn from the elections or not entitled to it
c) Have any cut, or drawing or erasure has been writing a word.
d) Has been made any mark that identifies the voter.
2. Not be deemed null and void ballot in cases where, even if drilling exceeds the limit of candidate of the rectangle chosen is noticeable sense of the voter's choice and the drilling does not reach the space for another candidate, political party or party coalition.
Article 52
Fill in the Minutes
1. The votes counted and checked for valid candidacy, political party or party coalition results are noted in the minutes and the envelopes marked "valid votes", which are inserted bulletins separate vote by each of the candidates, political parties or coalitions competing for election.
2. Stamped, numbered and checked the blank votes, the results are noted in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "blank votes".
3. Stamped, numbered and checked invalid votes, if any, the results are noted in the minutes and newsletters enclosed in the envelope marked "spoiled ballots".
4. Counted and verified the disputed votes, if any, the results are noted in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "disputed votes" along with the complaints and protests presented.
5. Stamped, numbered and checked canceled ballot papers, if any, the results are noted in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "ballots canceled."
6. Stamped, numbered and checked the ballot papers unused, outputs and serial number are recorded in the minutes and reports included in the envelope labeled "unused ballot papers."
7. The envelopes are sealed and they are discriminated against the number of ballots containing the respective polling stations and polling station with corresponding codes, as well as tribe, district and sub- the district to which they belong.
8. The minute shall also the number of security seals of each of the local and the code of each polling station, the time of opening and closing of the polling, the name of officials electoral and inspectors from the candidates, political parties or party coalitions present as well as protests and complaints and decisions taken.
9. Contains the forms of complaints, if any, the number of complaints is recorded in the minutes.
10. The modes of the minutes of operation of polling stations, counting and district tabulation and national levels are attached as an integral part of this law (Annexes III to VII).
Article 53
Closure of Counting at the Polling Center
1. Noted in the electoral operations minute of count results, this must be signed by the president of the polling center and the Secretaries of the corresponding voting stations.
2. For each polling station, only one admits that the electoral operations minute is signed by a single tax on behalf of each of the candidates, political parties or party coalitions present.
3. For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the lack of signature of one or more of the tax proposals, political parties or party coalitions does not imply the invalidity of the Act or of the electoral operations.
4. The signing of the minutes of the electoral operations for a fiscal candidacy, political party or party coalition appears to be mandatory when it presents a claim or a protest.
5. The chairman of the polling center ensure each from candidacy, political parties or party coalitions that present and accredited center, access to interim results of the form initial tabulation affixed to the door of the polling center.
6. Are inserted in the ballot box:
a. The number of votes included in the following envelopes: envelopes of "valid votes", "invalid votes", "white votes", "disputed votes", "ballot papers canceled" and the number corresponding to "Unused ballots", numbers, those that should be stated aloud;
b. The envelope with the minutes of the electoral operations, statements of commitment, the attendance of officials electoral, leaves comments, the list of voters, the additional list of voters, the list walking and the list of voters in the services
c. The unused stamps and stamps.
7. The casket, placed it after the material is sealed and is under the responsibility of the secretaries of polling stations, The Chairman of the polling center routing to the polls district tabulation.
8. The operating procedures of storage and transportation of ballot boxes are defined within the operational and safety plan prepared by STAE, in collaboration with the police, under the supervision of the CNE
9. Other documents and materials are transported and delivered to the district tabulation that after the closure of its activities, shall deliver to the STAE district that shall have custody of those.
10. The interim results form the initial tabulation shall be signed by the President of the voting center and posted on the door of that center, in proper form, prepared by STAE, without prejudice in paragraph 4 of this Article.
Article 54
District Tabulation
1. The district tabulation, whose composition is defined by law, the work starts once you receive at least five minutes of the corresponding voting centers.
2. Once constituted the district tabulation, starts receiving the ballot box in the area for the purpose intended and designated the "Reception Area".
3. In the reception area the president reads the numbers aloud seals and shall open the ballot boxes one by one, and then members of the district tabulation, duly organized for that purpose, to confirm their content using the standard form referred to as "Terms of delivery of ballot box."
4. If it is confirmed that all the material is on the ballot for the center's president and chairman of the corresponding voting district tabulation sign the "Term of delivery of a 'being delivered a copy of this term to the president of the polling center.
5. In the event that is not inside the ballot box all the material above, the president of the polling center corresponding justified in writing in the field for the observations contained in the "Terms of delivery urn ", why the lack verified and sign it.
6. In the case mentioned in the previous president of the district tabulation, note the "Term of delivery of a 'lack of knowledge that took verified and then signs the corresponding term delivering a copy of the president of the polling center and making operations included in the minutes of district tabulation of the event for information and decision Tabulation national levels.
7. Later extracts of the minutes of the original urn electoral operations, the envelope containing the disputed votes and the envelope containing the spoiled ballots, if any.
8. Then, make a photocopy of the sheet of the electoral operations minute containing the results and place that copy in the ballot at the polling station.
9. Following the steps outlined in the preceding paragraphs, withdraw all the stamps and place them on a separate ballot box for later sent to STAE.
10. Inside the coffin of the polling center are the envelope containing the ballot papers valid, the envelope containing the ballot papers unused, the envelope containing the ballot papers canceled the envelope with the blank ballot and envelope with the photocopy of the sheet of the electoral operations minute.
11. The district tabulation proceeds, then the reconciliation of all minutes of the voting centers by the sum of the totals shown in the minutes of the electoral operations of those polling stations.
12. The data for each record of electoral operations are introduced into the electronic template prepared by STAE and approved by the CNE, STAE by operators trained for this purpose.
13. Complete reconciliation of all minutes of the voting centers in the respective district is printed the minutes of district tabulation that will be signed by the Commissioner of the CNE who is overseeing the act of reconciliation, by STAE Coordinator who chairs the House and also by an candidate for tax, political party or party coalition, and the lack of signature of these does not imply the invalidity of or electoral operations minutes.
14. The signing of the minutes set out in the preceding article for a tax candidate, political party or party coalition is mandatory only when this file a claim.
15. It is affixed to the building where the works are underway in the district tabulation station a copy of the minutes referred to in this article.
16. It should also be given a copy of the minutes of each candidate to fiscal, political party or party coalition and sent another copy to the national STAE.
17. Complete clearance of all district operations, meet the minutes of initial tabulation of electoral operations of the voting centers, the district tabulation minutes, envelopes and disputed votes invalid votes, if any, and claims to be placed inside an urn and then sent to the CNE, in Dili.
18. For the purposes of complying with the preceding paragraph, is granted a period of two days from the date of the election.
19. The candidate of fiscal, political party or party coalition and professional observers of the media may attend all phases of district tabulation process.
20. Reconciliation of the minutes sent by polling stations for district tabulation should be done continuously until they give a complete throughout the district tabulation process.
21. It is the police secure the district headquarters of clearance under the laws in force and the present law.
Article 55
National Tabulation Center
1. The CNE received the minutes of district tabulation proceeds in seventy-two hours, the national count, giving the district tabulation minutes, and in answer to a final position on the ballot papers null and claimed, if any, as well as other complaints under the electoral law and regulations.
2. The verification of the minutes of district tabulation includes the ability to hear and determine an informed opinion on any inconsistency or mathematical errors in them occur.
3. Whenever there is any rectification of the electoral operations minute of any polling station or any district tabulation, the grounds and in accordance with the preceding paragraphs, new issue is printed in the minutes, which should include the rationale and the corresponding corrections, which should be attached to original minutes as corrected.
4. Operations and completed within the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, the CNE shall prepare and display at its headquarters the minutes of the provisional tabulation of national results and sends copies of that Act to the STAE and the national media.
5. After the legally stipulated deadline for an appeal, without having been to this place, the CNE shall forward to the Court of Appeal Act tabulation of national results, together with the minutes of initial tabulation and district, and any other documents that may be needed.
6. STAE shall provide all equipment and materials required to operate the National Tabulation Center, namely those listed in Annex II.
7. STAE provides, similarly, the human resources needed for the introduction of the data contained in the minutes of national tabulation.
Article 56
Maintaining Order and Discipline
The chairman of each polling station and the secretary of each polling station, with the support of other officials electoral take steps to maintain the order and discipline during electoral operations to ensure the freedom to vote and your regular exercise.
Article 57
Prohibition of Presence at the Polling Center
1. They are not admitted to the voting at polling stations and voters who have visible symptoms of alcohol or being under the influence of drugs, those who are suffering from weapons or sharp objects as well as those who, by any means interfere or attempt to disrupt order and discipline in the polling place and its surroundings, without prejudice to possible criminal liability.
2. The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages within a radius of one hundred meters of the polling center.
3. Members of F-FDTL and PNTL may not carry any weapon during the period in which they exercise their right to vote.
4. There are still admitted to the polling center and polling stations in the electorate who have already exercised their right to vote and who are not delegates of candidacies, political parties or coalition’s party professionals of the media or duly accredited observers.
Article 58
Prohibition of Advertising
1. It is prohibited on Election Day, any type of electioneering within the work place where the polling center or polling station as well as on the outside to the distance of one hundred meters.
2. Electoral propaganda, including the display of stickers, sweatshirts, pamphlets, symbols, posters, etc., as well as promotional activities of candidates, political parties or coalition’s party in the electoral process.
3. Checking the existence of electoral propaganda that clearly violates the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, it is the president of the polling station to ask the police to withdraw the advertisement in question.
4. Delegates of candidacies, political parties or party coalitions may in no circumstances present at the polling center with symbols or objects that identify them as belonging to those candidates, political parties or party coalitions.
5. A check on the preceding paragraph, the president of the polling center will ask the supervisor to remove the symbols or objects in question and in case of disobedience, the president of the polling station captures the accreditation of the prosecutor and ordered that it leaves the polling station, recording the occurrence in the electoral operations minute.
Article 59
Prohibition of the Presence of F-FDTL
1. It prohibited the presence of elements of F-FDTL in office, in centers or polling stations, without prejudice to paragraph E) of Art. 16. º and art. No. 56. Of this Regulation.
2. Checking the presence of elements of F-FDTL in centers or polling stations to vote for any purpose other than the exercise of the right to vote that assists them, the electoral operations will be suspended until the President of the relevant polling station finds is again ripe for that work can proceed. In any case the period of suspension of the electoral operations can
3. Not more than two hours failing to determine, under the law, the closure of polling stations and ballot boxes sealed for shipment the district tabulation containing the votes obtained so far.
Article 60
Presence of PNTL
1. It only allowed the presence of PNTL officers, on duty abroad, more than twenty-five meters from the polling centers and polling stations, without prejudice to paragraph e) of Art. No. 16 and art. Article 56 of this Regulation.
2. The president of the polling station may request the presence of PNTL within that station if it appears necessary and in order to put an end to riots or acts of violence that may occur and in the case of disobedience of the orders it issues under its competence.
3. The occurrence of any of the situations described in the preceding paragraph is recorded in the minutes, including the identification of people involved, the type of occurrence, its duration, the reasons for the request and time spent by police officers.
4. The PNTL must organize and maintain public order in the vicinity of the polling center, contributing to his conduct to the narrower and stricter enforcement of laws, regulations and codes electoral force.
Article 61
Observers, national or international, duly authorized and identified by STAE, have access to the polling station, the polling stations, the district tabulation and national levels with a view to performance of their duties in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations and codes of conduct drafted by STAE and approved by the CNE.
Article 62
Working Elements of the Tabulation
STAE shall ensure that every initial tabulation center, district and national supply of election materials necessary for their proper functioning and which are, in particular, Annex II, which is part member of this Regulation.
Article 63
Duty of Confidentiality
1. All that, directly or indirectly, exercise functions or accompany the ongoing electoral process in their respective polling centers and polling stations and tabulation centers in the district and national are under a duty of confidentiality regarding the treatment of all data, information and documents they have access to the exercise of their functions.
2. Each person covered by the preceding paragraph shall sign a confidentiality statement, which is linked, before commencing their duties.
Article 64
Complaints and Protests
It is considered for purposes of this regulation:
a) Complaint is the act of contesting a decision which the existence of an irregularity that was raised and which seeks to repeal or replace the decision sought;
b) A protest is the act directed against an irregularity detected but not yet considered by the competent electoral management body.
Article 65
Destination of Ballot Papers and Electoral Operation Minutes
1. Ballot papers and minutes of all electoral operations, on paper and computer, are in the custody of STAE, available from the Supreme Court for a period of one year after the announcement of the results elections.
2. After the deadline stated in the preceding paragraph and there is no judicial determination to the contrary, STAE proceeds to the destruction of ballot papers except one copy which will be delivered together with the minutes of the electoral operations, the National Archives for archival purposes.
Article 66
Unlawful Election
Electoral offenses apply the provisions of the Penal Code.
Article 67
Second round for Presidential Elections
This law applies to the second round of presidential elections, with the necessary adaptations.
Article 68
Hereby repeal all contrary standards of establishing by this Regulation.
Article 69
Entry into vigor
This Regulation shall enter into vigor on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
Rules proposed by STAE.
Dili, October 7th, 2011
Tomas do Rosario Cabral
General Director
Approved in Dili: November 28th, 2011
By the National Elections – CNE
No Name Signature
1 Faustino Cardoso Gomes
2 Alcino de Araújo Baris
3 Joana Maria Dulce Vítor
4 Maria Angelina Lopes
5 José Agostinho da Costa Belo
6 Silvestre Xavier Sufa
7 Lucas de Sousa
8 Teresinha Maria Noronha Cardoso
9 Tomé Xavier Jerónimo
10 Deolindo dos Santos
11 Vicente Fernandes e Brito
12 Sérgio de Jesus Fernandes da Costa Hornai
13 Pe. Martinho Germano da Silva Gusmão
14 Arif Abdullah Sagran
15 Manuela Leong Pereira
List of polling materials required for the operation of polling centers and polling stations:
1. Ballot boxes with their numbered security seals
2. Ballot papers
3. Indelible ink
4. Polling booths in sufficient numbers
5. Form of the minutes of the electoral operations comprises the following:
6. Sheet election results
7. List of attendance of officials electoral
8. Non-disclosure statement to be signed by election officials
9. Book of observations
10. List of voters
11. Additional list of voters
12. List of voters in the service
13. Walking lists
14. Form a result of clearance for posting in a public place
15. Form for the term of delivery of materials
16. Couplet to the polling station
17. Warning sheet to enter the name of officials electoral
18. Copy of the ballot paper in full-size
19. Form for complaints and protests
20. Badges for election officials, agents of candidates, political parties or party coalitions and observers
21. Stamp "CANCELLED"
22. Stamp reading "Respondent"
23. Stamp "BLANK"
24. Stamp "NULL"
25. Stamp "UNUSED"
26. Stamp reading "Presidential Election 2012," or "2012 Parliamentary Election," as appropriate
27. Envelope valid ballot papers
28. Envelope blank ballot papers
29. Envelope for invalid ballot papers
30. Envelope for ballot papers demanded
31. Envelope ballots canceled
32. Envelope for unused ballot papers
33. Candidate complete list of all candidates for the presidency, and alternate candidates, political parties or party coalitions for the parliamentary election
34. Calculator
35. Staplers, pens and a sufficient number of nails
36. Lamps, lanterns or other means of illumination
37. Adhesive tape.
List of polling materials required for the operation of the initial tabulation, district and national levels:
1. Form Minutes of the polling station
2. Form of minutes of the result by polling station
3. Form of delivery term from the ballot box voting centers for the assembly district tabulation
4. Form for the term of delivery of ballot boxes from the district assembly for the CNE
5. Form for complaints and protests
6. Stamp of the National Tabulation Center (NEC)
7. Numbered security seals
8. Urns for the transportation of minutes and disputed votes, if any
9. Envelopes
10. Other office supplies
11. Computer, printer, copier and other computer equipment needed.
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